How to use "detail" in a sentence


Then a statement, somewhat in detail, of a course to be pursued, seemed fitting and proper

The stranger explained in great detail how he used to work for the government in foreign countries and that, now he was retired, he wanted to move to South America with his wife and daughter

God, you see, is in the detail

But, like I say, God is in the detail

"But, like I say, God is in the detail

"And I also told you that God is in the detail

And an important detail, a very important detail, is that you're in the wrong side of the confessional

Everyone wanted to hear about Sala's pod experience, so she described it slowly, giving every last detail

They began as lovers, sharing every detail of their daily lives - triumphs and failures, joys and frustrations - but by the time the divorce was final, they were strangers

In every repulsive detail, he was precisely like the hideous creature that stalked her nightmares.

Detail for detail."

They're going to ask him to describe the condition of the boy in minute detail."

Zachariah would report their conversation in detail, and Dombey needed to assume a more balanced position for the record

She recounted the dream in detail, and Elliot admitted that her interpretation wasn't strained.

And it proved that Miss Marple had been right in every detail.

I remember, clearly and in great detail, all that I did that day until the time when I stood crying on the top of Primrose Hill