How to use "difficult" in a sentence


It's not very long - only a little over nineteen kilometres - but it's one of the most difficult bike trails in the US

It's not difficult and I should be able to finish in about eighteen hours

Blue John Canyon will be the most difficult part of the hike.

I can see that the trail ahead becomes more difficult

Twenty minutes later, I arrive at the most difficult part of the trail

From here, it would be difficult to climb back up

My rescue was only the first part of a long, difficult fight back to health

A week later, I was back in hospital in Denver for my fifth and most difficult operation

The following weeks were difficult for my family

She tried to climb the table legs, but it was too difficult

It was a difficult question

It's very difficult for me.'

'Well, perhaps it's not difficult for you, but it is for me,' said Alice.

This was another difficult question and Alice could not answer it.

'It was difficult enough for me just to remember where our goal line was.'

'It's going to be difficult travelling with an ape,' said Mr Tribble.

In our violent times it is difficult to imagine the shock and horror that the Whitechapel murders caused in 1888

The Ripper murders were the first of a new kind of crime: serial killings, savage, without an obvious motive, no clues, and very difficult to solve.

It's difficult to say M

Banks are difficult to rob

"Yes, that's the difficult part

It was true; life for most people was difficult

It had taken years for Gran to make her garden because it was so difficult to find soil or plants, but she had made some soil with rotten vegetables and fruit, and slowly found bits and pieces here and there

Real life is difficult, but it's..

It was really difficult to obey

Cham's last day was difficult for everyone

The other woman's expression was difficult to read

Then when you get faster, you can try more difficult ones."

It was going to be difficult to talk to Cham privately

"It's really difficult

That makes things rather difficult for us now.'

Didn't he realize that her grief was as difficult to bear as his? What was he trying to prove?

"How difficult will it be?"

But even so, this shouldn't be terribly difficult

Harry Kennebeck had a poker face that also looked like a poker - hard and plain, dark - and it was difficult to tell if he had any sympathy whatsoever for Tina's plight

The two words blasted out of the speakers in all corners of the diner with such incredible, bone-jarring force that it was difficult to believe that the machine had been built with the capability of pouring out sound with this excessive, unnerving power.

Every ship was created with remarkable care and craftsmanship, and many were in uniquely shaped bottles that made their construction all the more difficult and admirable.

It was true that every dollar had to count, for every dollar of the Network's budget was difficult to come by

It was not difficult

It is difficult to know where to begin this story, but I have chosen a particular Wednesday at the vicarage

'It's difficult

It is difficult to imagine being in such a position, but I cannot believe I would be upset myself.'

And that's very difficult

It was very difficult to get her down to the beach, where after some time my brother caught the attention of some men from a steamboat

But no human being saw as much of them as I did and lived to tell the story, and I can say that I have seen four, five or six of them slowly performing the most difficult work without sound or any other signal

The whole scene was one of moving lights and shadows, difficult for the eyes

'In fact, it may not be so difficult to learn how their fighting- machines work

It is difficult to put up a tent in good weather

'That's quite difficult to eat,' Harris said, smiling.

It's very difficult to prepare tea, and you look tired.'

I thought the job must be very difficult.

Breaking the eggs was difficult for Harris

George and I saw that it was difficult work

'Well, it's difficult to do less work than old J,' George added.

In Saudi Arabia and some other countries, like Pakistan, it is difficult for women to go out to vote

She set up the Everyday Sexism Project website in 2012 after finding it difficult to speak out about sexism

Her father did not want her to be a scientist because it was difficult for women, and he told her to study something different

She, like the other women, had to do lots of difficult tests

This taught her that being a tennis player was more difficult for girls.

In many countries, it is very difficult for women to talk about sexual assault

It is difficult to follow him because his horse is very fast

This time it is very difficult to escape