How to use "energy" in a sentence


"Don't use all your energy, Mr Land

The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

He was suddenly filled with new energy at the sight, at last, of his way of escape from the sewers

Because the Oil Wars left the city short of energy, everyone has a small chip buried under the skin on their wrists, which measures how many units of energy they use

The government uses most of the city's energy to build virtual simulations, so that people can experience beautiful places without actually going anywhere

The little chip under her skin lit up for a second, showing how many energy units she had left

Everyone was given one hundred energy units a week, and they had to be careful not to use them too quickly

With five of them sharing, an hour cost just one energy unit each, so they did this often

"People who want to earn money and energy units," said Ding

It will save space and energy, they say."

"Phew! So we're OK? And I'll see you at the energy center tomorrow, with Apat?"

Sala and Apat arrived at the energy center before it opened, and found Cham already in line to get in

The center was always busy, because everyone was eager to earn energy units

You could run, ride a bicycle, climb, or jump on different machines, which created energy, so then you added the units to your wrist chip

After thirty minutes, Apat was still jumping up and down happily, but Sala and Cham took a break and went to the cafe, where a drinks machine made special mixtures of juice and energy liquids.

Sala explained everything-about the special offer, and their conversation at the energy center.

"Don't use any energy units for me - I'm not bothered," said Sala.

"Then the other thing is, you get loads of energy units," Cham carried on

"Because you're just lying in the pod, they're able to store all the heat energy that your body creates

Then you get it all back as energy units when you come out

Studying at home helped with overcrowding, used less energy, and made teaching easier: well, that's what the government said.

Think of all those energy units! Why don't you like the idea?"

"Once you've got all those energy units and extra money, you are free

Zee brought them a high-energy drink

"We're low on energy units already, so it's hard

When she and Cham left the simulator center, it was still only late afternoon, so Sala went to the energy center

Through an enormous glass wall, Leti showed them the energy storage area

"This is where we'll bring the passengers' energy," he explained

We store that energy here."

She decided to go for a run at the energy center; maybe it would cheer her up

The woman left the energy center and Sala followed, keeping a safe distance

Sala went to the energy center every day, hoping she'd see Wena

She checked the energy center and the crowded walkways instead, but there was no sign of Wena

She passed the time at the energy center, with Niki, or watching story-streams

As soon as she made that decision, most of her nervous energy dissipated

As always, he seemed to be high on something, bursting with energy

He helped her to discover new reserves of energy, new areas of competence in herself

Finished telling him off, she felt pleasantly wrung out, as if some evil, nervous energy had been drained from her.

Computer-controlled designs ebbed and flowed, a riotous and mad - but curiously beautiful - excess of energy consumption.

"In your condition, throwing off all that nervous energy the way you are, two small brandies won't affect you in the slightest."

a new kind of energy you didn't have this morning."

"Who knows? Maybe he's able to move objects by harnessing the heat energy in the air, changing it somehow

Although Reno didn't jump all night with quite the same energy as Las Vegas, and although many tourists had gone to bed, the casino at Harrah's was still relatively busy

some means of focusing his energy, channeling it..."

It wasn't much of a smile; it quivered on his lips as if sustaining it required more energy than lifting a hundred-pound weight

By the time the latest washing-machine-frenziedcat-dead-beloved story was delivered, no creative energy remained for the job at hand

Inspector Slack was praised for his energy and ability

At that time, all my energy was directed at finding Anne Catherick