How to use "evidence" in a sentence


Indeed, the most ample evidence to the contrary has all the while existed and been open to their inspection

I now reiterate these sentiments; and, in doing so, I only press upon the public attention the most conclusive evidence of which the case is susceptible that the property, peace, and security of no section are to be in any wise endangered by the now incoming administration

According to the medical evidence Elizabeth Stride died about 12.56 a.m., or even perhaps at 12.58

There were lots of suspects at the time, but the police did not have any real evidence against them

But there is no real evidence to connect him with the killings

Finally, having heard all the evidence, the judge called for silence

Not wishing to give evidence against Thenardier in court, Marius made immediate arrangements to leave his room

But to do that we need evidence

No fingerprints, no evidence

"Yes, fire kills, and it destroys the evidence

'Mr de Winter has just finished giving his evidence

'Mr de Winter,' the Coroner said, 'you have heard James Tabb's evidence

'They may have to go over the evidence again.'

I heard the boat-builder's evidence

'I have enough evidence to hang you, Max.'

There was no sign that anyone had broken into the house, no obvious evidence of forced entry, and Michael was the only other person with a key

However, his features were large, square, and utterly without evidence of patrician blood, and even after the mellowing influences of elocution teachers, his naturally low, gravelly voice belied his origins in a rough Brooklyn neighborhood.

He preferred to deal with hard facts, realities; that was why he was such a good attorney, so adept at taking threads of evidence and weaving a good case out of them.

Where did she obtain this evidence?

Vince Foster found dead in a Washington park and officially declared a suicide even though most of the forensic evidence points to murder

"You said we ought to come up with more evidence before we go to the newspapers."

The plateau was basically the work of nature, but man's hand was in evidence

But he could find no evidence and no motive.

'If! There is no evidence of any kind that he did.'

I gave evidence next

Inspector Slack's evidence was careful and short

Mrs Lestrange had been asked to give evidence, but a medical certificate, signed by Dr Haydock, said that she was too ill to attend.

The last person to give evidence was Mrs Archer, who cleaned Lawrence Redding's cottage

He had saved Mrs Lestrange from giving evidence at the inquest

And I shall give evidence for him.'

Each narrator will describe what he saw with his own eyes, so that the narrative will be as truthful as possible, and the evidence will be presented as in a court of law.

It was not safe in the vestry, and it was the only evidence of Sir Percival Glyde's secret: that he has no right to his title and his property!