How to use "expression" in a sentence


There was something false about his expression of sadness.

Madeleine, looking hard at Javert without expression, said quietly, 'I'm afraid I don't understand.'

Finally, he looked up from the bill without expression and said, 'Tell me, is business good here in Montfermeil?'

The girl could not understand his behaviour at all, and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"You idiots! This is an investment bank! There's no money here! Everything is done by transfer." And he looks at us all like we are children, with that arrogant expression on his face

"Oh yes, that would be very nice!" She smiles, but in the half-light Oliver thinks he sees something strange in her expression.

"Yes, closer! Help me!" he shouts, and it is then that he sees the strange expression on her face again

He sees that expression in her eyes again

She stands near to him, and he can see the tears in her eyes and the sad expression on her face, but this time he knows it is not real.

Then the door opens and the lawyers return, and Mrs Dawson's expression of sadness returns

And he smiles at her because he thinks this expression suits her best

God, he wishes he could remember last night: not just the girl's expression when he hit her, but everything.

He tries not to remember the expression on Greg's face as the bullet hit him in the back.

Detective Smith is older, his hair a mixture of black and grey, his stomach large, and his expression usually unhappy

She gave Cham a package, then sat watching his expression as he slowly opened it.

Climbing is thirsty work." But there was something odd in his voice again, and a strange expression on his face

Its expression was so wise

Instead, she spent hours sitting on her bench in the Real Space, looking out over the city with a distant expression

The other woman's expression was difficult to read

Then his expression hardened again

His expression of surprise slowly settled into a frown.

She glanced back toward the car, a curious expression on her face.

Evans's surprised expression turned to shock

Then a wild, twisted expression of agony wrenched his face as brutal pain slammed through him

When he smiled, his mouth turned up slightly at the left corner, giving him a vaguely haughty expression, although at the moment he wasn't smiling.

Her expression would have been appropriate to the face of a gypsy fortune-teller peering with a clairvoyant frown at tealeaves.

An expression of pain settled over Billy's face, as if he were suffering genuine physical discomfort because of Elliot's belief in ghosts

Tina had never heard Elliot speak in this tone of voice, and his furious expression was sufficient to chill even her

It was lucky that he was staring at the wine glass and not at me, or something in my expression might have frightened him.

When I left to go home, I looked back and saw her watching me with an anxious expression.

Her face was pale, but had a strange determined expression.

We left him looking after us with a hurt expression.

'Oh, but surely...' There was a worried expression in Miss Marple's eyes

He looked at me uncertainly, then his expression suddenly changed

Her face was the strangest yellow colour and it had absolutely no expression.

Her expression was honest and intelligent, but it had none of the gentleness that is the greatest charm of a woman.

He was obviously concerned about her pale face and sad expression

Her face was pale and thin, and her long suffering in the asylum had affected her mind, so that her expression was vague and her memory confused

Now she looked like the Laura I first met at Limmeridge: her expression was lively once more, she smiled frequently, and she had lost that sad nervous look that made her so very like Anne Catherick