How to use "eye" in a sentence


I had a small telescope with me, so I put it up to my eye to see what he was looking at

At that moment, I felt a strong hand knock the telescope away from my eye.

But now there was nothing above Alices head - not an eye or an ear or a smile

She had a fight with a woman about a piece of soap and got a black eye

When she met her friend Amelia Palmer on September 2nd and 3rd she showed her the black eye and a bruise on her face

Running to the door, he put his eye to the large keyhole and saw the back view of a man who was walking towards the stairs

He looked at the girl out of the corner of his eye

He stood on a cupboard, put his eye to the hole, and looked through it into his neighbours' room.

The other detective, West, is younger and thinner but with an empty look in his eye.

But in her mind's eye, the seven letters reappeared on the chalkboard: NOT DEAD

Male dancers, wearing black tuxedos for the opening number, stood tensely, an eye-pleasing collection of lean, handsome types.

Although Magyck! Excited the imagination and commanded the eye, Elliot wasn't able to give his undivided attention to it

A disgusting cluster of maggots clung to the man's left cheek and to the corner of his eye, feeding off him

At night, the fabled Strip was a dazzling sight, a surging river of light: red, blue, green, yellow, purple, pink, turquoise - every color within the visual spectrum of the human eye; incandescent and neon, fiber optics and lasers, flashing and rippling

Her ability to create a stylish stage show was not a fluke; she had taste and a sharp eye that instantly knew the difference between prettiness and genuine beauty, between cleverness and art

The cluster of maggots squirming on his cheek, at the corner of one eye

Through the fish-eye lens in the door, she saw a young, clean-cut man wearing a blue cap with an unidentifiable emblem on it

To her surprise, through the fish-eye lens, she saw Elliot on the stoop.

As Elliot was opening the driver's door, he saw movement out of the corner of his eye, and he looked up, already sure of what he would see

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that he was standing behind the door

Maybe there was talk in the village streets, a new topic in the pubs - and here and there a messenger, or even an eye-witness of the later events, caused some excitement

By midnight the burning trees along the slopes of Richmond Hill lit up clouds of Black Smoke which covered the whole valley of the Thames, and went as far as the eye could see.

The scissors flew up and almost cut his eye