How to use "forehead" in a sentence


The glass cut his forehead and blood began to flow down his face

Bending down, he closed her eyes and pressed his lips against her forehead

He bent and kissed the sleeping child's forehead just as, nine months earlier, he had kissed her mother's.

He blew out the candle and, just as he was kissing Cosette on the forehead, the footsteps stopped

'You must kiss me on the forehead after I'm dead..

Marius kissed her pale forehead and laid her gently on the ground

Bending down, he took a handkerchief from his pocket, wet it in the river and bathed Marius's blood-stained forehead

'And you can't refuse this time,' Cosette agreed, sitting on Jean Valjean's lap and kissing his forehead

And then he began planting small kisses on her forehead, on her eyes, on her cheeks, her nose, the corners of her mouth, her chin

"Ah." He pushed a curly strand of white hair back from his forehead

"But that's what I've been trying to tell you," Kennebeck said, pushing a lock of snow-white hair back from his forehead

His forehead was furrowed, as if he were concentrating, but that was the only indication that he had anything to do with the elevator's movement.

Danny stared at the oncoming chopper, and lines appeared in his forehead again.

But the lines didn't fade from Danny's forehead.

'I agree,' said Marian, kissing me on the forehead