How to use "gotten" in a sentence


The conversation with Gran had gotten her thinking.

"You've gotten people across?"

By the time, they had all said goodbye, and Sala had gotten home, evening had fallen

Once she had gotten through the premiere of Magyck! She had better start cutting back on the booze

In freshly pressed slacks, a crisp blue shirt, a patterned tie, and a gray sports jacket, he might have been a professional hit man uncomfortably gotten up for the baptism of his Mafia don's grandchild

She had gotten out of the car and had located the control button on the garage wall.

The boys couldn't have gotten very close to such a well-guarded place

He hadn't gotten his papers yet when we found ourselves needing a cooperative mortician

There's more data to be gotten from him."

But the last few days it's gotten completely out of hand

They underestimated me and you, which is why we've gotten this far

"Not until we've gotten rid of those clowns on our tail," he said

"We've gotten this far because we've kept moving and we've been aggressive," Tina said

This was his second pill since he'd gotten out of bed just three and a half hours ago, but he still felt edgy.

The fact that they had gotten this far unhurt didn't make Elliot feel any better about what lay ahead of them