How to use "happiness" in a sentence


But her happiness did not last long

At last she would be cared for, and she could look forward to a life of happiness with Cosette

Her happiness did not last long, however

The December days passed in great happiness for Cosette and for Jean Valjean, too

'It gave me so much happiness just to look at her, and now, through my stupidity, I've lost even that.'

They talked all evening about their dreams, their mistakes, their moments of happiness, their moments of despair

In this way, bathed in happiness, they lived untroubled by the world.

For six weeks, he had known nothing but uncomplicated happiness

This would be his last brief happiness; after that, there would be only darkness.

After two months of happiness with Cosette, he was now in the middle of a war

She rested her head on his knee and said without looking at him, 'Oh, what happiness

So, the problem was solved! The man who threatened his happiness was going to die - was perhaps already dead.

He was still certain to die, and Valjean's happiness would be safe

What happiness!

But his happiness had no sooner returned than it disappeared again in a cloud of despair

For the sake of Cosette's happiness, he would have to try and save the life of the man she loved - the man he hated more than any other in the world.

Cosette stood in the doorway, overcome with happiness

But why don't you say something? Why are you letting me do all the talking? Do you still love me? Oh, I'm so wild with happiness

It was arranged that the couple, who could not believe their sudden, new-found happiness, would live with M

He was proud of having helped to bring her happiness with Marius, but another thing troubled his soul: the fact that nobody, not even Cosette, knew the truth about him

He knew that if he told Cosette and Marius the truth, he would spoil everybody's happiness and he would lose their love and respect

'Cosette,' he said, 'your happiness is the only thing that matters to me

As 'Monsieur Jean', he gradually became a different person to her, and she began not to depend on him for her happiness.

But she loved her husband even more, and she gradually became used to not depending on the old man for her happiness.

Valjean smiled, his eyes shining with love and happiness, but he was beginning to lose strength.

She was as rich in sorrow as you are in happiness

A message - from Cham! His smiling face, saying simply: "Can you come to mine?" Sala's heart flooded with happiness

My happiness was at an end

I welcomed it as a sign of happiness.

'We've lost our chance of happiness

She threw her arms around him and, much to her surprise began to cry with happiness

After all, she'd lived with him for a long time, through years of happiness and years of misery, and she'd come to know the limits of his talent for deception and duplicity

Although the hotel collected this data with, for the most part, the customers' happiness in mind, Tina wondered how pleased these people would be to learn that the Golden Pyramid maintained fat dossiers on them.

Perhaps it was too soon to tell for sure, but he was beginning to think that fate, in an uncharacteristic flush of generosity, had given him a second chance at happiness.

He was convinced that, with her arrival on the scene, he had been granted too much happiness, too fast, too soon, too easily

Elliot saw tears of happiness shining in her eyes.

As soon as Montmorency saw the cat, he barked with happiness

Your mother was very kind to me, so you and your happiness are important to me.