How to use "hiding" in a sentence


They found him hiding with his family and arrested him on September 10th

The wolf said to her, hiding himself under the bedclothes, "Put the cake and the little pot of butter upon the stool, and come get into bed with me."

'Where have you been hiding? Here is Beatrice and this is Giles

No one was hiding there, either

He squinted through the glass into the perfectly black interior, and he had the disconcerting feeling that someone was hiding in there, staring out at him.

"But if that's where they went, then they're not just hiding out, licking their wounds

Tina said, "Elliot, what happens if we stay here, hiding out until we can think of an alternative? How much time do we have? Not much

Who were these two people? Why weren't they hiding in a dark corner somewhere? Why weren't they scared witless? Christina Evans was only an ordinary woman

"The government wouldn't go to all the trouble of hiding this joint out here just to house a handful of researchers or whatever

'You're very clever at hiding things,' I said.

Because the murderer was hiding in the bushes

'But the man might have been hiding in the bushes,' said Mrs Price Ridley

I've been hiding

Towards Sunbury there was something dark, like a hill, hiding our view of the country further away

Each of the Martians, standing in the great curve I have described, had used the tube he carried to fire a large cylinder over whatever hill, wood or other possible hiding-place for guns might be in front of him

There were shouts of fear, the guns suddenly left behind, men on the ground struggling to breathe, and the fast spreading of the dark smoke - a silent black cloud hiding its dead.

The steam stayed in the air for many minutes, hiding the third Martian and the coast

All through this time I and the curate had been hiding in the empty house where we went to escape the Black Smoke

Soon I had an odd feeling of being watched and, turning suddenly, I saw something hiding in some of the bushes

After checking the sky for Martians, we hurried quickly to the house on Putney Hill where he had his hiding-place.

What was my wife hiding from me?