How to use "himself" in a sentence


The man walks in and introduces himself

The Captain had everything he needed lo protect himself and his men

Well, in between the shooting, Bubba told me about himself

I was just walking out again when I saw a little old man who was playing chess with himself at a table near the door

So I walked back to the hotel, and there was the little old man, still playing against himself

One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land

In the field of world policy, I would dedicate this Nation to the policy of the good neighbor: the neighbor who resolutely respects himself and, because he does so, respects the rights of others; the neighbor who respects his obligations and respects the sanctity of his agreements in and with a world of neighbors.

Abbeline himself walked around the Whitechapel Streets until four or five in the morning

Finally, he found himself in the cathedral square

When he had been angry at the world, he had felt calm and sure of himself

But he kept his suspicions to himself, not daring to say what he really believed: that M

Madeleine was making preparations to leave for Montfermeil and to fetch Cosette himself, he had a visitor

The courtroom filled with laughter and Champmathieu began to laugh himself, which did him no good at all.

'I must have been dreaming yesterday,' he laughed to himself

'Javert,' he breathed to himself.

He gazed after her until she had disappeared from sight, then rose to his feet and walked around, laughing and talking to himself

'I can feel her whole soul in it!' he told himself

'If only I hadn't followed them home,' he told himself

But now he understood that Jondrette's business was writing dishonest letters, asking for money from people he imagined were wealthier than himself.

'He must have been the cleverest of them all, 'Javert murmured angrily to himself.

He sent money every Monday to Thenardier, who was in prison, which meant that he had even less money for himself

Unable to control himself, he beat his fists against the walls of the house.

Now she was gone, he told himself, he had no future

He murmured to himself, 'She's going to leave me,' and the pain of those words cut into his heart like a knife.

A few minutes later, he found himself in a long underground passage, a place of absolute peace and silence

He was being followed! He pressed himself against the wall, held his breath and waited

'You killed a man for just thirty francs? You're a fool.' He searched Marius's pockets himself, and then Valjean's.

Jean Valjean continued his evening visits, but the relationship between himself and Cosette became cooler and more distant

The manager of the bank told me this himself

Madeleine! And second, he did not kill Javert because Javert killed himself

He killed himself by jumping into the river.'

The wolf said to her, hiding himself under the bedclothes, "Put the cake and the little pot of butter upon the stool, and come get into bed with me."

And he asks himself once more if he can do it.

But you can't think about that, he tells himself.

Okay, you can do this, Jake tells himself.

"Jesus," Nick says before he can stop himself, and the girl sees him and closes the mobile phone in her hand.

So he tries to make himself comfortable on the small chair

But he mustn't sleep, he tells himself

"Jesus, just stay cool, Dan, just stay cool," he tries to tell himself as the red car slows down

Be cool, Dan, he tells himself.

The cop falls too, and there is a moment of confusion, but then Dan pushes himself up onto his feet and runs

But then he slowly says something as if he does not himself believe what he is saying

How is everything? Your mom and gran? Is Apat behaving himself?" Sala was surprised

The truth is he's lonely by himself at Manderley

Favell got slowly to his feet, walked over to a small table and poured himself some whisky

Mainway carried and held himself as if he were an aristocrat, and his mane of silver hair and his clear blue eyes contributed to the image he wished to project

He can't relieve himself, and he has to be taken to the hospital and catheterized."

Right? Who knows what might make a person like that reveal himself? If he finds out there's going to be an exhumation, maybe he'll react strongly, give himself away

He had taken pleasure in stalking human prey; hell, there had even been a measure of joy in being stalked, for it gave him the opportunity to prove himself by outwitting the hunter on his trail

Don't succumb to paranoia, he warned himself.

Consequently, he'd stationed himself here, at the head of the escalator, and had pretended to be interested in the keno board

Harry Kennebeck had come from a dirt-poor family and, by his own estimation at least, made quite a lot of himself

Kennebeck had lifted himself out of poverty through hard work and steely determination

Don't forget he used to play it himself."

"He should have built a double blind to protect himself."

The sound of her laughter startled Elliot, but then he had to admit to himself that he did not feel menaced by the work of this poltergeist

He might not understand it himself

Risky as it might be to express doubt to any colleague on the project, Dombey could not control himself: "Clean? This whole thing was never clean

He also knew that the funeral director had not killed himself

Crouching low, trying to make as small a target of himself as possible, Elliot ran to where he had seen the snow move

A warm, animal satisfaction rose in him, which was not an entirely welcome feeling, for he liked to think of himself as a civilized man

He could only manage to get on a plane after he had medicated himself

After three years the President had declared himself delighted with the accomplishments in South America, and he had asked George to take charge of one of the Network's domestic bureaus - Nevada - which had been terribly mismanaged

More shocking still to the sensibilities of patrician Easterners like them: on three occasions, in South America, Alexander had been in a position where it had been necessary for him to pull the assassin's trigger himself

George liked to believe that they might even find it in their hearts to forgive him for having pulled the trigger himself.

At least that was the way George saw it; he thought of himself as heroic

He decided he would kill her himself when the time came, and that thought gave him an instant erection.

He didn't try to pretend otherwise with himself, no matter what face he had to present to the world

He considered himself a messenger of death, a divinely appointed headsman

Elliot almost fell into a trance himself

Danny became excited when he saw her drawing near, and in spite of his terrible condition, he shakily thrust himself into a sitting position, clutching at the bed rails with one frail, trembling hand, eagerly extending his other hand toward her.

Almost thirteen months ago, when Danny and the other boys in his troop were on their winter survival outing, one of our scientists, a quirky son of a bitch named Larry Bollinger, accidentally contaminated himself while he was working alone one morning in this lab."

He just went right off the rails," Dombey said, obviously embarrassed that one of his colleagues would lose control of himself under those circumstances

Apparently, he convinced himself he could run away from the infection

For as long as he could remember, he had been fascinated with death, with the mechanics and the meaning of it, and he had longed to know what it was like on the other side - without, of course, wishing to commit himself to a one-way journey there

The police said he killed himself, but I knew he was afraid to die, so I didn't think that was true.'

It was only after the accident that I discovered he had put a second set of the control switches inside the disintegration booth, so that he could use himself as the object of the experiment.

I had no doubt that Andre would kill himself unless I could make him change his mind

At that moment, Griselda and Dennis came in and said I must not stop Lawrence from enjoying himself.

'Mr Redding went to the police station himself

'Lawrence must have put it back to 6.20 to give himself an alibi

'He gave himself up,' said Griselda.

'Every man has to decide for himself.'

'My wife knew, and my nephew Dennis, and Colonel Protheroe himself mentioned it that morning in the village

'Oh, but Lawrence is very attractive himself,' said Griselda

'He did his best to get himself arrested for the murder.'

When the poor young man was found dead and the letter was read, everyone would think that he had shot Colonel Protheroe and killed himself because he felt so guilty

That quieted him a little, and when he saw Henderson, the London journalist, in his garden, he shouted over the fence and made himself understood.

He found himself lying under a group of burnt dead men and horses

The man he held pulled himself free and ran off down the road in the direction from which he had come.

Still recovering, my brother found himself facing the man who had held the horse's head, and realized that the cart was moving away along the road

The big man tripped over him, and when my brother got to his feet he found himself facing both of them

The rest of the time he just talked to himself, and I began to realize that he had gone completely mad.

Montmorency went to put his nose over the frying pan once, and burnt himself

Harris tried to open the tin with a little knife, and he cut himself

She lies down again and turns her face to the wall, and James throws himself down beside her.

He was a weak, lazy hypochondriac who considered himself a man of artistic sensibility

Then, perhaps, he'll break the engagement himself.'

He then smiled to himself and laughed

He told me that Count Fosco had accompanied the body from London and had gone to the funeral (which my uncle himself had been too ill to go to)