How to use "hold" in a sentence


I smile and hold out my hand, 'My name's Aron.'

Now, will it hold my weight? I sit in the harness

I hold my leg in the sunlight

If I can throw the rope around this, it might hold everything in the right position.

Then I tie my climbing bag on my arm to hold it

"I can't hold it

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

I hold that, in contemplation of universal law and of the Constitution, the Union of these States is perpetual

The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the government, and to collect the duties and imposts; but beyond what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere

If it were admitted that you who are dissatisfied hold the right side in the dispute, there still is no single good reason for precipitate action

On the contrary, I hold that non-cooperation is a just and religious doctrine; it is the inherent right of every human being and it is perfectly constitutional

I ask, is it unconstitutional for a policeman or for a soldier to tender his resignation when he knows that he is called to serve a Government which traduces his own countrymen? Is it unconstitutional for me to go to the agriculturist and say to him "it's not wise for you to pay any taxes, if these taxes are used by the Government not to raise you but to weaken you?" I hold and I venture to submit, that there is nothing unconstitutional in it

'It takes more than a small town prison to hold a man as strong as that,' they all agreed.

Beneath the stars, they were happy just to look into each others eyes and hold each other's hands

They would sit and hold hands and talk, or just gaze into each other's eyes and smile.

She took hold of Marius's hand with her wounded hand and, without seeming to feel the pain, guided it to her pocket, from which he took the letter.

All he has to do is make her hold it for a second

You pick it up, hold it like a club and swing it.

Junior looks a bit happier now, and for twenty minutes Owen talks to him about how to hold the gun and how to walk with it, while his son listens carefully and asks sensible questions that show a real interest

Sala felt fear catch hold of her

'Will your husband hold the Manderley Fancy Dress Ball this year? I remember the last one so well

He'll be there to hold the young bride's arm when Max is sentenced to death.'

She took hold of the two lines - one heavy cable and one ordinary insulated wire - and they seemed to come alive in her hands, like a pair of snakes, resisting her

As he drew near, he opened his arms, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for him to hold and comfort her, as if he had held her many times before, and she leaned against him in the same spirit of familiarity

She was forced to hold her brandy snifter in both hands to keep it steady.

This time she was able to hold the glass in one hand.

Most likely, Michael won't be able to get hold of a judge until Monday morning, and by then it'll be too late."

Just to hold the boat until we could see it and make up our minds."

"Better get hold of your men at the airport," Kennebeck said

"That's Stryker's military-intelligence training taking hold," Kennebeck said

"We have a pretty good hold on him

I'll hold the pen against the map, and maybe Danny can draw the route for us."

If you can get hold of Billy, he can hypnotize me

Get hold of Jack Morgan and tell him to get the chopper ready

He twisted around, leaned over the back of the seat, and quickly fetched the rope from the pile of outdoor gear in the cargo hold

I want to hold him."

The book you now hold in your hands - assuming that you are not quadridexterous and holding it with your feet - was the second book I wrote under the pen name Leigh Nichols

It was no time for fair fighting, and my brother quieted him with a kick, then took hold of the collar of the man who held the younger lady's arm

They walked to where the lady in white was struggling to hold the frightened horse

I took hold of his arm, afraid that he might cry out, and for a long time we remained still

And it is strangest of all to hold my wife's hand again, and to think that I have thought of her, and that she has thought of me, among the dead.

I need two people to hold the chair

Maria, come here and hold the light

Two of them hold the rope