How to use "job" in a sentence


What will I need for the job? The knife, that's certain, but also a tourniquet to stop the blood

It's still not sharp enough to do the job.

My job is to study everything dead or alive under the sea

I kill sharks and whales because it's my job

Got a job at the Temperer factory.'

On Friday November 30th Druitt lost his job at a private school for some unknown reason

In 1795, he had lost his job as a tree-cutter

'I used to work in Paris, but my husband died and I lost my job.' She could not tell Mme Thenardier the truth, which was that she had been made pregnant by a young man who had then abandoned her

As soon as I find a job, I'll come and fetch her

An unmarried woman with a child was a terrible thing in those days, and Fantine lost her job

'I lost my job because of you

'I honestly didn't know that you had lost your job, but I'll try to help you now

You will, of course, dismiss me from my job, as I've shown that I don't deserve your trust.'

Cosette gazed at the doll for several minutes but, remembering her job, she sighed and continued on her way

'A fine job!' the elder girl called back

Twenty-one years old, no job, no money

Normally Nick likes his job, but not today

It is a good job, he thinks

Still, he likes the title of his job

You don't have a job

Content with his job, his life, his expensive house and his two expensive cars.

Cham's dad Tian knew how to fix the old equipment: that was his job

I have my job..."

My job was to talk to them, light their cigarettes and tidy the room after they had gone.

Your job here is to lead us away from it.'

She landed a position as choreographer for a two-bit lounge revue, a dismally cheap imitation of the multimillion-dollar Lido, and eventually she took over the costumer's job as well

Almost a year ago, shortly after Danny had died, Tina had been offered a directing and co-producing job on a huge ten-million-dollar extravaganza to be staged in the two-thousand-seat main showroom of the Golden Pyramid, one of the largest and plushest hotels on the Strip

At first, it had seemed terribly wrong that such a wonderful opportunity should come her way before she'd even had time to mourn her boy, as if the Fates were so shallow and insensitive as to think that they could balance the scales and offset Danny's death merely by presenting her with a chance at her dream job

Although she was bitter and depressed, although - or maybe because - she felt utterly empty and useless, she took the job.

He had seen Tina's work in some lounges around town, and he had surprised her when he'd offered her the chance to co-produce Magyck! At first, she hadn't been sure if she should take the job

She did a first-rate job

She had done a pretty damn good job of it too.

"Most of the director's job is finished

And the regular service is forty percent cheaper than an emergency job."

She gritted her teeth, however, and restrained the urge to leave the room with the job uncompleted.

She thanked him, and he said he was only doing his job

I think he takes his job seriously

If you put a secret installation in the middle of all that lonely land, you have a pretty easy job maintaining security."

He was eight or nine years old, and he was curious about the details of a dealer's job

It was Jacklin's job to conceive new welfare programs, convince the Secretary of Health and Welfare that those programs were needed, sell them to the Congress, and then establish convincing bureaucratic shells to conceal the fact that the programs were utterly phony; and as federal funds flowed to these false-front operations, the money was diverted to the Network

What would the elder Alexander's, the famous statesmen, think if they knew he'd soiled his hands with blood? As for the fact that it was sometimes his job to order other men to kill, he supposed his family would understand

It wasn't a pretty job, but it also wasn't without a measure of real dignity and heroism

"I mean, what's your job?"

The risk is part of the job."

"And if I don't stay here, if I walk away and get a job at a civilian research center, that'll be just one less rational voice in this place

By the time the latest washing-machine-frenziedcat-dead-beloved story was delivered, no creative energy remained for the job at hand

Considering the fearsome number of meetings I had to sit through, my per-hour wage penciled out at less than I would have made if I had taken a part-time job at McDonald's.

'Don't you think,' said my wife, 'that Miss Cram might just like having an interesting job?'

'It's your job to tell me.'

'But first, the vicar and I have a little job to do.' So we said goodbye to Miss Marple and walked back to the woods.

That's the job you have always wanted to do.'

As we worked I thought about the job, and soon some doubts began to come into my mind

When Uncle Podger did a job, everybody in the house helped

Uncle Podger looked at the picture and said, 'It was such an easy job!'

This was not an easy job.

George did his job well, but Harris was completely confused.

I thought the job must be very difficult.

This was a very big job

Is typing the only job there is in this world? You are a teacher, are you not?' said Mercy.

He may be able to speak to someone in your government office so that after the baby is born you can keep your job there.'

'Look at the excellent job the soldiers have done, cleaning up the country of all that dirt

do you mean the army officer who has just been given the job of..

He had found me a job in Cumberland in the north of England: four months teaching drawing to the nieces of Mr Frederick Fairlie of Limmeridge House

He wrote to me, asking me to use my contacts to find him a job in a distant country

People thought that a woman's only job was being a wife and mother

Shirin lost her job as the president of the city court, and she had to work as a secretary.

In January 2018, she left her job in China because the BBC were paying women less than men

She had a baby in 2018 and was only the second prime minister to have a baby while she was in the job

She flew aeroplanes for her job at the age of twenty