How to use "quickly" in a sentence


As I start cycling, I wonder how quickly I can get to the start of the trail.

After a sudden storm, canyons can quickly fill with water

The time passes quickly Midday arrives without me realising.

He said something to one of his men, and the man went downstairs quickly

I fell asleep quickly

Ned worked quickly to set if free

'That didn't hurt,' she said and sat up quickly

'I'm going to vanish!' She quickly took the hat off.

The Mouse moved quickly away from her.

'No, no,' said Alice quickly

The Mouse looked angrily at her and swam quickly away.

'Oh!' Her head hit the top of the house and she put the bottle down quickly.

She ran out of the house as quickly as she could.

She quickly ate a little from the white mushroom in her left hand

It didn't hit her, but she left the room quickly.

'I hope they finish the trial quickly,' she thought

'I didn't!' the March Hare said quickly.

'Here!' cried Alice and stood up quickly

We must act quickly.

Our host quickly brought him over

You thought you could kill me for the two thousand pounds of the insurance policy, didn't you? You wanted to kill me with brandy, didn't you? But you wanted me to die quickly

Slinkton turned quickly away from us for a second and put his hand to his mouth

Polly Nichols's killer worked quickly and silently, and disappeared like a ghost

Then he hid in the darkness of Dutfield's Yard, and when Mr Diemschutz ran into the club, he quickly escaped

He did not see a young boy run out with a note that the innkeeper had quickly written

He knocked on the doors of people's houses, but news of his arrival had quickly spread and nobody would offer him shelter from the cold

The night was not very dark; there was a full moon, hidden from time to time by large clouds moving quickly across the sky

He suddenly turned away and moved quickly to the cupboard

Madeleine's arrest spread quickly around the town

The beggar raised his face and stared hard at Valjean for just a second, then quickly bowed his head

There was a full moon, and this pleased Valjean as he moved quickly along the narrow streets

He gripped Cosette's hand and began to walk more quickly

Marius looked up quickly and saw that his visitor was a thin girl wearing just a skirt and shirt

Picking up a pen that lay on the table, she wrote on a piece of paper, Be careful! The police are coming! She showed Marius her work and then, changing the subject quickly, for no reason at all, she gazed into his eyes and said shyly, 'Do you know, M

'You're a good girl,' the man said, rising quickly to his feet

Leblanc rose and, standing with his back to the wall, looked quickly round the room

She picked up the piece of paper and handed it to her husband, who read it quickly.

Gillenormand moved quickly towards him, pulled him back into the room and pushed him into an armchair.

Marius bent down quickly, and saw that it was indeed that unhappy girl, dressed in a man's clothes.

They had left quickly, at nightfall, bringing their servant, Toussaint, with them, but very little luggage

Jean Valjean, who had arrived unnoticed at the barricade, had been listening to the argument and had quickly understood the situation.

He looked round quickly and saw a tall man in a long coat, a large stick in his hand

With Marius in the back seat, Valjean and Javert side by side in the front, the carriage drove off quickly through the dark and strangely empty streets of Paris.

He read the letter quickly

Marius had only read the letter quickly, and could not remember the details, so he said, 'Go on.'

Perhaps, quickly wrap the straps around her hands

"Easily," she says, but again she pauses, and Branwell sees her turn quickly to look over her shoulder

She looks over her shoulder again quickly and automatically as if she does it a hundred times a day

"Well, for them, not for me: I'm not married," says Edward a little too quickly.

It is better than serving drinks in a pub or helping out at his dad's office, but only if it is a short day, and only if the case is closed quickly

And then you can see his face, and you realise that he looks more afraid than you do, and he is stepping quickly backwards to the stairs

And he thought he could do it quickly

The doors open, and she quickly walks through them.

Everyone was given one hundred energy units a week, and they had to be careful not to use them too quickly

She'd turned around quickly and seen a boy: about her age but a little taller, with black hair and dark, smiling eyes..

"Oh! That's OK," Sala had replied quickly

To get home quickly, they stepped onto one of the fast-moving walkways that stretched in all directions across the city.

Sala turned quickly: a young woman stood there

the floors passed by so quickly

And then, just like the first time, the woman stepped quickly onto the walkway and was soon lost among the crowds.

She pulled Cham away from the entrance and quickly told him the news about Gran's letter.

The week rushed by far too quickly

The only thing that made the time pass more quickly was her family's dream of the world outside

She dived onto it just as the rain began to pour, and started walking quickly.

She finished her meal as quickly as possible

'I'm sorry,' de Winter said quickly

I shut the book quickly

But the time always went too quickly

Then I said quickly, 'I'd like to keep this moment and never forget it.'

He thanked Mrs Danvers quickly and took me into the library for tea

I found the piece of paper and looked at it quickly.

I ran quickly out of the morning-room

'Get a coat quickly and let's go out

I put it on quickly

'I suppose he's used to it,' Maxim said quickly

Then he went quickly into the library and shut the door.

I turned quickly

I ran quickly up the steps and into the hall

I ran quickly up the stairs and hid myself.

When he heard the door open, he turned round quickly.

'No, Mrs Danvers, I don't want it, thank you,' I said quickly.

Go quickly, before anyone comes.' I could not speak

'What do you mean?' said Frank, quickly.

I went out of the room quickly and shut the door behind me

'Are you sure Frank doesn't know?' I asked quickly.

Maxim answered it quickly and came back into the library.

Maxim may want me.' He got quickly back into the car again and drove away.

I'm meeting Frank and Colonel Julyan at the church.' He left the room quickly and then I heard the sound of his car driving away.

'The man's drunk,' he said quickly

Could you go and get him, Frank? Take your car.' Frank went out quickly

Moving quickly, he puts them into his bag and leaves

Nathan quickly gets away from Bud and runs across the roof of the building.

Natalie looks quickly

She quickly slid the door shut and put her back against it.

She finished it quickly, as though she were a child taking medicine, and then put the bottle away.

If the gigantic sets and lavish costumes and intricate choreography were overdone, or if any element was improperly executed, the production would quickly stumble across the thin line between captivating show-biz flash and sheer vulgarity

As the room grew warm again, the doorknobs and the radio casing and the other metal objects quickly shed their fragile skins of ice, leaving shallow puddles on furniture and damp spots in the carpet

Michael led the way, gently pushing and elbowing through the holiday crowd, and Tina followed quickly in his wake, before the path that he made could close up again.

But now, if she started making nasty accusations after he'd been so pleasant to her, she would seem to be a hysterical harpy, and if she still had any advantage left, she would quickly lose it.

Tina quickly shuffled through the pages, seeking more of the sick prankster's work

She wiped them on her slacks and then quickly tapped out her request

"That's the idea," she said quickly

If that were the situation, we'd have the grave opened very quickly

He quickly stripped off his own clothes and joined her on the bed, took her in his arms.

"The only way you could have found out about the exhumation so quickly is if Kennebeck told you."

Evidently sensing Vince's onrushing blowup and aware that it wouldn't help them accomplish their mission, Bob quickly said, "Listen, Stryker, we can't answer most of your questions because we don't know

If there were no unusual marks on his body, no injuries incompatible with the coroner's determination of suicide, the police would be quickly satisfied.

He quickly leafed through the telephone directory

They read quickly through the remaining material, but none of it was enlightening

Willis Bruckster quickly knelt at Michael Evans's side and took his pulse as if he expected to find one

He felt along the inner faces of the fenders, around the tire wells, where a transponder could have been stuck in place quickly and easily

He quickly dialed the lab director's office

He twisted around, leaned over the back of the seat, and quickly fetched the rope from the pile of outdoor gear in the cargo hold

"But apparently it isn't life-threatening," Dombey said quickly

Please call the police and come quickly.'

'Under the steam hammer! Please come quickly, Francois! I can't bear it much longer!'

Watching my brother's back, I pushed the switch and the steel hammer shook slightly, then rose quickly

He put the little animal on the floor of the booth and quickly closed the door

'No,' he knocked, quickly.

He moved away quickly and fell over one of the chairs

I had to do it quickly

He takes the hat, then he walks away quickly.

What luck.' He quickly left the room and Griselda and I went into my study.

I backed out and walked quickly to my study

'Thank you for coming so quickly,' she said

I need to get rich quickly

'Dear Vicar, you are so kind to come round so quickly

Goodnight, Mr Clement.' And she went quickly across the lawn towards her house.

But I want to see your lodger, Mr Hawes.' I went quickly up the stairs

He went across to Hawes and quickly examined him

'You may think differently,' said Melchett, 'when you have heard what we now know.' And he quickly told him about Miss Marple's explanation of the crime

So we quickly started to talk about the Protheroe case, and of 'Dr Stone', who had turned out to be a well-known thief

Because it is hardly one seventh of the size of Earth, it cooled more quickly to the temperature at which life could begin

Because it was so small, I did not see the Thing they were sending us, which was flying quickly towards me across that great distance

At once, thinking quickly, he connected the Thing with the flash on Mars.

This flaming death, this invisible sword of heat, was sweeping round quickly and steadily

All this happened so quickly that I stood without moving, shocked by the flashes of light

I explained quickly that I had to leave my home, and arranged to borrow the cart, promising to bring it back before midnight

In another moment we were clear of the smoke and the noise, and moving quickly down the opposite side of Maybury Hill.

After the lightning had begun, it flashed again and again, as quickly as I have ever seen

At first I thought it was the wet roof of a house, but the lightning flashes showed that it was moving quickly down Maybury Hill

Then we left the house and ran as quickly as we could down the narrow road

The river was rough around me and quickly growing hotter.

They could move quickly and strike with such power that even the biggest guns could not stand against them

Guns, including some very large ones, were moving in quickly

Sunday clothes could be seen inside quickly fixing maps of Surrey to the shop window.

A closed carriage came up the street, quickly followed by a number of other fast-moving vehicles

All around him - in the rooms below, in the houses on each side and across the road, and all across London - people were rubbing their eyes and opening windows to stare out and ask questions, and getting dressed quickly as the first breath of the coming storm of fear blew through the streets

As my brother began to realize how serious the situation was, he returned quickly to his room, put all the money he had - about ten pounds - into his pockets and went out again into the streets.

The guns were reloaded quickly

I knew my cousin was brave enough for any emergency, but he was not the sort of man to understand danger quickly and do something about it

It was doing this so quickly and perfectly that I did not see it as a machine at first

I followed him quickly and quietly and in the darkness I heard him drinking

There were two ideas in my mind - to get more food and to move, as quickly as possible, away from the pit.

It filled me with terror to think how quickly that great change had come

After checking the sky for Martians, we hurried quickly to the house on Putney Hill where he had his hiding-place.

They had been dead for many days, so I hurried quickly past them

She moved back quickly with fright.

I never saw a man's face change so quickly.

The wind was behind us and we put up the sail quickly

'No, not really.' Mercy's answer came too quickly.

'Oh, are you still awake?' He quickly sits beside her

I turned around quickly in fear and surprise

I stood up quickly, feeling the same sudden fear I had felt when that hand touched my arm at the lonely crossroads

The days and weeks at Limmeridge House passed so quickly! What a happy time that was! I spent every day in the company of two excellent ladies

Do not worry - we are safe - but come back quickly

The Count's face - which had been happy a few seconds before - was suddenly full of fear! He stood up and quickly left the theatre

The Count went quickly and quietly to the door and locked it

He wrote quickly, with great intensity and pleasure

Their swords move quickly and make a lot of noise

"Sergeant Gonzales, come quickly!" says the Captain