How to use "lay" in a sentence


I lay the multi-tool on the boulder and reach for the water bottle

I lay everything inside it on top of the boulder

I take my rope, form it into a circle, and lay it on a rock below me

I drop the knife and lay my head on the boulder

I lay my head against the boulder

I step down and lay my head on the boulder

On his left between the steps and the wooden fence lay the mutilated body of a woman

On the bed lay a body that was almost unrecognisable

He shook his fist at the church and then, cold and hungry, he lay down on a stone bench by the doorway.

Instead, with a small sigh, she fell back against her pillow and lay completely still.

Valjean quietly lay down on the mattress on his floor, but he could not close his eyes all night

Picking up a pen that lay on the table, she wrote on a piece of paper, Be careful! The police are coming! She showed Marius her work and then, changing the subject quickly, for no reason at all, she gazed into his eyes and said shyly, 'Do you know, M

A terrible heap of dead bodies lay not far away, among them the blood-stained body of a young girl in man's clothes - Eponine.

Ahead of him lay total darkness, but he had to go on

Marius lay for a long time between life and death in a state of fever, endlessly repeating the name of Cosette.

He lay back with his head turned to the sky, the light from the two silver candlesticks falling on his smiling, peaceful face.

Your whole body lay inside the pod and it was like your normal life was turned off

Sala rolled onto her back and lay floating, staring up at the sky

Underneath it, metal, rubber, and plastic attachments lay on the surface of her skin

Far below us lay the sea

The rose-garden lay below me

A satin dressing-gown lay on a chair

On the bed lay Rebecca's nightdress

Then I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes

I lay back and closed my eyes.

I lay on my side, watching it

The menu for the day lay on the desk

I went upstairs to my room, and lay down on my bed

The road to Manderley lay before us

But now it lay at an angle, the base against the wall, the easel itself slanted, chalkboard-down, across a game table

One of the models was flung from its shelf, then two more, then three more, then another, until all nine lay in a pile on the floor.

The easel lay on the carpet, the chalkboard facing down.

Halfway across the long room, they stopped at a clearing where a middle-aged man lay on his back, unconscious, in front of a blackjack table

An overturned stool lay beside him, and approximately five hundred dollars' worth of green chips were scattered on the carpet

They wanted to have a little fun during the evening that lay ahead, and now they began putting themselves in the mood for it.

A hungry darkness lay on both sides of the road

In that instant Tina realized she had nothing to fear from the presence that lay behind this eerie manifestation

They stared out at the dark parking lot and at the fenced storage yard full of fifty-gallon drums that lay beyond the lot

The cold spell won't last." He squinted into the smaller room, where the boy lay motionless on a hospital bed, under a white sheet and yellow blanket, trailing monitor wires

He turned his head toward them and stared at them through the railed sides of the hospital bed in which he lay.

Basically maps that show the lay of the land - hills, valleys, the courses of rivers and streams, footpaths, abandoned logging trails, that sort of thing

"They did that this afternoon," Dombey said, tapping a pile of printouts that lay on the table

When they came out of this curve, the trees fell back from the verge, and open sky lay above for the first time since they had departed the county blacktop.

Snow began to fall more heavily - yet ahead of them, not a single flake lay in their way

As they swung into another curve, Elliot wrestled with the wheel, and Tina was acutely aware that a great dark void lay beyond the shoulder of the road

The fact that they had gotten this far unhurt didn't make Elliot feel any better about what lay ahead of them

A steel-walled chamber lay beyond the door

The scoutmaster had parked the expedition's minibus on a lay-by about a mile and a half into the woods, and he and his assistant and the kids had walked in another half-mile before they encountered Larry Bollinger

She wondered what lay ahead for them.

My brother lay flat on his stomach across the conveyor line which carried the white-hot pieces of metal up to the hammer

There were papers everywhere, chairs lay on their sides, and one of the window curtains was half-torn and hanging down

His head was still covered, and on his desk lay a typewritten sheet of paper, which I picked up

the thing's body shook for a second and then lay still.

The Thing itself lay almost completely buried in the earth

When I got there, I found a little crowd of perhaps twenty people surrounding the great pit in which the cylinder lay

I crawled out almost immediately and lay, my feet still in the water, under a bush

His back was hurt by the fall of a horse and he lay there for a long time

Then the tripod turned and walked away towards where the second cylinder lay.

Between us and Leatherhead, however, lay the third cylinder

In the road lay a pile of three burnt bodies close together, killed by the Heat-Ray

When the bridge at Walton was coming into sight, I landed on the Middlesex bank and lay down, very sick, in the long grass.

For a moment he lay in surprise

They both stopped further down the road, where the third man lay unconscious.

Then, far away, another appeared, stepping over some small trees, and then another could be seen even further away, crossing the flat mud that lay between the sea and the sky.

There the curate lay down, crying silently and refusing to move again.

I lay there unconscious for a long time, the curate told me, and when I woke up he was wiping my face with a wet handkerchief.

For hours we lay there in the darkness, while from outside came the sounds of hammering and then, after some time, a sound like an engine

We now lay on the very edge of the enormous round pit that the Martians were making.

He fell forwards and lay flat on the floor

The tentacle did not come into the hall again, but I lay all the tenth day in the darkness, too frightened even to move for a drink

For a long time I lay close to the opening until, encouraged by the silence, I looked out.

I lay for the rest of the day in a garden, too exhausted to go on.

As I lay in bed, I found myself thinking of the killing of the curate.

I heard a large number of dogs fighting over the bodies that lay in the darkness at the bottom of the pit.

Across the pit, on its further edge, lay the great flying-machine which they had been testing in our heavier atmosphere when disease and death stopped them

All around the pit, and saved from everlasting destruction, lay the great city