How to use "loch" in a sentence


He looks out across the horrible, grey loch

He looks at the loch again, at the jetty and the small boats waiting there for the tourists in the hotel

The type of husband who is happy to go out on the huge, horrible loch, in the dark, with his monster of a wife.

He thinks that with her clothes and her coat on she will be too heavy and that the cold grey water of the loch will pull her down

But Sylvia does not seem to hear and instead looks out at the dark loch.

Just one push, and then he can shout for the attendant and pretend to help but really just watch the monster go down into the loch

For a few moments he sinks slowly into the great loch, but then, somehow, miraculously, he kicks again, and he comes to the surface once more

"Sorry, Laddie," he says quietly to the loch