How to use "lower" in a sentence


But clear skies mean lower temperatures

But when I did this, people looked at me, and Jenny got down lower and lower in her place

Two lower front teeth were missing

He had to bend as the roof of the tunnel became lower, but when he reached the light, Valjean stopped and gave a cry of despair

The sun is lower in the sky now, it's a little less hot, and the radio keeps him company with old songs about love and women, rock and roll and country music

Her lower lip trembled

Her heart knotted in her chest, and her lower lip began to quiver again, and she put her head down on the table

To reach the escalators that would carry them down to the shopping arcade on the lower level, they had to cross the entire casino

Her face was drawn, and she was biting her lower lip.

Bruckster stood at the head of the escalator that led from the lower shopping arcade to the casino level of Bally's Hotel

The trees hung low, lower, lower still, until, at last, the ice-crusted evergreen boughs frequently scraped across the roof of the Explorer with a sound like fingernails being drawn down a blackboard.

Now, as she approached his bed, she bit her lower lip so hard that she tasted blood

Its physical condition is still largely a mystery, but we know that even in the middle of the day, in its warmest areas, the temperature is lower than during our coldest winter

A large part of the cylinder had now been uncovered, although its lower end was still hidden in the side of the pit.

These hills grew lower and broader as we stared.

I looked up and saw the lower part of a building- machine coming slowly across it