How to use "murder" in a sentence


You will see me again when you answer the charge of murder in court

This was a new, unknown type of murder, which they could not understand

Let us follow Annie's movements before the night of her murder

But the week before her murder she was not at the lodging house

Two people were important witnesses in the murder case

Five people in number 29 could see the murder scene from their windows

But the murder of Elizabeth Stride was not enough

After the murder of Elizabeth Stride, Jack the Ripper went to look for another victim

It is only twelve minutes' walk from Berner Street to Mitre Square, where the second murder happened

She asked him the time and he said nearly one o'clock, which was about the time of Elizabeth Stride's murder.

This apron had an important part to play in the murder.

At the time of the murder they were only a few streets away from Mitre Square

Hearing about the murder, they went to the square

Immediately after the discovery of the murder the streets were full of policemen

The police were already everywhere in the area after Liz Stride's murder

She later changed this to a quiet cry of 'Oh! Murder!' Mrs Prater said she went back to sleep; she often heard cries of murder in the court.

Inspectors Beck and Dew, the detectives on duty, went to the murder scene

On November 12th a labourer named George Hutchinson gave the police a very good description of a man he saw with Mary Kelly at about 2 o'clock on the morning of her murder

The police believed that Druitt went mad after the murder of Mary Kelly and committed suicide

His gloomy paintings of murder scenes were part of his vision as an artist: he liked to paint the dark, squalid side of life

He lived at the Victoria Home, a workingmen's lodging house in Commercial Street, right in the middle of the murder area, and very near Goulston Street, where the piece of Eddowes's apron was found

The police believed there was one final murder by the Ripper in July 1889

On August 7th, before the Buck's Row murder, a woman called Martha Tabram was killed and then stabbed ferociously with a knife 39 times

This was so unusual that some writers today believe it was a Ripper murder

After the Polly Nichols murder, sensational reports in the newspapers increased the public's fear and horror

When the police found a leather apron at the scene of the Hanbury Street murder, they hunted a man called John Pizer, a Polish boot-maker who always wore a leather apron for his work

After the Hanbury Street murder people waited in queues outside newsagents

When Mrs Mary Burridge of south London read about the murder, she collapsed and died of fright

Although the details of Annie Chapman's murder were given on September 19th, they were not reported for reasons of decency

The writer was probably talking about the injury to Annie's throat, but only the police, the doctors and the killer knew the details of Annie's murder

After the double murder of September 30th the panic got worse

Many of them paid to look at the murder scenes from windows

"Well, our conversation is about murder," says Peter to fill the silence "the perfect murder."

"You see, we all have very different ideas about what the perfect murder is

Peter thinks that for a film there must be something visual about the murder weapon

"Maybe," she says with another shy smile, "but you first: what's your idea for the perfect murder weapon?"

"Very clever," Edward agrees, "but unfortunately the wife is always a suspect in a murder."

enjoys murder."

The defence says that this is not murder, but manslaughter

They say this is premeditated murder because for half an hour Miss Lee looked for Mr Dawson; they also say she made her intention clear on three different occasions

of course it will be murder..

That terrible word - murder - would be on every front page.

What were they all saying now? What was happening? What would I do if Frank came back to Manderley without Maxim? I thought again of that dreadful word - murder

that alone will require a lot more manpower than the police can spare for anything except a murder case, a hot kidnapping, or maybe a narcotics investigation."

"I just can't believe the government would murder a group of little children just because they accidentally got a glimpse of a new weapon or something."

Vince Foster found dead in a Washington park and officially declared a suicide even though most of the forensic evidence points to murder

"Well, they'd have had to be pretty stupid to think murder was the safest way to handle it

And they thought about those things that neither of them wanted to speak of: murder past and murder present.

No one could have seen the murder

A perfect murder.

This was murder." He shook his head to clear it

Then, even with Danny jamming the enemy's weapons, she and Elliot would be able to escape only if they slaughtered their way out, and she knew that neither of them had the stomach for that much murder, perhaps not even in self-defense.

They're murder

I thought it was murder, and I could not forget the five orange pips and the strange letters to my uncle and my father.

She confessed to the murder of her husband and proved easily that she knew how to work the steam hammer

'A murder - or just a robbery.'

'Is it murder?' I asked.

'I've always wanted to be right in the middle of a murder,' he said, and went out into the garden to look for footprints

'No, if you were committing a murder, you'd be very careful about things like that.'

'If you have not committed a murder, I cannot see the reason to pretend you have.'

And if a third person claims to have done this murder, I shall go mad.'

'Isn't the news awful? A murder! In this quiet village.'

But do tell me, Mr Clement, what do the police think about the murder?'

'And what does the murder of Colonel Protheroe remind you of?'

'Did you know that someone else has also confessed to the murder which you say you committed?' The effect of these words on Lawrence was immediate

'And Dr Haydock is certain that the murder could not have been committed at the time you say you did it

As we left, Melchett said, 'If she's gone to confess to the murder, too, I really shall go mad.'

But murder! For murder - one would need a very strong reason.'

So the murder was planned

'Well, what about the lady who called on Colonel Protheroe the night before the murder?'

Why would she take a suitcase into the woods at twelve o'clock at night? I don't expect it has anything to do with the murder

The last time she had seen it was on the day of the murder at lunchtime when she left.

Do you know last Thursday - the day of the murder - I had been to a meeting in London

She said, "By this time tomorrow night, you may be dead." So when I heard about the murder, I said to Rose, "It's her who did it!"'

'I have never been in a house where they had a murder,' Mary said

He turned immediately to Griselda and as they talked, I heard her say, 'Do you have any ideas about the murder, Mr West?'

'Only that it is probably a very ordinary murder, by an angry poacher most likely.'

'But has it anything to do with the murder?' asked Griselda

It doesn't seem to be connected with the murder

'But she has only been in my study once since the murder, and then she was dressed in black and did not wear blue earrings.'

'Thursday,' I said, 'was the day of the murder

The day after the murder, I had found broken bushes beside the path

He was afraid that because of the murder we might search his rooms and find this silver

Well, this proves he had nothing to do with the murder.'

And Stone is not a murder suspect.'

And of course, as you say, then Dr Stone would have no reason to murder Colonel Protheroe.'

'Then there was a reason for the murder,' said Miss Marple softly.

But robbery is unimportant compared with murder.'

'When I called on Mrs Lestrange on the afternoon of the murder I thought she was out

Miss Wetherby gave a little cry 'The day of the murder, of course!'

Mrs Price Ridley said very slowly, 'She heard a sneeze on the day of the murder at a time when there was no one in your house

And on the evening of the murder she was here, in this house.'

'I think that you are wondering why I am so interested in this murder

'He did his best to get himself arrested for the murder.'

It said that Griselda had been seen leaving Lawrence Redding's cottage at twenty past six on the day of the murder

But because of the murder they did not dare to appear upset

Because someone who had just committed a murder would, of course, try to behave normally

And if he hadn't, he would have been found guilty of murder

Lawrence Redding and Anne Protheroe were accused of the murder and found guilty in court

'I wonder,' I said, 'if you were to commit a murder whether you would ever be found out.'

Members murder people who abuse their power