How to use "mystery" in a sentence


So what was the murderer doing? To the police Jack the Ripper was a mystery

He is still a mystery today.

Marius's attempts to find him also ended in failure, and the true story of his escape from the barricade remained a complete mystery to him.

One evening, when Marius was talking to Cosette and Jean Valjean about the mystery and his unsuccessful attempts to solve it, he became angry with Cosette's guardian's lack of interest in his story.

Thenardier's presence, however, offered him another opportunity; it gave him the chance to solve the mystery of Cosette's fortune.

The mystery woman: Who was she? How did she know about Gran? She wondered when she would see her again...

A block farther, as she waited at a red light, she realized that she still had a mystery on her hands

In a flash of understanding, she saw through to the heart of the mystery

The great mystery was why my brother had so helpfully put his head under the hammer - the only possible explanation for his part in that night's events.

'I have a strange feeling that this business with the flies holds the answer to the whole mystery, Monsieur Delambre,' he said.

When he had gone, I said, 'Well, that's one mystery solved

And when there is a mystery and I think I know the answer, it is so satisfying to find that I am right.'

Its physical condition is still largely a mystery, but we know that even in the middle of the day, in its warmest areas, the temperature is lower than during our coldest winter

And now night, the mother of fear and mystery, was coming.

It will be easy to solve this mystery.'

'Let go of me! My friends and I are going to solve this mystery.'

A moment later the mystery was explained

The mystery of the woman in white had finally been solved

"Ha! Zorro is a big mystery