How to use "nineteen" in a sentence


It's not very long - only a little over nineteen kilometres - but it's one of the most difficult bike trails in the US

'I've slept for nineteen years on a piece of wood

'I've been in prison for nineteen years

Then, his heart full of grief for what he had done, he buried his face in his hands and, for the first time in nineteen years, he cried.

That he was Jean Valjean, a criminal who had spent nineteen years in prison and who had stolen silver candlesticks from a trusting and kind-hearted bishop

'Did you know that he spent nineteen years in prison?'

Sala guessed she was about nineteen.

Chapter nineteen

She hadn't been to bed with any man but Michael in the past fourteen years, since she was nineteen

But only twenty-two women played in those Games, out of the 997 people from nineteen countries