How to use "nose" in a sentence


"And did it have a mouth and nose like a bird's?"

The Nautilus made a hole in the bottom of the enemy ship with its sharp nose

'Oh, my ears and nose!' the White Rabbit cried

'Oh, my ears and nose!' he said quietly

'You'll hit its pretty nose!'

'Its nose is changing!' she cried

He took his teacup and put a little hot tea on the Mouse's nose

However, Marius had a shock when he saw the man - he did not recognize him at all! He was an old man with a big nose, glasses and neat grey hair

With those words, he removed his false nose, glasses and neat grey wig.

I raise a hand to my face and feel a short nose and a small mouth

Mrs Dawson was bleeding from her nose and mouth; she also had marks on her face

Then the biggest dolphin moved toward Sala and pushed her with its nose

His nose looked a little longer, and there was a different curve to his lips

Jasper was silent now, with his nose to the ground.

He had thick dark hair like Danny's, a nose that resembled Danny's, and a rather delicate jawline like Danny's too.

Her nose was so straight that some might think it was severe

She dried her eyes and blew her nose.

And then he began planting small kisses on her forehead, on her eyes, on her cheeks, her nose, the corners of her mouth, her chin

While she thought about what Elliot had said, she dipped one finger in the water and drew a grim mouth, a nose, and a pair of eyes in the circle; she added two horns, transforming the blot of moisture into a little demonic face

The fine spray, propelled with tremendous pressure, caught him squarely in the face, across the nose and lips, penetrating swiftly and deeply into the nostrils

The gasp drew the deadly mist up his nose, where the active poison - a particularly fast-acting neurotoxin - was instantaneously absorbed through the sinus membranes

A thin film of moisture covered the victim's nose and lips and chin, but this was only the harmless medium in which the toxin had been suspended

He had a well-formed face with high cheekbones, a narrow straight nose, and thin lips

I'll bet a hundred bucks to a dime Elliot slipped out of town under your nose."

Elliot extended his arm, lining up the muzzle of the pistol with the bridge of the guy's nose.

Pink and wet, the nose was also that of a cat, a huge cat

This face had no nose - I do not think they had any sense of smell - but it had a pair of very large, dark eyes, and just beneath these a kind of v-shaped mouth

Montmorency went to put his nose over the frying pan once, and burnt himself

It had half a tail, half a nose and only one ear