How to use "not" in a sentence


It's not very long - only a little over nineteen kilometres - but it's one of the most difficult bike trails in the US

It's not difficult and I should be able to finish in about eighteen hours

But I'm not thinking of danger at the moment

'Maybe not, but I really want to do the Big Drop Rappel

They'll just think that I decided not to meet them

I use the longest one, which is not so sharp

The girls now felt very tired and decided not to go to the party

But I'm not comfortable for long

As morning comes, I'm not feeling too unhappy

This first night was not as bad as I thought

Chipping is not enough

The rope is not tight enough.

I feel angry with the boulder, but it's not the boulder's fault - it's mine

I feel strong enough to survive the fear of death, but not my body's need for water

It's still not sharp enough to do the job.

This time, my second voice tells me not to urinate on the ground.

I try not to listen.

'No, he's not here, and Aron's never late

If he's not back by then, I'll call his parents.'

Aron's housemates decided not to wait any longer

The urine tastes bad, but not quite as bad as I thought

I decide not to drink any more until the water is finished

There's not enough water in my body to produce any tears

Because of their kindness, I am not afraid

It is only when they disappear and the cold and pain return that I know they are not

After that, I sit again and it's not long before the visions return

Something about the visions tells me that I have not given the people I care about enough attention

I'm always thinking of the things I want to achieve and not noticing other people

However, the visions tell me something: I am not ready to die

Why not find a hard rock and use it to break the boulder? There's one in a hole in the canyon wall above me

But it's still not enough

With only one arm, this is not easy

'You mean you're not in shock already?'

'Look, do you want this for the pain or not?'

As usual, you speak with your mind and not your heart."

They spoke a language which I did not understand

I told them our story, but they did not seem to understand

I do not want to see that world again

I do not want anybody to know my secret

Ned Land was not happy at all

"You will not find life on the Nautilus so bad

But Ned Land was not happy on the Nautilus

It's not yet lunchtime."

"Professor, sir, we're not alone."

I told Captain Nemo that he would not live

I did not want to say anything about the sick man, but I was curious

The Nautilus did not seem to have any particular direction

I did not see Captain Nemo for some days after the man's death

He's not famous and he's angry about that."

He is not free here

I could not think only of myself

Conseil loved the sea, but I did not think he wanted to live his life there

Ned Land could not escape without our help.

But the Nautilus did not go near the surface of the water again for some time

"That's not possible!"

I did not understand how such things could be there.

They did not know what it was

Captain Nemo did not wait for the answer

Ned Land could not wait any longer.

"Now is not the time, Ned."

I did not find you

Captain Nemo was not the man I thought he was

I did not see Captain Nemo or any of his men

We all felt the same, now, the adventure of the Nautilus was not exciting or interesting

I do not know what happened to Captain Nemo and the Nautilus

'That bottle was not on the table before,' thought Alice.

She went to the door, but could not open it

Perhaps I'm not me now

'I'm not Ada because her hair is different to mine

It was not the Mouse

Alice didn't say, 'I'm not Mary Ann.' She felt too afraid

'You see, I'm not me now.'

'Well, perhaps it's not difficult for you, but it is for me,' said Alice.

This was another difficult question and Alice could not answer it.

It did not speak for some minutes, then it said, 'So you're different, are you?'

'That is not right,' said the Caterpillar

'It's a good size for you, but not for me,' said Alice

But the Duchess did not say anything to her, so Alice asked, 'Please, why is your cat smiling?'

'That's not very polite,' thought Alice.

He's really not your size!

It was a strange little thing and not very pretty

'Its face is changing, everything is changing! Oh! It's not a baby any more, it's a pig!'

'That's strange, but not very strange,' thought Alice

'Why not?' asked Alice.

'Don't ask me! I don't know,' answered Alice, not very politely.

'They're not going to cut off your heads.'

'That's not polite,' said the King and got behind Alice.

'I can't do it and I'm not going to.'

But now there was nothing above Alices head - not an eye or an ear or a smile

'I'm not a bad man!' the Mad Hatter cried

But the Mad Hatter ran very fast and they could not catch him.

Alice did not feel very well

'Yes, but not as fast as you,' said the Mouse

'I'm not more than a kilometer high - Alice began.

'Well, I'm not leaving this room,' said Alice.

'Who's afraid of you? I'm not

Then something happened which was not so good.

The cinema was not far from our house

The building that I went to live in was nice on the outside but not on the inside

'Maybe I am an idiot,' I said, 'but I'm not stupid.'

How did it happen? I'm not sure

But not for me

The place where I had to live was just a bit better than the rooms at the university, but the food was not

'Why not?' I asked

He tried to clean it off and not look angry, but I didn't want to wait for them to start throwing things at me! No sir! I started running.

She looked at him and said, 'I won't get you anything - not as much as a glass of warm river-water, you pig!' Then she looked at me and said, 'And how many babies have you killed today, you big ape?'

But things did not go well

But Forrest, he's not an idiot, he's really clever.'

'Perhaps I can put things right with Jenny,' I thought, 'now that I've found her again.' But the more I thought about it, the more I finally understood that it was better for the boy to be with Jenny and her husband, and not to have an idiot for a father.

But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free

This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality

Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning

But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds

Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred

We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence

The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny

No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until "justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."

I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations

Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

But not only that:

I do not consider it necessary, at present, for me to discuss those matters of administration about which there is no special anxiety, or excitement.

Now, if they would make the effort in good temper, could they not with nearly equal unanimity frame and pass a law by means of which to keep good that unanimous oath?

There is some difference of opinion whether this clause should be enforced by national or by State authority; but surely that difference is not a very material one

Again, in any law upon this subject, ought not all the safeguards of liberty known in civilized and humane jurisprudence to be introduced, so that a free man be not, in any case, surrendered as a slave? And might it not be well at the same time to provide by law for the enforcement of that clause in the Constitution which guarantees that "the citizen of each State shall be entitled to all privileged and immunities of citizens in the several States?"

And while I do not choose now to specify particular acts of Congress as proper to be enforced, I do suggest that it will be much safer for all, both in official and private stations, to conform to and abide by all those acts which stand un repealed, than to violate any of them, trusting to find impunity in having them held to be unconstitutional.

Perpetuity is implied, if not expressed, in the fundamental law of all national governments

Continue to execute all the express provisions of our National Constitution, and the Union will endure forever - it being impossible to destroy it except by some action not provided for in the instrument itself.

Again, if the United States be not a government proper, but an association of States in the nature of contract merely, can it, as a contract, be peaceably unmade by less than all the parties who made it? One party to a contract may violate it - break it, so to speak; but does it not require all to lawfully rescind it?

I trust this will not be regarded as a menace, but only as the declared purpose of the Union that it WILL Constitutionally defend and maintain itself.

To those, however, who really love the Union may I not speak?

Before entering upon so grave a matter as the destruction of our national fabric, with all its benefits, its memories, and its hopes, would it not be wise to ascertain precisely why we do it? Will you hazard so desperate a step while there is any possibility that any portion of the ills you fly from have no real existence? Will you, while the certain ills you fly to are greater than all the real ones you fly from - will you risk the commission of so fearful a mistake?

Is it true, then, that any right, plainly written in the Constitution, has been denied? I think not

But such is not our case.

Shall fugitives from labor be surrendered by national or State authority? The Constitution does not expressly say

May Congress prohibit slavery in the Territories? The Constitution does not expressly say

MUST Congress protect slavery in the Territories? The Constitution does not expressly say.

If the minority will not acquiesce, the majority must, or the government must cease

For instance, why may not any portion of a new confederacy a year or two hence arbitrarily secede again, precisely as portions of the present Union now claim to secede from it? All who cherish disunion sentiments are now being educated to the exact temper of doing this."

I do not forget the position, assumed by some, that Constitutional questions are to be decided by the Supreme Court; nor do I deny that such decisions must be binding, in any case, upon the parties to a suit, as to the object of that suit, while they are also entitled to very high respect and consideration in all parallel cases by all other departments of the government

It is a duty from which they may not shrink to decide cases properly brought before them, and it is no fault of theirs if others seek to turn their decisions to political purposes.

One section of our country believes slavery is RIGHT, and ought to be extended, while the other believes it is WRONG, and ought not to be extended.

The foreign slave trade, now imperfectly suppressed, would be ultimately revived, without restriction, in one section, while fugitive slaves, now only partially surrendered, would not be surrendered at all by the other.

I will venture to add that to me the convention mode seems preferable, in that it allows amendments to originate with the people themselves, instead of only permitting them to take or reject propositions originated by others not especially chosen for the purpose, and which might not be precisely such as they would wish to either accept or refuse

I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution - which amendment, however, I have not seen - has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service

To avoid misconstruction of what I have said, I depart from my purpose not to speak of particular amendments so far as to say that, holding such a provision to now be implied Constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.

Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people? Is there any better or equal hope in the world? In our present differences is either party without faith of being in the right? If the Almighty Ruler of Nations, with his eternal truth and justice, be on your side of the North, or on yours of the South, that truth and that justice will surely prevail, by the judgment of this great tribunal, the American people.

In YOUR hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and not in MINE, is the momentous issue of civil war

The government will not assail YOU

We are not enemies, but friends

We must not be enemies

Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection

One eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the Southern part of it

It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not that we be not judged

The prayers of both could not be answered; that of neither has been answered fully.

I ask further, is it unconstitutional for me to say to the British Government "I refuse to serve you"? Is it unconstitutional for our worthy Chairman to return with every respect all the titles that he has ever held from the Government? Is it unconstitutional for any parent to withdraw his children from a Government or aided school? Is it unconstitutional for a lawyer to say "I shall no longer support the arm of the law so long as that arm of law is used not to raise me but to debase me"? Is it unconstitutional for a civil servant or for a judge to say, "I refuse to serve a Government which does not wish to respect the wishes of the whole people"?

I ask, is it unconstitutional for a policeman or for a soldier to tender his resignation when he knows that he is called to serve a Government which traduces his own countrymen? Is it unconstitutional for me to go to the agriculturist and say to him "it's not wise for you to pay any taxes, if these taxes are used by the Government not to raise you but to weaken you?" I hold and I venture to submit, that there is nothing unconstitutional in it

I say to my countrymen so long as you have a sense of honour and so long as you wish to remain the descendants and defenders of the noble traditions that have been handed to you for generations after generations; it is unconstitutional for you not to non-cooperate and unconstitutional for you to cooperate with a Government which has become so unjust as our Government has become.

I'm not anti-English; I'm not anti-British; I'm not anti any Government; but I am anti-untruth, anti-humbug and anti-un justice

Compared with the perils which our forefathers conquered, because they believed and were not afraid, we have still much to be thankful for

Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort

These dark days, my friends, will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves, to our fellow men.

Restoration calls, however, not for changes in ethics alone

The basic thought that guides these specific means of national recovery is not nationally - narrowly nationalistic

But, in the event that the Congress shall fail to take one of these two courses, in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me

We do not distrust the future of essential democracy

The people of the United States have not failed

We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom - symbolizing an end as well as a beginning - signifying renewal as well as change

And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe - the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.

We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution

Divided, there is little we can do - for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.

To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny

We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view

To those people in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them, help themselves, for whatever period is required - not because the communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right.

Finally, to those nations who would make them-selves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.

We dare not tempt them with weakness

So let us begin anew - remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof

And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.

All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days

Now the trumpet summons us again - not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need - not as a call to battle, though embattled we are - but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation" - a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.

I do not shrink from this responsibility - I welcome it

I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

'It's not a policy for me,' Mr Slinkton said

I did not know what he was talking about.

I did not think he was really sad about Mr Meltham at all

'That's not the truth,' I told him

I still felt that Mr Slinkton was not sincere

The other niece is also not well

He told me that he had not known him for very long

Mr Slinkton was not my only visitor that day

I did not see Mr Slinkton again for six or seven months

I was sorry to see that Miss Niner did not look very well at all

I did not stay there with her for more than two minutes

'No,' I told him, 'he's not dead yet

'Slinkton's not in yet,' he said loudly

This was not a pleasant situation for him

The young man did not seem at all drunk now

At first Mr Slinkton did not know how to react

He did not say a word.

'It's not in your desk,' Beckwith told him.

I could not save her - but I promised to pursue you to the end

One of the poorest areas in London, Whitechapel did not have many street lamps

The men looked at the woman, but in the darkness they did not know if she was drunk or dead

They saw a policeman, Constable Jonas Mizen, not far away in Baker's Row, told him about the woman, and then walked on to work

Mrs Emma Green lived in the cottage next to the stableyard; she did not hear anything either

This was a new, unknown type of murder, which they could not understand

Polly Nichols was not the first 'Unfortunate' who was murdered that year, so Scotland Yard chiefs sent their most experienced officer to investigate

But he did not know that this killer was different - clever, efficient, and savage

Hanbury Street is a long street that goes from Commercial Street to Baker's Row, not far from Buck's Row

Her son, John, helped her in the business but he did not live in Hanbury Street

He thought it was somebody falling against the fence, but he did not look to see what it was

But the week before her murder she was not at the lodging house

The next day she told Amelia she did not feel well

She told the deputy that she did not have any money, but asked him to keep her bed because she wanted to return with the money

Mrs Darrell could not describe the man very well

She screamed but not loudly

Schwartz did not want any trouble so he crossed to the other side of the street

But the murder of Elizabeth Stride was not enough

Although we do not know what time the killer arrived there, we know what his victim did and can follow her movements on the night of September 29-30th.

The Juwes are the Men that will not be blamed for nothing.

But perhaps he did not write the message

He did not see or hear anything when he entered it and discovered the body at 1.44

Nobody knows why she did not marry him

He was a reliable, kind man who did not want Mary to go out on the streets

Unfortunately he had not worked for some months so the couple could not pay the rent, and Mary had returned to prostitution

He visited her around 7.30-7.45 on the evening of Thursday, November 8th to tell her he had no work and could not give her any money

Mary was so drunk that she could not answer properly

That night it rained hard and Mrs Cox could not sleep well

Although men went in and out of the court, she did not hear anything suspicious

a young woman screamed 'Murder!' not far away

Inspector Abbeline arrived at 11.30 a.m., but he could not give the order to break open the door until 1.30 p.m

At 1.30 when the news came that the dogs were not coming, he told McCarthy to break open the door

Nobody knew that it was not necessary

There was not much furniture: an old table and two old chairs stood on the bare, dirty floor

There were lots of suspects at the time, but the police did not have any real evidence against them

Mrs Darrell did not see his face, so her impression that he was a darklooking foreigner aged over forty is not certain.

But they did not come out, so he went away as the church clock struck three o'clock.

He was not tall, stout, and was wearing a black hat

The Ripper did not stay with his victims for hours before killing them.

What is the most probable picture of the murderer? He was a short man, not more than 1.68m, between 28-35 years old, with a light brown moustache

But he was not a doctor or a surgeon because he showed very little medical skill or knowledge

As he went out late at night he probably was not married

However, today we know that serial killers do not often commit suicide

But that does not mean they are murderers.

Some writers have asked why he did not go to the police before the inquest

After the murders in Berner Street and Mitre Square the streets were too dangerous for the Ripper, which explains why he did not kill in October

So was George Hutchinson Jack the Ripper? We do not know

But it is certain that the Ripper was not Jewish, and Samuel Montague, an important Jewish citizen and MP, offered a reward of 100 pounds for the arrest of the murderer

But they could not print details of the killer's mutilations, which the doctor did not reveal

Although the details of Annie Chapman's murder were given on September 19th, they were not reported for reasons of decency

The search ended on the 18th, and the police admitted they had not found the smallest clue

He did not see a young boy run out with a note that the innkeeper had quickly written

He did not see the boy return a short time later and whisper something to the innkeeper.

'This is not the house of a rich man,' he thought

When he woke up, the cathedral clock was striking two, but he had not woken because of this

He had woken because the bed was too comfortable; he had not slept in a proper bed for twenty years

The night was not very dark; there was a full moon, hidden from time to time by large clouds moving quickly across the sky

The bishop had not closed it.

The policemen left, but Valjean did not move

He did not know what to think

Valjean, who did not remember having made such a promise, was silent.

Jean Valjean left the town and ran into the countryside, blindly following lanes and paths, not realizing that he was running in circles

He was filled with a strange kind of anger, but he did not know why

But now, for the first time in twenty years, a man had shown him great kindness, and he did not know what to feel.

This time, however, he did not catch it and it rolled along the ground towards Valjean, who immediately put his foot on it.

Valjean lowered his head and did not reply.

Valjean seemed not to hear him

On a spring evening in 1818, in the village of Montfermeil, not far from Paris, two little girls were playing on a swing outside a small inn

She did not smile, and lines of sadness ran down the side of her pale cheeks

'I used to work in Paris, but my husband died and I lost my job.' She could not tell Mme Thenardier the truth, which was that she had been made pregnant by a young man who had then abandoned her

'I have to find work, and that's not easy with a child but no husband

At the end of the year, however, Thenardier was not happy with just seven francs a month; he demanded twelve and Fantine paid without protest, happy that her daughter was being well cared for.

The Thenardiers did not feel guilty about treating Cosette badly because Fantine had stopped sending them regular payments.

But her happiness did not last long

That winter, Fantine saved money by not having a fire, and developed a small, dry cough

Fantine, who did not have ten francs, but who was afraid that her daughter would freeze to death, went to the barber's shop

The Thenardiers, however, were very angry - they had wanted money, not clothes

Fantine felt desperate; she did not know how to obtain such a large sum of money

Fantine could not sleep that night

There was one man, however, who did not like M

But he kept his suspicions to himself, not daring to say what he really believed: that M

Fantine, however, was not grateful

'It was the man's fault, not this woman's

You should arrest him, not her.'

The devil had suddenly decided to be kind, and she did not know what to think.

Madeleine sent the money, but the Thenardiers found even more dishonest excuses for not sending Cosette back.

Of course, he denies everything, but that's not surprising

Madeleine - as we shall continue to call him for this part of the story - knew that he could not let Champmathieu go to prison for crimes he had not committed

He knew - although he was not happy to admit this - that he would have to go to Arras and tell the truth

'That man is not Jean Valjean.'

You know where to find me, and I shall not try to escape.'

But the idea did not last for long

Most people pretended not to be surprised

Again, most people pretended not to be surprised

She was cold and hungry as she dragged the bucket behind her along the crowded street, but she could not resist stopping in front of one of the stalls

She did not notice the coin that Mme Thenardier had given her for the bread fall out of her pocket into the water

She was almost at the end of her strength, and she was still not out of the wood

For some reason, Cosette was not afraid

The coin was not there.

Her happiness did not last long, however

And, because she was carrying an expensive doll and was no longer wearing rags, not many recognized Cosette.

She did not know where to, or with whom

There was not much furniture in the room - just an old bed, a mattress on the floor, a table, some chairs and a lighted stove

He felt sad that Fantine had not lived to see her child again, but happy that he had been able to rescue her child from the terrible Thenardiers

Valjean did not move

Valjean quietly lay down on the mattress on his floor, but he could not close his eyes all night

It seemed empty, although he could not see into the shadows behind the trees

After a while, he felt confident that he and Cosette were not being followed

'I shall not forget that name,' the officer replied

Gillenormand made Pontmercy an offer which he could not refuse.

I believe that he recently managed a small inn in the village of Montfermeil, not far from Paris

He did not earn very much money, but it was enough for the rent and simple meals

In fact, they were attracted by his good looks, but he was not confident enough to realize this

But, although he was very interested in them, they seemed not to notice him at all

What he had experienced in that moment was not the honest, innocent gaze of a child

As he walked past, he kept his eyes fixed on the girl, but she did not seem to notice him

He did not go back a third time, but sat down on a bench at the opposite end of the Gardens

He returned the next morning and sat on a bench all day, pretending to read a book, not daring to go near the bench where the girl and her father were sitting

He avoided walking directly in front of the bench, partly from shyness, partly because he did not want to attract her father's attention

Sometimes he stood for half an hour in a place where her father could not see him, looking at her and enjoying the small, secret smiles she sent him.

Leblanc became irregular in his visits and did not always bring his daughter with him

When this happened, Marius did not stay in the Gardens, which was another mistake.

The girl could not understand his behaviour at all, and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Eventually, Marius was not satisfied with just knowing the girl's name; he wanted to know where she lived

Leblanc and his daughter did not come to the Gardens at all

They did not come for a whole week, and Marius began to feel depressed

The next day they did not go to the Gardens, so again Marius went to the house as night was falling

But the voice that answered, saying, 'I beg your pardon, Monsieur,' was not that of Mme Bougon

An elderly man and a young girl appeared in the doorway and Marius, still looking through the hole in the wall, could not believe his eyes.

He went into his room, pushing the door behind him, but the door would not shut

She did not reply but stood thoughtfully looking at him, seeming to have lost all her earlier confidence

She had not entered the room, but was still standing in the half-light of the corridor.

You've forgotten, that child was ugly, and this one's not bad-looking.'

Although Marius was a dreamer and not a man of action, he knew immediately that he had to save M

But what could he do? He could not warn M

Leblanc because he did not know the old man's address

'And you're sure he's not in next door?'

The prisoner did not move

'I'm not afraid of you,' he said

The brave man was in terrible danger, but Marius still could not fire the gun

Why not come quietly?'

It's not nice, that sort of thing

Cosette, not a nervous girl by nature, smiled to herself and thought no more about it.

He told her not to worry, but she noticed an anxious look in his eyes

Cosette felt suddenly faint, but she did not move or make a sound.

He could not speak, and Cosette felt his hand grow cold.

'Why not?' Cosette said, drying her tears

He was unhappy about many things - about losing his teeth, about the political situation but, most of all, about the fact that he had not seen his grandson for four years, since their big quarrel

The poor condition of his clothes could not be seen in the half-darkness of the room

I know I'm not welcome here, but I have come to ask for only one thing

Make her your lover but not your wife.'

At nine o'clock that evening, Marius crept into the garden of Cosette's house, but she was not there waiting for him as she had promised

'Cosette!' he cried, not caring who heard him

He understood business, but he could not understand the problems of poor people

He did not notice a soldier aiming his gun at him

He could not believe this was happening to him

He was so confused that he did not recognize Javert, tied to a post inside the inn throughout the battle.

So she still loved him! He thought for a moment that now he must not die, but then he thought, 'She's going away.'

She had not wanted to leave the house, but she had eventually obeyed him

Cosette, however, did not leave her bedroom the next day, and Jean Valjean had dinner alone

As he was eating, Toussaint told him about the fighting in the city, but he did not pay much attention

There was no reason, he thought, why they should not continue to live happily together in England

As long as he had Cosette, he would be happy, and it did not matter where they lived

Valjean moved closer to the mirror and read the lines again, not wanting to believe them

'It's your duty not to die,' he told them

The sky grew lighter, but not a door or window was open in the street

They did not have long to wait.

The battle continued for some time; the cannon destroyed the upper windows of the wine shop, and did some damage to the barricade, but the rebels did not withdraw

They were filled with hope that help would come soon, but the hope did not last long

A terrible heap of dead bodies lay not far away, among them the blood-stained body of a young girl in man's clothes - Eponine.

Marius had indeed been taken prisoner, but not by the soldiers

He could not see where he was going, but he knew he had to follow the downward slope of the passages towards the river.

He did not know what part of the city he was passing under or how far he had come

Valjean did not show that he recognized the man, and saw with relief that Thenardier had not recognized him.

Never say that I'm not a kind man.'

Javert, however, did not recognize Valjean at first

I promise not to try and escape

Javert did not seem to hear

Javert looked unhappy, but he did not refuse

'No, not yet,' Valjean replied, feeling in Marius's jacket for the wallet

'The wound to his body is not serious, but there are deep cuts on his head

He could not understand why nobody could tell him how he had been saved

He noticed his grandfather's tenderness towards him, but he could not forget the old man's unfairness and cruelty to his father, who had died penniless and unloved

You see, I'm not as unkind as you think

'Why not today?'

Having been a mayor, he knew how to solve an awkward problem: the question of Cosette's real family He told everybody that he was not her father, but her guardian

Valjean, as her guardian, gave Cosette a large amount of money - half a million francs - but did not tell her that the money was his

It was arranged that the couple, who could not believe their sudden, new-found happiness, would live with M

Marius did not speak much to Valjean

He could not believe that this was the same man he had seen at the barricade all those months ago - it seemed like a bad dream to him.

But Cosette was not unhappy for long

He was proud of having helped to bring her happiness with Marius, but another thing troubled his soul: the fact that nobody, not even Cosette, knew the truth about him

I tried to persuade myself that it would be better not to admit the truth about my past, but it was no use

I could not silence the voice that speaks to me when I am alone.'

'But you must promise not to tell her!' Valjean interrupted

Marius kept his promise about not telling Cosette, and Valjean visited her every evening in a small room on the ground floor

At first, Cosette could not understand why Valjean refused to meet her upstairs

You'll always be my father and I'm not going to let you go.'

As 'Monsieur Jean', he gradually became a different person to her, and she began not to depend on him for her happiness.

When he arrived, he discovered that the fire had not been lit, and the armchairs had been left near the door

Valjean realized what was happening; Marius was telling the servants not to make him welcome any more

That night he went home in despair, and the next evening he did not come at all.

When Valjean did not appear for the second evening, Cosette sent a servant to his house to ask if he was well

He did not return to the house again, and Cosette was too busy with married life to think too much about him

She did not realize that, every evening, Valjean would walk slowly from his house until he reached the corner of the street where she lived

He persuaded Cosette, therefore, not to use any of the money her guardian had given her, and to live on the money that he had started to earn as a lawyer

Cosette had not been happy about this

She could not understand why her father, as she still thought of Valjean, had stopped visiting her

But she loved her husband even more, and she gradually became used to not depending on the old man for her happiness.

Marius could not believe his luck

However, Marius had a shock when he saw the man - he did not recognize him at all! He was an old man with a big nose, glasses and neat grey hair

Pontmercy not read my letter?'

Marius had only read the letter quickly, and could not remember the details, so he said, 'Go on.'

'They are incorrect, and I do not like to hear a man unjustly accused

Jean Valjean did not rob M

'First, he did not kill M

Madeleine! And second, he did not kill Javert because Javert killed himself

'But he's a splendid man! The fortune was really his, and he's not a murderer or thief at all! He's a hero and a saint!'

'I told you that I do not like to see a man accused unjustly, but I do like to see a man punished for crimes he has committed.'

'Well, we're not going to allow you to stay here on your own

'I'm not in pain

'But it is terrible not to live.'

You'll feel some grief for me, but not too much

You must not forget it

Jean Valjean's hands rested on their bowed heads, and did not move again

As she was going through the wood, she met with a wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some woodcutters working nearby in the forest

The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and talk to a wolf, said to him, "I am going to see my grandmother and carry her a cake and a little pot of butter from my mother."

It was not long before the wolf arrived at the old woman's house

I do not remember my name.

I do not even know where this is because the fog is so thick that I can only see for a few metres in any direction.

The t-shirt is not familiar either: just simple and black

I am sure that I know her, but I still do not remember why

I remember Catherine's face, but she is not smiling like she is in the picture, and her blue eyes look scared and desperate

I do not know what to do for a moment

I want to shout again, but then I do not

I try not to think of anything but the direction I am moving in, but I am starting to remember things now

"Hello handsome," she always says to me, "another day at the office?" And I never say much, but I do not have to: we understand each other without words

Is it the man with the dark eyes and dirty brown hair? Does he know I am here? Good! If he looks for me, he is not with Catherine, I think

I expect him to have dark eyes and dirty hair, but he does not

His hair is blond, his eyes light, and I think that this is not the man who has Catherine

When I look to see why, I see that she is not there: the white ropes are still tied to the stone, but she is not.

I do not understand anything else that they say, but I do understand these three words, and I smile again.

I almost do not recognise the two men beside me, and I think that from a distance people cannot see that I am a woman.

"What is this?" he says, and he looks nervous but not nervous enough.

Not that: we're not common thieves!" And he throws the bag to Little John

Beethoven fills the silence again, and I look at Robin and see that there is sweat on his face too, but Hastings does not move.

I do not believe it, and I take the computer.

"Oh, and just to let you know, there are no bullets in any of our guns." Hastings starts to shout, but we do not listen

But just to be safe he decides not to phone Emily again.

But can she still swim? He is not sure

The idiot does not speak English, Oliver thinks

"Oh no, surely not?" She turns to the man and smiles again

He then gives him another long, hard look, but Oliver does not care.

But Sylvia does not seem to hear and instead looks out at the dark loch.

For a second he does not know where he is

You can call that stupid girl of yours 'Darling,' but not me

And she has deep-green eyes that at the moment are tired and nervous and show something which he does not completely recognise.

"Dangerous, yes," but she does not say anything else, and Branwell continues.

"No, of course not

Branwell does not sit

He does not feel any sympathy for her

He cannot: not for someone who can do that

"My name is Grey, Detective, but not William

The rest of his luggage is in the pickup truck, but not this bag

You do not steal from Big Jones and stay in London

But not Gerry.

No, Big Jones does not just kill you

They do not look for sixty thousand pounds of uncut diamonds.

Gerry is not sure, but he thinks that the man looked at the bag by his feet.

He does not believe the brothers, not for a moment

He thinks he sees a dark shape, but he does not shoot

But the scream he hears is not his own.

The sky is not there.

The new clothes are not new, Jake knows: not really

But don't let the NYPD ones see you, or you're not coming back here, not with me." Jake nods again.

Most do not see anything, but one always sees something, and one is enough.

Except, Jake is not sure he is a tourist

The man does not use the camera and does not look at the map

And for a moment he does not understand.

He hears another shout, and knows that the man is nearly here, but the camera is not looking at him

But he will not

But it was not the man who pushed Jake and took the bag: it was a policeman; the man is underneath four NYPD officers.

Jake now realises that the crowd is not shouting.

"How did you know, kid?" a voice says, but this time it is not Nick.

"Well, maybe not pirates, but you should still be careful

She does not need to hear any of your horrible stories or strange ideas."

"Well, for them, not for me: I'm not married," says Edward a little too quickly.

"I'm sure she's not interested, Pete," says Edward.

"Okay, well, it's not my idea, and it's old, but I think it's great for a film

"No, not with this type of pill

Normally Nick likes his job, but not today

But only sometimes, because the defendant and the rest of her family, the Lee family, are wild, and he does not want to make her, or them, angry

They have a terrible reputation in Bristol, and there is not one of them that does not scare Nick.

However, that is not why you are here

The words she said were 'I will kill him,' but the defendant says she does not remember that

The friend, Mr Harris, says that Miss Lee did not say anything to Mr Dawson and that the only thing Mr Dawson said was 'Hello'

The defence says that this is not murder, but manslaughter

They say this is the case because Miss Lee was not in a sane state of mind when she killed Mr Dawson; they say that this crime was in defence of her sister

The prosecution says this is not true

Not the police, not my mental family..

Why not? What can she do to him in here?

She stands near to him, and he can see the tears in her eyes and the sad expression on her face, but this time he knows it is not real.

For a second he does not know what to say, but he knows what to do, and he pulls his hand away and moves to the door

And they will not like what you say

"I think the judge needs to listen to this first," he says, and he looks back at the beautiful Mrs Dawson and sees that she is not sad now, and that she is not victorious, and not angry.

But it is not.

No, it is not ice-cold water: it is fear.

No, you cannot, because you know that everything is not okay

And you do not tell yourself to relax, you do not tell yourself that everything is okay, and you do not tell yourself to return to your calm and gentle dreams.

So you do not move, but you let your eyes adjust, and soon the complete darkness is not so complete

There is not yet the sound of the milk van or rubbish collectors

But you are not sure

But you know that the noise was not her

But there is another part of you now, and it is not cold with fear: it is hot

It is colder here, but you do not feel it

Your heart is beating so fast that you do not feel anything but the strange mixture of fear and anger.

The light switch is not near your door but halfway to the stairs

You want to turn back and run to your room and hide under the blanket and be completely silent and not move.

How long ago was his last visit to this cold stone building? More than twenty years? Well, that is not important at the moment

In the distance he can hear the siren of a gardai car in the city centre, but he is sure it is not for him

But not one of them is interested in him

As he does not want them to see his face, he pulls open the left door to the box and enters.

I need to know that anything I say here is not to be repeated

"But does it matter that you're not my priest? Can you still listen?"

"But can you promise not to tell anyone?"

"I promise, my son, I will not tell a soul."

"Okay, Father, but remember, you promise not to tell a soul."

"There's not much to tell

But tell me, why did you stay in the city? Why not run for the countryside? Or hop on a ferry out of here?"

He thinks about lying, but why? The priest promises not to tell a soul

He wonders if there are still any people there, but he thinks there are not.

But not yet: the Mojave Desert is still all around him with its flat orange sands and dead bushes

And maybe he should not

She was not the first girl, and he knows she will not be the last.

Yeah, he could not remember, but he knew.

"Jesus!" he says, and he does not feel tired anymore

Then suddenly the road is not empty: there is a car behind him

And he thinks for a moment about not stopping, but there is nowhere for him to go

God, he wishes he could remember last night: not just the girl's expression when he hit her, but everything.

The cop nods but does not take them

But in the reflection of the red paint he sees the cop raise his hand, and in the soft evening light he sees the knife, and for a moment he does not understand.

And he starts to run again, not on the road now, but into the desert

He wants to turn to look back to see if the man is following him, but he does not dare

Brandon tries not to think as he walks through the snow that reaches up to his waist

He tries not to remember the expression on Greg's face as the bullet hit him in the back.

To escape and to not say anything to anyone

But Brandon was not so sure

But Brandon did not do that

He did not do any of that

What time is it now? He does not know

That's enough time for them to get the money from Banff but not enough to do anything else like phone the cops

That is what Greg told the hotel, even if that part was not true.

West nods but does not say anything

The headmaster, Mr Bowen, does not exactly look happy, but he looks content

"Yes." Bowen stands by the large windows and does not look at them

They are not criminals."

"Show them out Miss White." And the headmaster does not look at them again.

"No, well, not really," the secretary says quietly.

"No, it's not what you think

But there is something that does not make sense

But if these men are not hammering.

He tried desperately to shout, but he could not, and he tried to move, but he could not

But not Junior

Junior said that to walk there was stupid, because they had a car, and despite all of Owen's arguments, the teenager did not change his mind.

Junior does not like sports, he does not run, and the last time he came to the forest with Owen, he said that he was too cold and that the forest was boring.

But Owen does not like to think about that too much

So he tries not to think about it.

But not this time

But now in the forest he is not so sure

The boy looks bored already, and he is not looking at the gun bags with interest any more.

And Owen realises that the boy does not understand what poaching is.

"Why not?"

Now, not many people come to this side of the forest at this time of the year, but if you see someone you just put the gun down gently in a bush or under some leaves

Sure, he likes films and television and not sports, but maybe this can be their thing

It doesn't have to be every weekend if Junior does not want to, but occasionally

Keep to your left but not directly behind you

He thinks there is someone or something moving, and it is big: bigger than a rabbit or a hare, but he does not think it can be a person

In the summer maybe, but not now.

But before he can do this, Junior, who does not know what is making the noise, remembers his dad's words:

But he does not remember the other words...

Now, it's not a very nice story, and I can't promise you that there will be a very happy ending

Jimmy Lane does not stand

"Now, I am a not a cruel man, Jimmy

I'm really not

I'm a business man, not a gangster

Did you really not think that we were watching you? We knew you were cheating

Hank Wynn does not stop to watch what happens next

You see, he is not a cruel man, but he sometimes has to do cruel things

But for a moment Clive and Kenny wait, stepping backwards so that the waves caused by the feeding frenzy do not get at them.

But then he slowly says something as if he does not himself believe what he is saying

Do not fall asleep, she tells herself.

She cannot see his face because he has the hood of his sports jacket up, but he seems to be asleep, and there is something about his face that she does not like

The man in the corner is probably just a normal guy and not some horrible character from one of her thrillers.

The old woman two seats away from her does not look happy and she moves to sit in the seat next to Sarah.

"No, of course not," Sarah says and smiles

The poor old woman must not feel too comfortable next to the noisy kids, but Sarah knows that they are okay: she can spot the bad kids from a mile away.

No, these kids are okay, but they are loud, and it is impossible for Sarah not to hear their conversation

He uses something strange: not a knife but something long and thin, and he stabs them again and again, and they just bleed and bleed."

But she does not want to listen, and she takes her MP3 player from her bag and puts her headphones in.

She does not want to think about their conversation or the horrible reason why the tube is so quiet

She does not want to think about the stories in the newspapers

She does not want to think about what the police are calling the tube murders

...He uses something strange: not a knife but something long and thin, and he stabs them again and again, and they just bleed and bleed.

Everyone was given one hundred energy units a week, and they had to be careful not to use them too quickly

But it's not just an idea

They did not want anyone going into the contaminated world beyond - it was much too dangerous, they said.

"No! No, of course not." He paused

"You're not serious?"

She managed not to say anything in front of her little brother, but Gran could see at once that she was upset.

There was a choice of lifelike views in 3D - not as clever as the illusions in the simulator, but they did help the family to forget, at times, that they lived deep under the ground.

"Don't use any energy units for me - I'm not bothered," said Sala.

She decided that they needed to talk about something different, because she'd come here to make things better, not worse.

"I'm not really sure," Cham confessed

I'm not old enough yet, though

"Well, I guess you're not the only one who's afraid."

"I'm not talking about being afraid

"Well, no, I guess not." Sala looked away

A bit too clever, said a voice in Sala's head: they'd been together, and yet not together; they were able to talk to each other, but sometimes experienced things separately

I've been so busy at work the last few days, I feel I've not been home much at all."

I'm just saying - maybe the world out there is not as terrible as the government would like us to believe."

She had to consider Cham's future, not just her own

It's not really about that..

"So what? It was an hour, not two years."

"Oooh, I hope not," laughed Sala.

"It's not just that," she protested

"So they decided not to fix the old equipment

I'm not angry with you

Especially not with you

I'm not going to stop you

"Of course not

"But you have to promise not to tell anyone

"Why not? I told you - I have to."

The government has lied to us - it's not contaminated like we've been told

"You're not supposed to, officially."

"But not all."

"But not too closely

Determined not to lose sight of her guide, Sala pushed her way forward

"But not without us," she added hurriedly

But Wena knew that Sala had told Cham about the rose fruit, didn't she? Anyway, Sala needed to tell Cham to try and persuade him not to go into a pod.

"It's not crazy

It's not real

"Why not? By then, you'll be sure

When they had talked about it before, she had felt left out; not jealous, exactly, because she was sure that she didn't want to join them

"Well, it's not!" said Sala

He complained that Sala spent too long running, not realizing that she was waiting..

"We support you - Gran is just not ready yet

What else could I say? Sala was kicking herself for not keeping Wena talking for longer

When we're not learning, we play sports, and they're all great..."

"It's not real, you know."

"You're not really learning to ski."

not quite," said Sala cautiously

not good."

It must be strange for him, not knowing where she was or what she was doing

"There's not much," said Gran, handing Sala a little cup

And it's not surprising

"Hey, you're not jealous, are you?"

you're not planning anything with that woman, are you? They teach us to report things like that." Report it? Sala's stomach turned to ice

He's not the same person anymore," she finished, bursting into tears

"I'm not sure he'll agree to leave the pod anyway, but if he does, they might still want him to stay

It's not fair that we have to stay here."

"I'm not sure that Pod Life is all that good, you know." She looked over at Cham's parents

She needed to see the real Cham, not his avatar

He's still not the same

"It's not his fault," said Mom quietly

"I'm not blaming him," said Sala miserably

"So there's not much he can report."

"It's not your fault, Sala," said Gran

"It's not Cham's fault, either

It's not doing me any harm at all."

Did he suspect her reasons? She desperately hoped not

She did not belong in the pod

She did not belong to the government

She would not be their tool, used like Cham to pull other people in

What would I be today if I had not gone to Monte Carlo with Mrs Van Hopper? I would have lived another life

Mrs Van Hopper was not a pleasant woman

I was not exactly a servant and certainly not a friend.

De Winter had not answered Mrs Van Hopper's question

She was not silent for long, of course

I looked down at the floor and tried not to hear Mrs Van Hopper's loud voice

'Why not tomorrow evening? I'm having a few friends...'

You are not a child, you know.'

I could not go out

I was very rude after lunch.' The note was not signed, but I knew it was from de Winter.

I sat down awkwardly trying not to look at him

'Why not?' he said

'You were not rude,' I said

'At least, she did not think you were

He did not answer

I felt that he did not want to talk about his home.

'Mrs Van Hopper is not my friend,' I said

I did not want Mrs Van Hopper to hear me

I did not feel shy with de Winter

'I should not have brought you up here

For the first time, I wished that I had not come.

He did not talk about his life there, but about the house itself

I could not meet Mrs Van Hopper and answer the endless questions

First love is not always happy

I did not reply

I could not tell Mrs Van Hopper that every morning I drove with de Winter in his car

I have forgotten the places we went to, but I have not forgotten the excitement of those mornings

If we had driven round-in circles, I would not have cared

I could not help looking at it as we drove along.

'I'm not sure,' I began

'You would not be in this car now if you were like that,' he said.

I am not an interesting person at all

If you had not been here, I would have left long ago

I could not speak

The afternoon with Mrs Van Hopper did not matter

But she did not.

'He's an attractive man,' she said, 'but not easy to know

I did not answer

People could not forget her

Somehow, she and her beauty had not died.

He would be sitting in the restaurant, reading perhaps and not thinking of me

I had not seen Maxim all day

'He will not be back before midnight.'

I should not be able to speak to him at all

'No,' I said, 'I don't think so.' I tried not to look at her.

I would not see Maxim

I thought I would not see you again.'

'I'm not joking,' said Maxim

'Do you want a secretary?' I asked, not understanding him.

I could not think clearly.

I did not know whether to laugh or cry

Maxim had not said anything to me about love

But he had not said that he loved me

'She could not speak at first

I did not know what to say

I did not say anything

'Of course,' she said, 'you know why he is marrying you, don't you? He's not in love with you

We were not far from the house now

But somehow I still could not believe it.

I did not want to be alone with Mrs Danvers

'No, not from this wing,' she answered, 'and you can't hear it either

'Then this was not his bedroom before?'

I did not know what to say

'She may not like me at first, of course.'

Maxim did not look at me

'Of course not,' I said

But I did not feel very happy as Maxim walked out of the room

The fire was laid, but not lit

I looked round for a box of matches, but I could not find one

'Oh, Frith,' I said awkwardly, 'I could not find any matches

'The fire in the library is not usually lit until the afternoon, Madam,' he said

I went into the hall again, I did not know which way to go

I could not tell Frith that I had never seen the morning-room

Maxim had not shown it to me the night before.

I did not expect the telephone to ring.'

Rebecca would not have answered like that

And Maxim had not come back

I could not meet them by myself.

I could not look at Maxim

I did not know what had happened down in the bay

It could not be touched

The past and the future did not matter at all

At this moment I was not afraid.

As I said before, you are not what we expected

Had Beatrice said something to make him angry? I could not remember.

I was not sure what Beatrice had said and I thought it better not to ask.

Maxim did not answer

We turned on to the left-hand path, not saying anything

We stood still, not speaking

We called and whistled, but he did not come.

The dog looked up, but he did not come to me

I looked back, but I could not see Maxim

'It's not very nice weather,' I said

'I know that dog, it's not yours

'Why should I run after the damned dog?' Maxim said, not looking at me.

If you had my memories, you would not go there either

Frith must not see them

'I'm not angry with you,' he said.

I was not hungry and I felt very tired

The handkerchief was not mine

We did not go down to the beach again

If I could not sleep, I went to the window and looked out on to the rose-garden

I was not troubled by the sea's unhappy music.

I could not forget the lost look in Maxim's eyes

I could not forget his words: 'I was a fool to bring you back to Manderley.'

I did not want anyone to talk about the sea or boats

I smiled and said, 'We have not decided

I could not tell the woman that Maxim had never spoken about the ball.

I did not mind

I did not care

I was Mrs de Winter now, not Rebecca

But I did not want to ask Maxim.

'I did not know you had dances here.'

Frank did not reply at once

Frank did not answer me.

Frank turned away from me so that I could not see his face.

But Frank did not sit in the morning room every day as I did

He did not sit at Rebecca's desk and touch the things she had touched

Dear God, I did not want to think about Rebecca

She did not forget

At least not afraid, but...'

She did not seem surprised

'I'm afraid not,' I said

But I'm not used to this kind of life

Maxim did not answer

You think I am not right for Manderley

I could not understand it

I had not wanted Maxim to go to London, but now I was glad to be alone.

The sun was shining today and the cottage did not look frightening any more

'I'm not doing anything wrong,' he said

'You're not like the other one,' he said

'No, of course not, Ben,' I said.

I started to run up the path and did not feel safe until I reached the lawn

I had never seen it before and I hoped the visitor did not want to stay to tea.

I did not know what to do

'What? He's left you all alone? That's not fair, is it?' The man gave an unpleasant laugh

I did not like him at all.

I did not like the way that Favell spoke about Maxim

I did not want to look at his car

No, it was not used

It was not lived in any more

The air was not fresh

'I did not expect to see you here, Mrs Danvers

The wind was blowing harder, and still she had not come back.

I could not take my eyes away from hers

I hoped that Maxim would ask for me but he did not.

I could not forget my visit to the west wing

I tried not to remember my visit to the west wing

But I could not stop thinking about Favell and his friendship with Mrs Danvers

'You are not going to have a baby, are you?'

I did not want Beatrice to tell Maxim about the visit

Beatrice did not look at me.

I'm not sure.'

'I did not like him,' I said.

I hoped that she would tell me more about Favell, but she did not

Maxim would not be back for another hour

I did not feel like sitting in the house by myself

But I did not go near the sea

Thank God she did not know I was watching her

He did not say anything about Mrs Danvers or Favell.

I knew then that he was not going to tell me about his anger with Mrs Danvers

Maxim still thought of me as a child - someone who must not hear unpleasant things

I did not know what Maxim was thinking

I did not want to be a child

I did not know what to wear

I made sketches of some of the costumes, but I did not like any of them

I did not know what to say

Go quickly, before anyone comes.' I could not speak

I did not know what I was doing

'You could not have known.'

I did not say anything.

'I'm not going down.'

I did not answer and Beatrice walked slowly to the door and went out.

His eyes were cold and hard, not the eyes of the man I knew and loved

What was the time? I did not know

My body was tired, but my mind would not rest

But Maxim did not come.

He had not come to bed at all

It was not the sort of love he needed

Maxim was not in love with me

He did not belong to me, he belonged to Rebecca

I could not hide in my bedroom any longer

He has not been in since.'

'Frank,' I said slowly, 'Maxim did not come to bed last night.'

I could not stop my tears now

I did not want to see Frank

He could not help me

I could not get these thoughts out of my mind.

I could not see the woods

She was not dead, like Rebecca

I could not speak to Rebecca, but I could speak to Mrs Danvers.

She did not answer.

'Mr de Winter is not happy,' Mrs Danvers said, looking at me at last

'It's not true,' I said

'It's not true

I was suddenly very angry and not afraid of Mrs Danvers any more

Mrs Danvers did not seem to hear me

'When she was only twelve years old, the men could not stop looking at her

'Mrs Danvers, you're not well

That shows you he's not forgotten her, doesn't it? Of course Mr de Winter was jealous

'She's the real Mrs de Winter, not you.'

It's not like drowning

You're not happy

If I jumped now, I would not see the stones

Maxim did not love me.

I would not have to think about Rebecca any more...

I could not see him, but I could hear his voice

Then for the first time I realized that Maxim had not gone away

Frank was there talking to a coast-guard, but I could not see Maxim.

I did not know what Ben meant

I did not look at the cottage

Jasper was not there

'Mr de Winter is not back yet, Robert,' I told him

'Well, Mrs de Winter, it's not very pleasant

I must not fail Maxim now.

I'm not a child any more.'

'The woman buried in the church is not Rebecca

'Rebecca was not drowned

'It's not too late,' I said, putting my arms round him

I stared at him, not understanding.

Maxim did not answer.

Things that I could not tell anyone.'

'I did not kill her then,' he said

I did not say anything

Maxim did not love Rebecca

Rebecca did not say anything

I was no longer afraid of Rebecca; I did not hate her any more

Rebecca had not won, she had lost.

'I'm not used to having messages sent by Robert

She waited, but I did not say anything

Mrs Danvers did not frighten me any more

She was my enemy and I did not care

I did not look at Maxim during lunch

We did not walk in the woods or go down to the sea

There were clouds, but the rain did not fall.

I could not look at anyone

And that's not all

I could not look at him.

'No, of course not.'

I tried to stand up, but I could not

Frank did not answer

Frank did not answer

He could not know how much Maxim had told me

God, let me not think about it

I could not speak or walk towards him.

The rain was falling so heavily that I did not hear Frith come in.

I could not think why Favell had come.

'I'm afraid Maxim is not here,' I said, when Favell walked into the room

'Now, Max, old man,' Favell said at last, 'you know I'm not a rich man

The rain was so heavy that we did not hear the sound of the car

'I'm not happy about the verdict

'But the note is not clear

'Oh no, I'm not drunk

'Certainly not,' said Colonel Julyan

I wished that Maxim had not hit him

Ben did not answer.

'No, of course not,' said Colonel Julyan

Favell did not answer

'No, it is not,' Mrs Danvers answered.

'She was not in love with you, Mr Jack

She was not in love with anyone

Favell stared at Mrs Danvers as though he did not understand her.

'No, certainly not,' she said.

'Of course not,' said Maxim

It was the one clear proof that Rebecca had not killed herself.

'But he's not on the phone

'He's not going alone,' Favell said with a laugh

'I suppose you're not going to ask me to dinner, so I'll say goodbye

Tomorrow will be a long day.' He held my hand for a moment, but he did not look into my eyes

We did not say anything

The peace of Manderley could not be broken

Its beauty could not be destroyed

Maxim slept on and I did not wake him

We did not know what we should find at the end of the journey.

I could not believe it.

Maxim looked pale and tired, but he did not say anything

She did not kill herself

'We may not need it,' said Colonel Julyan

'I suppose she could not face the pain

I did not say anything

'I'm not sure that Rebecca hasn't won, even now,' Maxim went on

I wanted to get to the Happy Valley, but I could not find it

'That's not the dawn,' he said, 'that's Manderley.'

He does not like Bud.

Nathan does not see The Cat

'It's not going to hit us.'

'It's not going to be easy,' says Sam, 'but let's go!'

'I'm not stopping,' she says

She does not see it, but Nathan does.

The bag does not hit Natalie, but it hits Nathan.

She still had not adjusted to the loss of her only child, because she'd never wanted - or tried - to adjust to it

Why not? The more that she considered it, the less crazy it seemed

The police and the morticians had advised her that Danny was so badly torn up, so horribly mangled, that she was better off not looking at him

This boy in the station wagon was not the first that she had imagined was Danny; in recent weeks, she had seen her lost son in other cars, in schoolyards past which she had been driving, on public streets, in a movie theater.

Each time, for a few hours after she woke, she could not face reality

This was a warm and wonderful fantasy, but she could not sustain it for long

Though she always resisted the grim truth, it gradually exerted itself every time, and she was repeatedly brought down hard, forced to accept that the dream was not a premonition

And that was not good.

The sound she'd heard had come as she was waking, a real noise, not an imagined one.

She began her career as a dancer - not a showgirl but an actual dancer - in the Lido de Paris, a gigantic stage show at the Stardust Hotel

She managed to be both a fine dancer and a good mother, although that was not always easy; she loved Danny, and she enjoyed her work and she thrived on double duty.

The tricky spelling of the title was not Tina's idea, but most of the rest of the program was her creation, and she remained pleased with what she had wrought

Although the funeral had been more than a year ago, she had not yet been able to dispose of Danny's belongings

Gazing at the dead boy's toys and pathetic treasures, Tina realized, not for the first time, that it wasn't healthy for her to maintain this place as if it were a museum

As long as she left his things undisturbed, she could continue to entertain the hope that Danny was not dead, that he was just away somewhere for a while, and that he would shortly pick up his life where he had left off

His printing was neat, like everything else about him, not sloppy like this scrawled message

In bed, again she snuggled in the covers and closed her eyes and tried not to think about the chalkboard

Joel was an odd little man: five-feet-four, slightly chubby but not fat, with curly brown hair that appeared to have frizzed and kinked in response to a jolt of electricity

When he finally stopped hugging Tina, he could not stand still

He had become not just a valued business associate, but a good friend as well, a big brother.

She had not printed those words

She was a sweet old woman, feisty and independent-minded but not the type to play cruel pranks.

She'd thought he had regained his perspective during the last few months, but evidently not.

Maybe not for a few days.

Many were still in the communal dressing rooms, while other girls, already costumed, waited in the halls or at the edge of the big stage, talking about children and husbands and boyfriends and recipes, as if they were secretaries on a coffee break and not some of the most beautiful women in the world.

Vivienne Neddler parked her vintage 1955 Nash Rambler at the curb in front of the Evans house, being careful not to scrape the whitewalls

She usually worked during the day, not at night

Even these days, when most machines could be played with electronically validated value cards, the nickel duchesses wore black gloves to keep their hands from becoming filthy after hours of handling coins and pulling levers; they always sat on stools while they played, and they remembered to alternate hands when operating the machines in order not to strain the muscles of one arm, and they carried bottles of liniment just in case.

She loved them as much as life itself, and she knew they truly wanted her with them; they were not inviting her out of a misguided sense of guilt and obligation

If she phoned for them and then ran out of the house, they might not find an intruder when they came

This display had always contained six pictures, not just four

In spite of her anxiety, a power she could sense - but which she could not define - drew her inexorably to Danny's room.

But her physical beauty was not what most excited him

Sitting in the dark theater, he smiled, not at the comic magician who was performing in front of the closed stage curtains, but at his own sudden, youthful exuberance.

Outside, the night was cool but not wintry

But not tonight

He said, "How can Batman wear an armored rubber suit all the time and not have a chronic rash?"

"I'll try not to slurp my soup."

He would be sleeping, but she wouldn't feel guilty if she woke him, not after all the sleepless nights that he had given her

On the left, slot machines ran the entire length of the casino, bank after nerve-jangling bank of them, brightly and colorfully lighted, attended by gamblers who were more vocal than the card players but not as loud as the craps shooters

When they were first married, he'd been fun, charming, easygoing, but he had not been that way with her in a long time.

It's not usually dangerous, except if he has a mouthful of food when he faints, because then he might choke to death.

"Why not?"

I'm not really sure why I did," she lied

"Michael, it's not just a story."

"I'm not embarrassed

Well, not her ambition as much as Michael's childish attitude toward it

I'm not going to-"

Of course not

When he paused to lick his ice-cream cone, she said, "Michael, that's not the way it's going to be."

"I'm not feeling unfulfilled these days," she said

"I'm not pining for the domestic life

Let's not throw away this chance."

"So I'm not a giver, huh? Then who gave you the house you're living in? Huh? Who was it had to move into an apartment when we separated, and who was it kept the house?"

She could see what he was up to, and she was not going to be distracted from her main intention.

She just surrendered to the racking grief that swept through her and did not question it.

She was positive that Michael had not done the damage in Danny's bedroom

In the hard light, the enormous architectural confections were not always appealing; at times, in spite of the billions of dollars of value that it represented, the Strip looked grubby.

I sure hope not

More likely than not, she was the only person on the entire third floor.

In the locked center drawer of the desk was a book with the code numbers that permitted access to the sensitive information stored not on diskette but only in the central memory

Yet she felt that she was not alone.

She hesitated, fingers on the keyboard, not certain if she should proceed

But the cops are a literal bunch, not much impressed by implied threats

Do you really think you're so far gone that you could do something like that and not remember it? Do you think you've got multiple personalities and one doesn't know what the others are up to?"

"I'm not going to think you're nuts," Elliot assured her

"You didn't? Why not?"

"Maybe not."

"And where would he have been all this time if not..

If Danny were alive, and if someone were trying to get that news to you, it wouldn't be done like this, not with all these dramatic hints

Elliot frowned, not convinced of the wisdom of exhumation

"The body's in an airtight casket, but it'll be even more deteriorated now than it was a year ago when they recommended you not look at it."

"Whoever the creep is, whatever his motivations are, he's not well-balanced

A couple weeks after the little girl was buried, the mother started feeling guilty about not paying her last respects."

"And we reopened the grave only two months after the funeral, not a whole year later

"God knows, I'm not happy about this, but I'm convinced it's something I've got to do."

"Probably not even then, what with the four-day weekend."

Her ability to create a stylish stage show was not a fluke; she had taste and a sharp eye that instantly knew the difference between prettiness and genuine beauty, between cleverness and art

We represented some people no one else would touch, entrepreneurs who had a lot of good ideas but not much money for start-up legal fees

He could not remember ever having been half so clumsy in the kitchen as he was this evening

"Absolutely not."

"They not only have good hamburgers-"

She had a throaty laugh that was not unlike Nancy's had been.

Of course, during the first of those two years, she'd still been married to Michael and had felt compelled to remain faithful to him, even though a separation and then a divorce had been in the works, and even though he had not felt constrained by any similar moral sense

He was not a particularly large man, but he picked her up in his arms as if she were a child.

He'd had other women in this bed during the past two years, and a few had stayed the night, but not one of those other lovers had made him feel content merely by the fact of her presence, as Tina did

When at last she drove away, he watched her car until it turned the corner and disappeared, and when she was gone, he knew why he had not wanted to let her go

On hot summer days, these barren, sandy slopes seemed godforsaken, and they would not be made lush and green for another ten years at least

He knew that Kennebeck was a cautious man, but usually not excessively so

There were too many attorneys and not enough civilians to make the bash interesting

"It's not money."

"But I'm not taking them."

Determined not to let them see that he was frightened, aware that any sign of fear would be taken as proof of weakness, Elliot said, "Well, you've got one hell of a weird approach for someone who's just taking a public opinion survey."

"I guess that's just one more question you're not going to get an answer for," Elliot said.

Why in the hell should Kennebeck care whether or not Danny's grave is reopened? Why should you care? Who the hell are you people?"

"Listen, you stupid fuck, I'm not gonna humor you any longer

I'm not gonna answer any more questions, but I am gonna put a bullet in your crotch if you don't move over to the table and sit down."

Elliot pretended not to have heard the threat

I'm not exactly an outsider

We haven't been told the details, not even half of them

Christ, we're not big shots in this outfit

"That's not quite the way they explained the system in law school," Elliot said.

Initially his growing fascination with the macabre had not seemed entirely healthy to her, but she had never denied him the freedom to pursue it

Most of his friends had shared his avid interest in ghosts and ghouls; besides, the grotesque hadn't been his only interest, so she had decided not to worry about it.

When Danny had first begun collecting horror comics with his allowance, she had closely examined those books to decide whether or not they were harmful to him

It's not that you strike me as a dangerous person or anything

"It's a good thing you're not working in the gas company's public relations department."

"I guess not."

Definitely not FBI

Surely not

But not in America, damn it.

She thought of the words on the chalkboard and on the computer printout: Not dead, not dead, not dead...

In those days, the corpse was not embalmed; therefore, the boy was buried while still alive

Death was determined that the parents would not reach the cemetery in time to save their son

Crazily, Tina felt as if her nightmare had not come from within her, but from without, as if some person or force had projected the dream into her mind in an effort to-

He could not have been buried alive

Furthermore, this was not the mid-nineteenth century; these days, doctors could detect even the vaguest heartbeat, the shallowest respiration, the dimmest traces of brain-wave activity.

The roots of all dreams were to be found in the store of experiences in the psyche; dreams were not sent like ethereal telegrams from spirits or gods or demons

Her sudden gullibility dismayed and alarmed her, because it indicated that the decision to have Danny's body exhumed was not having the stabilizing effect on her emotions that she had hoped it would.

If there's a gas leak in this neighborhood, it's not anywhere on your property."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Why not?"

"There may not be time," he said.

It was important that she not lose it.

"I'm not just going to try."

about the boat," Elliot said, not even knowing where he was going to go with that line, ready to say anything to keep Tom from putting up the garage door and throwing them out.

Tina continued: "You're just not the man we were supposed to see, that's all

Appearing to be somewhat amazed herself, Tina hesitated not at all before she said, "Sol Fitzpatrick."

Smiling, Tom said, "I think the deposit might not turn out to be as refundable as you thought."

Obviously, it pleased Tom to think that people who could afford a Mercedes were not so smart after all

"If you gave him a deposit, and if he gave you this address and claimed he lived here, then it's not very likely this Sol Fitzpatrick even owns any boat in the first place."

No matter who they are, they're not omniscient

If they have a judge in their pocket, why not a few cops?"

"That's the wisdom of the service, not mine, but in many cases it's true

It isn't hopeless, Tina, and it's not like you to give up so easily."

"I'm not giving up."

And now, just when I'm beginning to think I can face up to it and put it behind me, I discover he might not have died accidentally after all

But now that it's happened, now that it's been thrust upon you, you're not entirely unhappy

I'm not a natural-born man of action

Elliot drove behind the restaurant and tucked the Mercedes into a slot in the deepest shadows, between a Toyota Celica and a small motor home, where it could not be seen from the street.

He had told Tina that Kennebeck's bosses were not omniscient

That was a bizarre thought, not at all the sort of notion he'd ordinarily get in his head, and he didn't like it.

not just, as if I'm being watched but..

She stayed a moment longer, staring back into the gloom, where the purple mercury-vapor light did not reach.

At last, he and Tina went into the diner, trying not to look over their shoulders.

Michael and I were the only ones who were strongly advised not to look at the remains

"But maybe it's not wise to go to the local press

I'm not sure

And I'm not just talking about the obvious ones like Nellis Air Force Base and the Nuclear Test Site

But a bunch of hard-nosed security men might not have seen it that way."

"But not unlikely."

"To me, it sounds plausible if not probable

Anyway, I'm not saying that's what really happened

The French fries were crisp, and the coleslaw was tart but not sour.

One thing for sure, he's definitely not on our side

Besides, if we're face-to-face with him, we'll have a better idea of whether or not he's telling the truth

"Maybe not."

"Probably not

They might track us when we use the cards, but not for a couple of days."

None of these people had to worry about professional killers, bizarre conspiracies, gas-company men who were not gas-company men, silencer-equipped pistols, exhumations

Is that our love is not dead yet.

No, our love is not dead-

not dead-

not dead-

not dead-"

"not dead-

not dead-

not dead-

not dead-"

"not dead-

not dead-

not dead-

not dead-"

"not dead-

not dead-

not dead-"

At the same time, she knew this wasn't a rational thought; the explanation, whatever it might be, was not that simple

"not dead-

not dead-

not dead-"

We're supposed to have heat in here tonight, not air-conditioning."

Her heartbeat became less like the pounding of a jackhammer, but it still did not settle into a normal rhythm; now it was affected by excitement rather than terror

The windstorm was still in progress, but it was not raging as fiercely as it had been when Elliot and Tina had watched it through the restaurant window

"I'm not, I'm not," she insisted.

Those might not be the precise circumstances, but they're pretty damn close to the truth."

"It might be imaginative, but it's not a theory

I told him not to worry

"Just because you never found him - that's not proof he was killed by a truck."

"I can't think of a better explanation, but I'm not ready to accept yours

"If he has one ability, why not the other?"

"I'm not

She would not be deterred

"It's not a hole

But he's not flat-out telepathic

it's not exactly levelheaded stuff," Elliot said.

The faith that he was beginning to question was not religious, however, but scientific.

"But he's not dead," she insisted

She felt as if he were not merely looking at her but into her, through her

He was determined not to fail on this assignment

Even if someone had been monitoring that area from an overhead camera, there would not have been much for him to see.

There was no heartbeat whatsoever, not even a faint lub-dub.

On the one hand, she behaved as if she did not know the truth

Evans felt guilty about not having had the courage to view the boy's mutilated body prior to the burial

There was an element of coincidence involved, but not all coincidence was meaningful

Now George Alexander was the Nevada bureau chief of the nation's first truly secret police force - a fact that apparently did not weigh heavily on his liberal conscience.

He was an unreconstructed fascist and not the least bit ashamed of it

Harry had been surprised to discover that not all of the people in the espionage business shared his ultraconservative political views

I'm not a hypocrite

I'm not at all like Alexander

Eventually, yes, but not for a long time

Alexander pretended not to notice Kennebeck's displeasure

It's not your fault."

See, I'm not as great as you think I am."

Because the Network did not officially exist, it couldn't openly use its authority to gather information

"But if that's where they went, then they're not just hiding out, licking their wounds

He's not going to be an easy target

And the woman's evidently not one to hide or run away from a problem either

"Eventually, but not necessarily right now

"He figures we're focusing on Arizona, not Reno."

"Let's not start crowing too soon," Kennebeck said

"We've got less than an hour, so there might not be time

It's not very late."

The sound of her laughter startled Elliot, but then he had to admit to himself that he did not feel menaced by the work of this poltergeist

A not unpleasant shiver raced up his spine

He might not understand it himself

"But at least he's not dead," Tina said.

He's more important because he's a human being, not because he's a source of data, Dombey thought angrily, but he didn't voice the thought because it would have identified him as a dissident and as a potential security risk.

Risky as it might be to express doubt to any colleague on the project, Dombey could not control himself: "Clean? This whole thing was never clean

"You know I'm not talking about the morality of it."

If you have to blame someone because you're feeling guilty about what we're doing here, then blame the Chinese, not me."

We're not going to make the same mistake they did and wind up back in their hands."

He also knew that the funeral director had not killed himself

The silencer was so effective that the shots could not be heard above the brittle, papery rustle of the wind.

A warm, animal satisfaction rose in him, which was not an entirely welcome feeling, for he liked to think of himself as a civilized man

Evidently the people in the funeral home were not aware that their man outside had been eliminated

When they were nearly halfway across the graveyard, when Elliot was positive they weren't being pursued, he stopped, leaned against a tall monument, and tried not to take such huge, deep gulps of the painfully cold air

You drive on down the street, but not too fast

Even at 1:45 in the morning, as they passed the entrances to casinos, loud music and laughter and the ringing of slot machines gushed forth, not a merry sound at that hour, a regurgitant noise.

"Why not? I didn't mean it negatively."

"I'm not

"It's not just me that has a savage trapped inside."

An executive jet for the chief of the vital Nevada bureau was not an extravagance, and Alexander believed his improved performance over the past year had convinced the old man in Washington that this was money well spent.

At least half of the people who worked for it did not even realize it existed; some thought they were employed by the FBI; others were sure they worked for the CIA; and still others believed that they were in the hire of various branches of the Treasury Department, including the Secret Service

They knew that the worlds of domestic military security and international espionage were not children's playgrounds

His taste for violence would not have been tolerated for long in the old FBI - perhaps not even in the new, thoroughly politicized FBI - or in many other congressionally monitored police agencies

She cried out, but then she saw that Death could not quite reach her

The hole in the wall was not wide enough for him to step through, into her passageway; he could only thrust one arm at her, and his long, bony fingers were an inch or two short of her

And if it does exist, they might not be holding him there anyway."

"I'm not sure yet." She threw back the covers and got out of bed

The first sporting-goods dealer did not carry the maps, and although the second usually had them, it was currently sold out

"Well, bunkum or not, I'm going to try something like that

She tried not to think about the chill

I'm a good cook, but I'm not a hypnotist."

And it's probably not listed

Elliot was not sure when Tina slipped under the hypnotist's spell, and he had no idea how this smooth mesmerism was accomplished

"When you feel the urge to use the pen, you will not resist it

"You will not be bothered by anything Elliot and I say to each other

spirit," Elliot said, deciding to stick with the occult terminology, not wanting to get bogged down in the real story about Danny.

"It's not going to be easy getting into country like that," Elliot said.

"I'm still not convinced your dream meant what you think it did

"If we change our approach, if we suddenly get too cautious, that'll be our downfall, not our salvation."

Elliot said, "Billy, you might be better off not knowing."

"Look," Billy said, "I'm not just a hypnotist

"You feel good," Elliot said, "because we're not running anymore

"He's not stupid," Alexander said

Even if she had not known that these deep woodlands harbored secrets about Danny and the deaths of the other scouts, she would have found them mysterious and unnervingly primeval.

After leaving Billy Sandstone's house in his Explorer, Tina and Elliot had not returned to the hotel

"Definitely not."

"I'm not sure if it's useful or not." He frowned

if I'm not mistaken, it started at the same time the parietal spot first showed up on the X-rays."

Snow began to fall more heavily - yet ahead of them, not a single flake lay in their way

It was not merely a gate, but a checkpoint

Where were they getting their strength, their nerve, their endurance? It seemed as if they must have some advantage of which Alexander was not aware

"He might not want to go

Yet the weak illumination that the lamps provided was apparently sufficient for the security cameras to obtain clear images of the entire plateau, because cameras were attached to every lamppost, and not an inch of the area escaped their unblinking attention.

Elliot and Tina did not put their hands on the plate, but the inner door of the vestibule opened with another puff of compressed air

Elliot ducked, but not fast enough

"Maybe, maybe not," Morgan said

He was trying hard not to think about the chopper, the bad weather, and the likelihood that they would take a long, swift, hard fall into a remote mountain ravine.

The young guard wheezed in pain, but as far as Tina could see, he was not mortally wounded

The cab controls would not operate unless one first inserted an acceptable ID card into a slot above them

But Tina and Elliot didn't need the computer's authorization to use the elevator; not with Danny on their side

Danny seemed able to work miracles with inanimate objects, but he could not control people, like the guard upstairs, whom Elliot had been forced to shoot

If they were discovered and confronted by a squad of angry security men, Elliot's one pistol might not be enough to discourage an assault

Then, even with Danny jamming the enemy's weapons, she and Elliot would be able to escape only if they slaughtered their way out, and she knew that neither of them had the stomach for that much murder, perhaps not even in self-defense.

Tables were arranged along the fourth wall, covered with books, file folders, and numerous instruments that Tina could not identify.

Maybe Danny could prevent the alarms from sounding, and maybe he could not, so Elliot fired once, and the display screen dissolved into thousands of splinters of glass.

"If that's not good enough for you, I can shut you down the same way I did that damn machine

Dombey, who clearly did not share his associate's compulsion to play hero, remained docile in his chair

She could not have said anything else that would have had a fraction as much impact on them as the words she'd spoken

But not to my country

"You're not going to tie me," Zachariah said.

"We're not flying into an ordinary storm

And not a lot of those."

But they were sunken, ringed by unhealthy dark skin, which was not the way they had always been

But he's not infectious

He has been very infectious, off and on, but not at the moment

Minutes ago, when Tina had first peered through the observation window, when she had seen the frighteningly thin child, she had told herself that she would not cry

"I'm not interested in the philosophy or morality of biological warfare," Tina said

If it's not curable..

"As far as we can determine, it's not a tumor

And not a blood clot."

He's not too heavy for me, worn down as he is, but he's still an awkward bundle."

She agreed that it might not be wise to let anyone know what powers Danny had acquired

"But they're not good people, baby

To Hensen, who had the submachine gun, Alexander said, "Like I told you, waste Stryker right away, but not the woman."

The book you now hold in your hands - assuming that you are not quadridexterous and holding it with your feet - was the second book I wrote under the pen name Leigh Nichols

The producer, the studio, and the network never could agree on a title, and no one liked my idea - Kickass Koontz Cinema - and probably even realized I was not serious in proposing it.

A year later, Tina has reason to believe the accident did not occur as reported - that her son is alive, is being held against his will, and is in desperate need of her

Although The Eyes of Darkness does not have the intensity, the humor, the depth of characterization, the complexity of theme, or the pace of later novels, readers have responded positively to it over the years, most likely because the device of a lost child - and the dedicated mother who will do anything to find out what happened to her little boy - strikes a primal chord in all of us.

I do not scream or argue; I am a polite boy

So he is praised for being merely incompetent and not also drunk, and he is given a second chance

We won the arbitration, and the writer has not, in the intervening twenty-odd years, become a famous director or, as far as I know, a director of any status.

The writers had envisioned a heated roadbed not as ordinary blacktop but as an arrangement of thousands of interconnected hot-plate griddles

When I wondered aloud how any vehicle could negotiate this surface, my question was not understood

By this time, we had passed the one-year mark in the development process, and I knew we were not going to wind up with a usable script, so I didn't insist on discussing whether the rubber tires would melt off the vehicle within two hundred yards or three, or ponder at what point the gasoline tank might explode

After reviewing the chaos that he had inherited, the new head of network decided that even though Darkfall was an exciting script, he didn't want to make a movie "about little creatures living in the walls." He decided that we would film the other script I had done; for which I received primary credit but not sole credit because of Writers Guild rules virtually guaranteeing the first writer some kind of credit as long as that writer's drafts had been composed in one of the languages spoken on Earth.

I would not be surprised to learn that one of the network-approved writers is in prison for crimes of a particularly perverse nature committed against small woodland animals - and I know that at least a couple of them are no longer in the business

'He did not want any friends,' John Openshaw went on, 'and he often drank a lot

I hope you can enjoy it, but if not, give it to your worst enemy

'I didn't understand what he meant, and nothing happened for a few weeks, so I did not feel so worried

I'm not going to do anything."

I thought it was murder, and I could not forget the five orange pips and the strange letters to my uncle and my father.

But in 1869 Uncle Elias, who belonged to this secret group, suddenly left America with all their papers, and so the group could not go on

'I'm sending the pips, not from the K.K.K., but from me, Sherlock Holmes, to Captain James Calhoun

The murderers of John Openshaw did not get the pips, but, in the end, death came to them.

One thing I am sure of: my brother's wife certainly did not know how to set and operate this hammer.'

'I do not..

It was lucky that he was staring at the wine glass and not at me, or something in my expression might have frightened him.

This was the first time he had ever mentioned flies, and I was relieved that Commissaire Charas was not present

But she would not explain why it had been used twice

Andre had not been the absent-minded sort of professor

He enjoyed life, had a good sense of humour, loved children and animals, and could not bear to see anyone suffer.

but to what? The commissaire would have known what to do with such an advantage; I did not

I only know one thing, and that is that you are not insane

'Helene, as soon as the police examine that fly they will know that you are not insane, and then...'

'I understand, Helene, and I'll do my best for Henri whether you tell me or not

I told the servants that I would have only a light supper and that I was not to be disturbed afterwards

This is not a confession because, although I killed my husband, I am not a murderer

It would mean the end of all ways of moving things from one place to another - not only things but also people

For one little moment it did not exist! It was only atoms travelling through space at the speed of light! A moment later, the atoms were once more gathered together in the shape of an ashtray!'

'It's possible because the atoms that make up objects are not close together like the bricks of a wall

He opened the door of the booth - and I was amazed to see that the bottle of champagne and the chair were not there.

'Are you sure it's not dangerous to drink?' I asked, as he opened the bottle.

He did not tell me first, knowing very well that I would never have agreed to such an experiment with our dog

'There are some parts I do not yet fully understand myself,' he said

Of course I never thought that he would try an experiment with a human being, not then anyway

The morning Andre tried this terrible experiment, he did not come home for lunch

At dinner time that evening I had still not seen Andre, so I ran down to the laboratory and knocked at the door

He did not answer, but I heard him moving around

Promise not to look at me or talk to me

I knew I would not find the fly Andre wanted me to look for

I did not know what to do or say

If it is not found, I shall have to find a way to put an end to all this.

Helene, I do not want to tell you

I talked to him for hours about me, about our boy, about his family, but he did not reply.

I screamed again and again but could not stop looking at him

It was not difficult

I was not killing my husband

The police would never understand but the professors would, and they must not! That had been Andre's last wish.

Seeing, but trying not to look, I ran forward and put the right arm under the hammer

'No, not quite

"Why not?"

I had just finished cutting some meat, which was very tough, and said, waving the knife in a way that was not at all appropriate for a vicar, that anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world a favour.

'It is not surprising that his first wife left him.'

'You must not say things like that, Lettice.'

'Well, I'm not surprised my mother left him

I told him that it had not.

'Very like Colonel Protheroe, but perhaps it was not nonsense,' said Miss Marple

'No, of course not

'Oh! Do you think I haven't thought about that again and again? I'm not a bad woman

However, I was not surprised when after dinner he suggested we went to my study.

At that moment, Griselda and Dennis came in and said I must not stop Lawrence from enjoying himself.

'He came out of prison yesterday and is promising to punish me! Why? Because when I, as a magistrate, sent him to prison, I did not consider his wife and children

Low Farm was nearly two miles away and I could not possibly get back by six-fifteen

The man was much better, and his wife said she had not telephoned me.'

Certainly not longer.'

He was not just very energetic, but also extremely rude and bossy

But it was Mary, not Dennis, who brought us the sensational news next morning

I could have answered that question, but I did not wish to involve Anne Protheroe

And shot in the vicarage study? But you, dear Vicar, were not here at the time?' I explained where I had been.

'Is Dennis not with you this morning?' said Miss Marple

'If you have not committed a murder, I cannot see the reason to pretend you have.'

When I had finished she said, 'I know that I am very often rather stupid, but I really do not understand your point

It seems to me that if a young man had decided to take another man's life, he would not appear upset about it afterwards

'But, Mr Clement, it does not seem to me that the facts fit your argument

'That child is not half so dreamy as she pretends to be

Babies, not us, decide when they'll arrive

'But Mr Redding did not come to the house yesterday?' said Melchett.

It was a lady the servant had not seen before and she had asked for Colonel Protheroe, not Mrs Protheroe.

She's not very happy at home

'He's not very well this morning

'It's not certain that he did kill him.'

Ten minutes - a quarter of an hour - not longer than that.'

Also,' continued Griselda, 'you must forgive her for not caring about Colonel Protheroe's death

'It's not strange at all,' said Griselda

As soon as I went in, Melchett said, 'Inspector Slack does not believe that Redding is innocent.'

'When you did not tell me the truth about your clock.'

She would not have had time to reach the studio.'

'Well, we do not believe her story either,' said Melchett

'And Dr Haydock is certain that the murder could not have been committed at the time you say you did it

I remember a clock lying there, but I did not touch it.'

'I'm not sure.'

'That Mr Redding is not a suspect anymore? Yes

'You're not arresting Uncle Len, are you?' asked Dennis.

'Of course, you were upset,' said Melchett, trying not to smile.

'Why? Do the police suspect someone else? Colonel Protheroe was not a popular man

'I have not.'

Then I decided not to

If your maid is in, she can say you are not at home

If you are alone and do not want to see people - well, the only thing to do is to let them ring.'

'I'm afraid I must ask you tell me about it, private or not.'

'But I shall not tell you

There was a pause before she said, 'I had not seen him for several years.'

'No,' he said, 'it's not a clue, it's a gift.'

'Whoever murdered Colonel Protheroe did not come this way! There's no sign that anyone climbed over this wall

If the call had just been a joke, the fingerprints would not have been wiped off so carefully.'

'So why was the first call not made from his cottage?' I asked.

'There were not,' said the Inspector crossly

I said, 'Inspector, Mrs Lestrange is not the kind of person to blackmail someone

Strangely, I could imagine Mrs Lestrange doing that, but not blackmail.

'He writes very clever books, though in real life people are not nearly so unpleasant as he makes his characters

But later she had realized that if her husband had been sitting at the desk, she would not have seen him.

It was his opinion that the colonel had been shot at approximately 6.20 to 6.30 - certainly not later than 6.35.

Well, of course, there must have been a shot, because the gentleman was found shot - but she had not heard it.

'You'll miss your train if you are not careful,' interrupted Gladys.

But he was not pleased

'He was lucky not to miss his train,' he said

Rose, if Gladdie overheard something - it might not seem important - I'd be so grateful to you.'

You will not see her

I will not allow it." It sounded as though the lady wanted to tell Mrs Protheroe something, and he didn't want her to

Griselda did not reply

She is free this weekend because Dr Stone is not working on the barrow.'

'I met him at a dinner not long ago and we had a most interesting talk

'You know,' I said gently, 'not all girls are like Lettice Protheroe.'

But I did not put the jewel into her hand

'And that's not mine

'But she has only been in my study once since the murder, and then she was dressed in black and did not wear blue earrings.'

Mrs Protheroe did come to the study, but only as far as the window, not inside the room.'

'And now I know that you are not speaking the truth, Lettice

He arrived not long afterwards, and not in a good mood

'Sir, if you thought you knew where this suitcase was hidden, why did you not tell the police?'

And Stone is not a murder suspect.'

You are not well...'

I did not reply.

'Why not?'

So I would like your advice about whether to go to the police or not.

I'm not used to it.' She paused

And it is not true that she was in the house

And I suddenly thought that perhaps it did not work.'

And the first thing she said was, 'I will not say anything at all to the police

'Oh, yes! When we lived in Westmorland, I had a surgery not far from his house

She's an old friend, but that's not my only reason

If I do not hear, I will come at the time I have said.

Otherwise, she would not have gone down to the studio to meet Mr Redding

More than one, of course, is not.'

'I'm not sure that "looks after" are the right words for anything that Mary does,' I said

They still think the 6.20 was written by someone else - but they're not sure.'

I read it once - twice - but I still could not believe what it said.

'He's not asleep! He's drugged!' He picked up the pillbox

Yes, give me three nine - nine, not five.' And then, 'Hello - is that you, Haydock? Melchett speaking

'I'm not sure that I can save him, Melchett.'

It upset all my ideas and made me think he was not guilty - when up to then I had been sure that he was.'

And, of course, he is not the sort of young man who would marry a woman who has no money

'We know everything that Redding was doing up to 6.50 and Dr Haydock says Protheroe could not have been shot then.'

Because it was Mrs Protheroe who shot Colonel Protheroe - not Mr Redding.'

'I did not think it was right to speak until now, because I still needed one more fact in order to explain what had happened

'But Mrs Clement was not even here,' interrupted Melchett

And, very strangely, she did not take her handbag

So perhaps the sneeze that Mrs Price Ridley's servant heard might have been the shot? But anyway, Mrs Protheroe and Mr Redding went into the studio together - and then realized, of course, that I would not leave my garden until I saw them come out again!'

But because of the murder they did not dare to appear upset

He did not know that it was always kept a quarter of an hour ahead

There is not much more to tell

Lawrence Redding was not an innocent man, and so the news that Mrs Sadler had seen him change Mr Hawes' pills did indeed make him do 'something stupid'.

But he could not leave without telling Anne

She hoped that she would find something the police had not

'I'm not sure about that

'That is not wise just now.' And then her face went pink.

Then Miss Marple said, 'I hope dear Griselda is not doing too much

The planet Mars, I need not remind the reader, goes around the sun at an average distance of 224,000,000 kilometres, and receives from the sun half of the light and heat that is received by this world

It was also not generally understood that because Mars is older and smaller than our Earth, and further from the sun, it is nearer life's end as well as further from its beginning.

And before we criticize them for thinking in this way, we must remember how badly we have treated not only the animals of this planet, but also other people

I do not think I would have known anything about it myself if I had not met Ogilvy, the well-known astronomer

Because it was so small, I did not see the Thing they were sending us, which was flying quickly towards me across that great distance

I remember how I sat there in the blackness, not suspecting the meaning of the tiny light I had seen and all the trouble that it would cause me

If I had looked up I would have seen the strangest thing that ever fell to Earth from space, but I did not

It was, however, still very hot from its flight through the air and he could not get close to it

He did not imagine that it might be hollow.

He met some local people who were up early, but the story he told and his appearance were so wild that they would not listen to him

Henderson and Ogilvy were not there

I could not take my eyes away from these creatures.

The fear I felt was panic - terror not only of the Martians but of the dark and stillness all around me

After I had turned, I did not dare look back.

For a moment, perhaps, I could not clearly understand how I came there

I could not believe it.

I thought about speaking to him, but did not

I tried but could not tell them what I had seen

My wife, at least, did not think my experience unbelievable.

And we also learned that the Martians were so mechanically clever that they did not need to use their bodies very much.

But I did not consider these points at the time, and so I thought the Martians had very little chance of success

I did not know it, but that was the last proper dinner I would eat for many strange and terrible days.

Many people had heard of the cylinder, of course, and talked about it, but it did not have as much effect as a political event.

'We have to try not to kill them,' he said, 'if it can possibly be avoided.'

During that day the Martians did not show themselves

At the time it did not seem to me so urgent that he should leave his home.

If I had not made a promise to the pub owner, she would, I think, have asked me to stay in Leatherhead that night

I had been very excited all day and I was not sorry that I had to return to Maybury

The horse did not move (his neck was broken, poor animal!) and by the lightning flashes I saw the turned-over cart and one wheel still spinning slowly

Towards Maybury Bridge there were voices and the sound of feet, but I did not have the courage to shout or go to them

I could not see his face

The soldier agreed with me that the house was not a good place to stay in

But the soldier persuaded me not to

In fact, apart from ourselves, there did not seem to be a living person on Maybury Hill.

Many people, though, did not realize how serious the situation was

I turned, but I was not too frightened for thought.

Its head twisted round in time to receive, but not in time to avoid, the fourth shell.

A man, knee-deep in the water, shouted to me and pointed, although I could not hear what he said

I do not remember the arrival of the curate, so probably I slept for some time

It ended with the words, 'Although they seem frightening, the Martians have not moved from the pit into which they have fallen, and don't seem able to do so.'

My brother was not worried about us, as he knew from the description in the papers chat the cylinder was three kilometres from my house

He could not discover what kind of accident it was

In fact, the people in charge of the railway did not clearly know at that time

I have read, in another description of these events, that on Sunday morning 'all London was panicked by the news from Woking.' In fact, this is simply not true

Plenty of Londoners did not hear of the Martians until Monday morning

But most people in London do not read Sunday papers.

My brother could not tell him.

He learned that they were not just a few small crawling creatures, but that they could control enormous mechanical bodies

They could move quickly and strike with such power that even the biggest guns could not stand against them

No doubt the Martians were very frightening, but there could not be more than twenty of them against our millions.

At that time there was a strong feeling on the streets that the government should be blamed because they had not destroyed the Martians already.

London, which had gone to bed on Sunday night not knowing much and caring even less, was woken in the early hours of Monday morning to a real sense of danger.

'Black Smoke!' As he stood at the door, not knowing what to do, he saw another newspaper-seller approaching him

She was not properly dressed and her husband followed her, shouting.

Hidden by a wood, it seems they were not noticed by the Martian nearest to them

At the time we could not understand these things, but later I learnt the meaning of these frightening black hills

These broke when they hit the ground - they did not explode - and let out an enormous amount of thick Black Smoke

They only used the Heat-Ray from time to time that night, either because they had a limited supply of material for its production or because they did not want to destroy the country, but only to defeat its people

He would have had very little chance if the younger lady had not very bravely stopped the cart and returned to help him

They stopped and waited for a few hours, but the doctor did not appear

As they passed the bend in the road, my brother saw a man lying not far away

They seemed in no hurry, and did not go beyond the central part of London all that day

These were mainly people from the northern suburbs who had only heard of, but not seen, the Black Smoke.

But this did not change their plans, and they continued travelling east

He would probably have stayed longer it the sound or guns had not begun at about that time in the south

He was so interested in this that he did not look out to sea

Probably because it did not fire, it managed to get quite close

They did not know what it was

I knew my cousin was brave enough for any emergency, but he was not the sort of man to understand danger quickly and do something about it

But I do not know who these people were or what happened to them

But the curate did not want to leave.

But my fixed idea of reaching Leatherhead would not let me rest, and in the evening I went out again

It did not use its Heat-Ray, but picked them up one by one and threw them into a large metal box which stuck out behind it.

For some time I could not remember what had happened.

And then the light came, not through the window, which was filled with earth from the garden, but through a small hole that had been knocked in the wall

He did not answer, but as soon as I began eating I heard him crawling towards me.

The fifth cylinder had not fallen on our house, but on top of the house next door

It was doing this so quickly and perfectly that I did not see it as a machine at first

The fighting-machines were extraordinary, but could not compare to this building-machine

This face had no nose - I do not think they had any sense of smell - but it had a pair of very large, dark eyes, and just beneath these a kind of v-shaped mouth

In the back of the head, or body - I do not really know what to call it - there was a flat surface like the skin of a drum, which we now know worked as an ear

Besides this they had a heart, but they had no stomach because they did not eat

They did not sleep, and because they had very simple bodies they never seemed to get tired

On Earth they could not move without effort, but even at the end of their time here they remained active

However, despite the danger, we could not prevent ourselves from going back to look again and again

He ate more than I did, and did not seem to understand that we had to stay in the house until the Martians had finished their work if we wanted to stay alive

Or if they stayed permanently, they might not think it necessary to watch it all the time.

The Martians had made such an impression on me that at first I did not think I could escape

I did not think that they could be defeated by human beings

I would not let him eat any more that day

I was tired but would not give up, and he cried and complained about his immediate hunger

He did not move.

I could not stop myself - I moved to the door and looked back into the kitchen

I thought that it might not be long enough to reach me

For a time it did not move, then it moved back through the door.

The tentacle did not come into the hall again, but I lay all the tenth day in the darkness, too frightened even to move for a drink

I did not enter the kitchen again for two days

This made me feel a lot better, and the noise of the pump did not bring a tentacle in through the opening.

Except in the corner, where a number of birds fought over some dead bodies, there was not a living thing in the pit.

For some time I stood there, not worrying about my safety

I was not the master now, but an animal among the animals, under the power of the Martians

If I had known, I would have left him at Walton, but I had not been able to see ahead

He stood silently, watching me but not moving.

His black hair fell over his eyes, and his face was dark and dirty and thin, so at first I did not recognize him.

Strange as it may seem, I had not thought of things this way, although it was perfectly obvious

I did not answer

And if I'm not mistaken, you'll show how strong you are too

But not all of us can live like animals, and that's how we'll have to live

We're not going to accept any rubbish that comes in

We must make great safe places deep underground, and get all the books we can; not novels and poetry, but ideas, science books

'In fact, it may not be so difficult to learn how their fighting- machines work

He won most of the games, and when we did not want to play any more I went back up on the roof.

I did not take the trouble to touch them

But it was not the stillness of death - it was the stillness of expectation

I was not frightened

I watched it for some time, but it did not move

I could not go on

And all around it, some in their overturned war-machines and some in building-machines, and ten of them lying in a row, were the Martians - dead! They had been killed by germs against which their systems could not fight; killed, after all man's machines had failed, by the smallest things that God has put on this Earth.

It had happened in this way, and I and many others did not see that it would happen because terror and disaster had blinded our minds

Death had not come a day too soon

But perhaps it is not totally strange

I have learned since then that I was not the first discoverer of the Martian defeat -several wanderers like me had already known about it on the previous night

I did not believe this at the time.

I remembered how I could not concentrate that morning, hardly a month before, and how I had stopped work to get my newspaper from the newsboy

I do not think that nearly enough attention is being paid to this

However, whether we expect another attack or not, our views of the human future must now be changed by these events

The future may belong to them and not to us.

Sherlock Holmes did not like aimless physical exercise, but one spring day I persuaded him to go for a walk with me in the park

'Hullo! That's not your pipe on the table

'If you want to preserve your incognito,' said Holmes smiling, 'then you should not write your name on the inside of your hat, or else you should turn the inside of your hat away from the person whom you are addressing.'

I did not think this was a good idea, but she insisted

'I was not happy about this because this was the first time that there was a secret between us

I was not very near, but there was something unnatural and inhuman about the face

'That night I did not tell my wife about the strange face and the rude woman, but I did tell her that people were now living in the cottage.

'That same night something strange happened! In the middle of the night, when I was not completely asleep, I became aware that my wife was dressed and was leaving the room

She told me that she had wanted some fresh air, but I did not believe her

'"I have not been here before."

'"I know you are not telling me the truth

"You will not be sorry

'Each time I saw it,' he replied, 'I saw it from a distance, so I am not sure.'

Upon my word, Watson, there is something very attractive about that yellow face at the window, and I would not miss this case for worlds.'

That night she is not able to convince her blackmailers to leave her alone, so she returns ihe next day

She then promises her husband that she will not return, but she wants to get rid of her blackmailers

We did not have to wait long

'I left her in America with a trusted servant,' Mrs Munro continued, 'because she was not very healthy, but I never considered abandoning her

I took every possible precaution so that there would not be gossip about a little black girl

Mr Grant Munro did not say anything for two minutes, and his answer was one of which I love to think

'I am not a very good man, Effie, but I think that I am better than you thought.'

We did not say another word about the case until late that night at Holmes' house in Baker Street, just before Holmes went to bed.

'Watson,' he said, 'if you should ever think that I am becoming too confident in my powers, or that I am not working hard enough on a particular case, please whisper "Norbury" in my ear, and I will be infinitely obliged to you.'

Life is too short! I'll tell you what is not wrong with me..

Medical science was not advanced in those days

Doctors did not know that I had liver illness

People called me 'a lazy little devil', and said, 'go and do your work.' They did not know I was ill with liver disease

We were not hungry

He is not romantic at all

You're not feeling well

It's not nice at all

Camping out in rainy weather is not a good idea

But he's not

However, it was not straight

'Oh, no, not a paraffin oil stove!' I said

This was not what I had intended

I wanted to organise the packing - not do it! I wanted George and Harris to do all the work

This was not an easy job.

The idea of not seeing Hampton Church, with Mrs Thomas's tomb, makes me angry.'

He did not want to work, of course.

When they looked back, they saw that they were towing a boat that was not theirs

First of all, the metal rods did not go into their holes

We pretended that we were not interested in the water

We wanted the water to think that we did not care about it

You must not look at it

It was very cold and I decided not to go in

We decided not to try scrambled eggs again, until Harris had the right pan and stove.

We did not sail into a strange land

We also knew that those people were not happy.

My friends and I are very unhappy to hear men of your age use such bad words.' The three old men did not agree with Harris.

Montmorency: (walking backwards) Oh, no, not at all

Harris did not fall into the river, because the river was far from us

But when we peeled our first potato, we understood that this was not exciting - it was hard work

We agreed that we would row the boat, and not tow it

It's not because I don't like work

George did not agree

We did not have a happy evening

Supper was not good

'That's not very exciting,' said George.

We explained to him that we were not acrobats

Life is not much fun if you work as a typist in an office, and you earn so little that you can't even buy yourself a nice pair of shoes

But it's hard not to think about it

Is typing the only job there is in this world? You are a teacher, are you not?' said Mercy.

I am not that old or wise, but I can advise you a little

But that was not the reason for the uncertainty in her voice.

'No, not really.' Mercy's answer came too quickly.

And I believed her because I know what they pay her is just not enough to live on

And she is not the type who would borrow money just to buy a pair of shoes; she would just wear her old pairs till things got better

I mean, I'm not her mother

'But why not?'

I love James and I am not interested in any other man.' Her voice was full of tears.

It's just that I didn't think it was a question I was not allowed to ask.'

Your private life is not my business, but you just said yourself that you wanted a man of your own

Handsome, maybe not rich like this man here, but with enough money to afford a fast car

It was not necessary at all

She is not your mother,' he said.

'Yes, but that is not what I am talking about.'

She could not discuss the whole business with Mercy, and James always took Mercy's side

Mercy has not been seen for many days

And I'm not getting my car.'

'I am not surprised she hasn't

She talks about a girlfriend but I'm not sure that I know her.'

Sorry for not answering you before

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, and yet there seemed to be something missing - I did not know what.

'Why not?' I asked.

'It's not because you're only a drawing teacher but because Laura's already engaged to be married

Do not do it! He is an evil man

I'm not surprised that it made you worry, but I can explain everything.'

Mrs Catherick told him that she wanted to put Anne in a private asylum, but she did not have enough money

I told him not to sign the settlement unless the part about the twenty thousand pounds remained as I had first written it

The man was too lazy to look after the interests of his own niece! I went to Limmeridge the next day and told him that no one should sign a marriage settlement like this - it gave the husband a large financial interest in the death of his wife! But Mr Fairlie did not want to listen

Suddenly she seemed the stronger sister: she would not change her mind

I cannot even blame him for not breaking his engagement this evening

There are things now that she will not discuss with me - her husband, her married life - but before we kept no secrets from each other.

His manner, towards Laura has changed: he does not look at her with tender interest anymore.

He has intelligent grey eyes; when I look into them, I feel things that I do not want to feel

I am very glad he is not my enemy, but is this because I like him or because I am afraid of him?

If not - '

'It's not fair to say I don't trust you,' said Laura

At first, just after we were married, I tried not to think of Walter

It's not safe to talk

I know you spoke to her yesterday.' Laura told him everything, but he did not believe her

While my wife lives, I get three thousand pounds a year, but that's not enough to pay my debts.'

She's not as pretty, and she's very ill, but still she looks very similar.'

The next day, when the Count returned from the lake, I heard Sir Percival ask him, 'Did you find her?' The Count did not reply but he smiled

As we walked along the corridor, Sir Percival came up the stairs and said, 'She's not there

Because of our great love for her, Miss Halcombe and I had recognised her immediately, but the Count's letter had influenced Mr Fairlie, and even the servants at Limmeridge House had not recognised her.

If Mr Hartright returns to England, do not contact him

'A very aristocratic family! Especially on his mother's side!' She stopped speaking suddenly, as if she had said something she did not mean to say.

When I left her house, I saw two men following me, but I did not care

It was not safe in the vestry, and it was the only evidence of Sir Percival Glyde's secret: that he has no right to his title and his property!

For a long time I had felt nothing but hatred for Sir Percival, but I could not watch as he burnt to death in the vestry

Somehow they had caught fire, and Sir Percival could not get to the door.

I did not tell them what I knew

Do not worry - we are safe - but come back quickly

I will not sign this letter, and I will not name the gentleman in question - let's just call him Sir P...

I did not object: I have never loved my daughter.

But I prefer not to, because I don't want to cause you pain, Miss Halcombe." As soon as he left, I decided to take this new house.'

The only thing that had not improved was her memory of the period between her departure from Blackwater Park and her escape from the asylum

Mr Kyrle told us that if she could not remember what had happened to her, we had no hope of proving her identity.

I met Lady Glyde at the station with a carriage, but it was not my carriage: it was the carriage of the doctor from the asylum

He did not listen to what she said

Mr Kyrle confirmed to Mr Frederick Fairlie that Laura was in fact his niece and not Anne Catherick

The murderer had not been caught, but witnesses described him as a blond man with a scar on his cheek

Sir Percival and the Count had spent all Laura's money, so we could not get it back, but the following year Mr Frederick Fairlie died, so Limmeridge House was Laura's

"I do not wish for women to have power over men; but over themselves."

In the past, a lot of people believed that women were not as intelligent as men

Why educate them for that? People worried that education was not good for women

Women could not do well, she said, because of their bad education.

Her family were not rich, but they educated her

"Schools do not help girls and women," wrote Mary

The fight that Mary Wollstonecraft started in the late 18th century is still not finished

But the Taliban did not like it.

Malala did not die, but she was very badly hurt.

Malala has said, "I tell my story, not because it is unique, but because it is not

130 million girls in the world do not go to school, and 15 million girls of primary-school age will never go into a classroom

They also do not have as many children, and they marry later

Human rights mean that people are not put into prison because they do not agree with the government, and that people are not hurt when they are in prison

It does not matter what gender or race you are, or how rich you are - you have the same rights

Harriet was born a slave in Maryland - this means that she and her family were not free

She could not read or write, but she was very intelligent.

At this time, there were slaves in the south of the USA, but not in the north

But she did not stay there

She is famous because she did not stand up! When Rosa was a young woman, in many places in the USA, black people - who were called "coloureds" at that time - and white people could not sit together.

One of the places where black people and white people did not mix was on buses

Three of the black people on Rosa's bus stood up, but Rosa did not

In the United Kingdom, the vote did not come until 1918

In Emmeline's time, girls were not given a very good education.

They believed in doing things, not only saying words

When they were put in prison, they did not eat

She did this because the government would not give women the right to vote

Some people did not like what the suffragettes were doing

Sometimes, the suffragettes almost died from not eating, but still they continued to Fight

Emmeline did not live to see it.

The Saudi professor and women's rights leader was driven to the voting station because women were not allowed to drive in 2015

Feminism is not new

For example, in France, married women could not work if their husbands did not agree to it

In it, she said, "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman." With this famous sentence, Simone was the first thinker to write about sex and gender

Women, said Simone, are always described as "The Other" - she means that women do not act like men, and, because of this, men believe that women are not as important as them.

It showed that some American women were not happy if they only worked at home

They were not happy just cooking and looking after the children

Countries in the West are not the only countries that have important feminist writers and thinkers

But it's not true; women all over the world are still fighting for their rights.

It was hard, dirty work, and there was not much free time

But people thought that this work was not important, and women had to leave their jobs when they married.

This was because a lot of men did not come home from the war, so women had to work to look after their families.

The fight for work and equal pay has not been won

In these early times, the number of women in science was not high

But we must remember that it almost did not happen! In 1903, the French Academy of Sciences wrote a letter to the Nobel Committee

Marie Curie's name was not there! Then, a Swedish professor of mathematics called Gosta Mittag-Leffler, who was on the Nobel Committee, wrote a letter to Pierre Curie

However, they did not win any Nobel Prizes

Lise was very famous late in her life, but she was not given the 1944 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Since then, many scientists and journalists have asked why Lise did not get the Nobel Prize

Another woman who did not get a Nobel Prize is Rosalind Franklin

Her father did not want her to be a scientist because it was difficult for women, and he told her to study something different

But Rosalind did not listen, and she went to study science at the University of Cambridge.

Because the Nobel Prize can only be shared between three living scientists, Rosalind's work was not spoken about when the prize was given to James, Francis and Maurice

Many people believe that Rosalind, like Lise Meitner, did not get the Nobel Prize because she was a woman.

She loves answering questions from people who are not astronomers.

But Nancy and her husband were not happy, and they divorced in 1903

She did many things that women were not able to do before, like being an MP

She said to the BBC, "I wanted the world to get better, and I knew it could not get better if it was going to be ruled by men." Nancy was an MP until 1945.

She won the "popular vote", which means that more of the Americans who voted, voted for her, but she was not elected.

In a talk in 1995, she said, "Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights." She said that a country cannot be great if its women are not free

For example, there are not many women in the Parliament of Sri Lanka

Jacinda Ardern has said, "I hope that one day this will not be interesting anymore." She wants it to be normal for women to be in politics and to be mothers.

She did not like it

"It looked not at all interesting," she said

Amelia was afraid, but she did not move

"I did not understand it at the time," she said later, "but I believe that little red aeroplane said something to me as it went by." In 1920, a pilot took her up in an aeroplane, and that changed her life

At 7:42 a.m., the Itasca got the message, "We are flying at 1,000 feet." The ship tried to reply, but Amelia's aeroplane did not hear it

In one test, the women were placed in special rooms with water where they could not hear anything or see anything

After the Women in Space programme, women started to go into space, but the first woman was Russian, not American.

She was not a pilot, but she joined the programme because of her 126 parachute jumps

The Americans did not send a woman into space until Sally Ride became the first American woman in space in 1983.

Her family were not rich

When she was twelve years old, she played at a tournament at the Los Angeles Tennis Club, but Billie Jean could not be in the group picture of young tennis players

She did not wear the usual tennis dress worn by female athletes

But Billie Jean saw that women tennis players did not win as much money as men

She would not go to the US Open in 1973 because of that, she said

But she did not just play tennis; she also made great progress for women's equality and for women's pay in sport

Since 1980, in Iran, the government has not allowed women into stadiums to see all-men sports

Parents in poor families marry girls when they are young so they do not have to give them food at home

Everyone is scared of him, but I am not! I am ready to fight Zorro and win! I am a champion with the sword

Perhaps you are not courageous, Zorro?"

But the Governor does not like Don Carlos

I am not interested in marriage

You are young and rich, but you are not strong or romantic! Do you have a heart?" says Lolita

"You must not come here

It is not right

"I am not a thief," says the old friar

"Old Friar Felipe is not a thief and you know it."

"Look, Diego, these young men are not tired

"Yes, I am Zorro, but I am not a bandit

"They are not traitors

They do not help me

They are not my friends," he says.

The letter is not true."

"I'm not scared."