How to use "another" in a sentence


Now that winter is over, she's going to another town in Colorado to work as a gardener for the summer

I manage the first few boulders without any problems and reach another drop

I chip at the rock for another hour and remove as much as the piece that came off before

Elliot, another friend of his, was moving into the house after Leona had gone

At least I've survived another night

with my sister, and another to Gettysburg with my dad

All I can do is stay strong for another night and hope for rescue.

This left her with another problem

I feel sure I won't survive another night in the canyon

Around midnight, I have another vision

I drink another and don't want to move

2.30 pm I've come to another huge canyon

3.45 pm I suddenly hear another man's voice

"There's another!"

But Captain Nemo had another reason for our walk

The voice came from another room

He ran faster and vanished through another hole

This was another difficult question and Alice could not answer it.

The cook threw another plate at the Duchess

The pig made another, louder sound

In another minute, she could see its ears and eyes.

Then they put me into another kind of school, and there were some strange boys there

After that, I moved my bed to another room.

'I've got another one.'

Halfway out, I saw another man who was hurt

And the next morning she told me to find another place to live.

I had another hour before I had to catch the bus again, so I went across and watched him

But I missed the bus that evening, and there wasn't another one until the next day

But who do you think we met there? Sue, the ape! He was in another film!

'Forrest, I want you to meet another Forrest

I add, too, that all the protection which, consistently with the Constitution and the laws, can be given, will be cheerfully given to all the States when lawfully demanded, for whatever cause - as cheerfully to one section as to another.

"No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall in consequence of any law or regulation therein be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due."

That there are persons in one section or another who seek to destroy the Union at all events, and are glad of any pretext to do it, I will neither affirm nor deny; but if there be such, I need address no word to them

Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bondman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether."

He says it's obvious that you are very fond of one another.'

As he was doing this, another man came into the room - a man with grey hair who walked with a slight limp

And now you're slowly killing another one.'

It was another carman, Robert Paul, also on his way to work

When Constable Mizen arrived at the gates of the stableyard, another policeman, Constable John Neil, was already there

This was where Jack the Ripper murdered another woman in the early hours of September 8th.

Once she had children, but one died and another was disabled

There he saw another man, who was lighting a pipe

At the same time Morris Eagle, another member of the club, ran for help in the opposite direction

Jack the Ripper wanted more blood, and he went to look for another victim.

After the murder of Elizabeth Stride, Jack the Ripper went to look for another victim

With the help of another constable Robinson took her to Bishopsgate Street Police Station

And only minutes before at 1.41 or 1.42 another officer looked into the square from Church Passage

But another witness told a different story.

Children followed him to the marketplace, where he stopped for more water at another fountain

The man rose without another word, picked up his bag and stick, and left

He tried another inn, but the same thing happened

'Mme Magloire,' said the bishop, 'will you please prepare another place at the table for this gentleman?'

'I've spent five years in prison for violent robbery, another fourteen years for trying to escape four times

Valjean looked for the boy for another hour, running along the path, calling out his name, but with no success

'And another fifteen francs for extras,' called the man.

A few weeks later, Fantine received another letter from the Thenardiers

After all her pain and suffering she had, for the first time in her life, found kindness in another human being

It was too dangerous for him and Cosette to stay there another night

Without another word, the robber took the wounded man's watch and purse, and disappeared into the night.

What would he be thinking when he saw a strange young man walking backwards and forwards in front of his bench? Without another thought, Marius left the Gardens and went home.

When this happened, Marius did not stay in the Gardens, which was another mistake.

'If they had had another neighbour,' he thought, 'one who had noticed their suffering, perhaps they could have been rescued by now.'

Without another thought, Marius jumped on to the cupboard and looked again through the hole in the wall.

And I'll tell you another thing

He turned to speak to another policeman but, when he looked back, he saw that the prisoner had gone

Just as Marius thought that her sad soul had finally left her body, she slowly opened her eyes, and said in a voice so sweet that it seemed already to come from another world, 'You know, M

He moved from one passage into another, slipping several times on the wet floor

Finally, the group of men moved off along another passage, and Valjean was left in total darkness once again.

While one servant ran to find a doctor and another looked for clean sheets, Valjean felt Javert's hand on his arm

After listening to Marius's heart, he organized his removal to a bed in another room, and returned to M

Gillenormand said and, turning to Marius and Cosette, he added, 'My children, you are free to love one another.'

He was proud of having helped to bring her happiness with Marius, but another thing troubled his soul: the fact that nobody, not even Cosette, knew the truth about him

Thenardier's presence, however, offered him another opportunity; it gave him the chance to solve the mystery of Cosette's fortune.

When you arrive there, I'll send you another 20,000 francs

I won't allow you to spend another day here.'

Love one another always

Little Red Riding Hood set out immediately to go to her grandmother, who lived in another village.

And another image comes to me

"Hello handsome," she always says to me, "another day at the office?" And I never say much, but I do not have to: we understand each other without words

He then gives him another long, hard look, but Oliver does not care.

For half an hour he unpacks his things; then he sits down on the terrace with his bag at his feet and lights another cigarette.

There is another shout from behind him, but Jake keeps moving

He hears another shout, and knows that the man is nearly here, but the camera is not looking at him

He opens the bag for everyone to see, and there is a cry from a woman near to him, followed by another and another

"Maybe," she says with another shy smile, "but you first: what's your idea for the perfect murder weapon?"

Eleanor takes another drink

He moves towards another door and then hears someone else enter court.

But another part of you wants to know.

But there is another part of you now, and it is not cold with fear: it is hot

Then you hear another noise from the spare room.

Your hand is nearly on the light switch when you hear another noise from the room

He enjoys another, sweeter taste, too: the taste of freedom.

There is another silence

And I promise, Father, after this I will never commit another crime again

I just stopped in to confess about stealing another bottle of whiskey from the shop

He remembers buying her a drink and then another and another

He needs to find another route and a motel to stay in for a few days: a cheap motel where they only want a name and some cash.

And then Brandon heard another gunshot, so he ran and left his brother in the snow to die alone.

"Sally left me last month," he said, and he called the waiter for another beer

There is another sound too

But then another truck appeared on the road behind him.

The door to the tower is in another corridor, and when they open it, they hear footsteps on the stairs

"Well, we might need to talk to you again at another time," Smith says and turns to go back to the courtyard

He remembers another boy telling him to stop

Then another boy

And another

If you have no gun, then there is no problem; we can come back for the gun another day

But then they reach another clearing, and they hear something behind the trees.

But maybe there is another reason for the name of the casino.

"Idiot! I always take the aces out of the pack and make sure that I get the kings," he says, and he goes back into his casino to play another game

She hears the train in the dark tunnel and tells herself to wake up and to focus for another forty minutes.

Then the train stops at another station

"Yeah, he killed another one, didn't he? Last Friday, they reckon," the tallest of the kids says.

"I know, sick, isn't it? I mean, how many is that now?" asks another.

Sala and Cham left, and met three friends in another space - Niki, and two boys named Palo and Ding

"This is at another level, I guess

Most of them had at least forty floors above ground - these were called "sky apartments." Below ground, there were often another ten floors, for "earth apartments." The government had started building under the ground long ago, because the land inside the city was so limited.

"It was a special offer - if you bought one experience, you could get another for free." He suddenly started talking very fast

It wasn't far to Cham's apartment block, but another storm had gathered

He truly didn't believe the fruit came from another world beyond the city boundary - and she couldn't really blame him

"But I think it's like another world

In another direction, the ocean stretched out into the distance

Sala did the same with another dolphin and they had a lot of fun, diving down through the water and back up to the surface with a splash.

Cham sent her another message while she was on her way to say that he was in Space 46, and when she went in, he'd already chosen an illusion

As Sala reached for the last one, another hand reached for it at the same time

There's another world out there

Then there was another door

And another

At last, when Dani and Tian had nothing more to ask, Leti smiled and spoke quietly to another technician, who was standing nearby

After another ten minutes, the woman stepped off her machine

another door

There's another world out there, Cham

But none of Cham's grandparents were alive, so maybe it wasn't surprising that he found it hard to believe in another world.

"But there was another letter, wasn't there?"

It was clear to them now: the pods were just another way of controlling everyone

What would I be today if I had not gone to Monte Carlo with Mrs Van Hopper? I would have lived another life

Go and ask the waiter for another cup,' Mrs Van Hopper told me.

'Manderley was looking very lovely when I came away.' There was another silence

'Lay another place at my table,' de Winter said

I poured myself another cup of coffee

We stared at one another for a moment without speaking.

There was another bay

Do ask your husband to have another ball.'

Then another figure, dressed in black, closed the shutter

We stood there by the door, staring at one another

Maxim would not be back for another hour

'Oh, but you are wrong,' said another woman

The first explosion was followed by another, then a third and a fourth.

There was another silence.

Five years ago, however, on her twenty-eighth birthday, she began to realize that she had, if she was lucky, ten years left as a show dancer, and she decided to establish herself in the business in another capacity, to avoid being washed up at thirty-eight

In time, she directed a revue, then directed and produced another

Something had fallen over in another part of the house

And that was another reason she didn't attempt to explain her and Michael's problems to Danny - she thought that their estrangement was only temporary

Grimacing at the bitterness of the spirits, wondering why Michael had extolled this brand's smoothness, she hesitated, then poured another ounce

At the end, the cast and crew gathered onstage and applauded themselves, hugged and kissed one another

Shortly before noon, two high rollers from Dallas sat down at a blackjack table and, in three hours, lost a quarter of a million bucks; they were laughing and joking when they left the table to try another game

Overhead, palm fronds scraped softly against one another.

They cheered one another on those rare occasions when one of them hit a really large jackpot; and when one of them died, the others went to the funeral en masse

Besides, living in Sacramento, she wouldn't be a nickel duchess any longer; she wouldn't be anyone special; she would be just another elderly lady, living with her daughter's family, playing grandma, marking time, waiting to die.

As she was mopping the last corner of the kitchen floor, as she was thinking about how dreary life would be without her friends and her slot machines, she heard a sound in another part of the house

After a long silence, a brief clattering echoed through the house from another room, startling Vivienne

The radio's digital display began to change, the orange numbers escalating across the frequency band, sweeping through one station after another

The cat pounced, missed its prey, stumbled, scared itself, and flashed lightning-quick into another yard.

One of the models was flung from its shelf, then two more, then three more, then another, until all nine lay in a pile on the floor.

Later, after no more than two dreamless hours, she suffered another nightmare about Danny

"Michael-" she began, intending to tell him that she was going to stage another show within the next year, that she didn't want to be represented by only one production at a time, and that she even had distant designs on New York and Broadway, where the return of Busby Berkeley - style musicals might be greeted with cheers.

We have time to start another family

She'd work for another hour, until five o'clock, and then go home

She found it after another twenty-six names.

She scanned another forty names and cringed when she saw what else the computer had printed.

She intended to determine if the words about Danny had been previously programmed to print out on her machine or if they had been sent to her just seconds ago by someone at another computer in another office in the hotel's elaborately networked series of workstations.

She imagined herself leaving her office, walking down the long hallway, opening doors, peering into silent, deserted offices, until at last she found a man sitting at another terminal

She probably wouldn't get the answers she needed, and she would only be acknowledging her presence to whomever might be out there at another workstation

She was still aware of another presence in the room

How could he make the room colder without using the air conditioner? Whoever he was, he could override her computer from another terminal in the building; she could accept that

She got up and began to pace, taking another swallow of cognac.

The bus opened like a tin can and rolled another hundred feet into the trees.

She had to take another small sip of cognac before she was able to say what was on her mind, and she realized that he had been right about the liquor having little effect on her

"If you convince yourself he's alive," Elliot said, "you're only setting yourself up for another fall."

Crowds streamed along the sidewalks, on their way from this casino to that casino, from one lounge to another, from one show to the next.

He's one sort of sickie or another

And there's another advantage in doing it this weekend

Even if he does somehow get a whiff of it, he'll have to locate another judge who'll be willing to stay or vacate the exhumation order."

I guess your law practice isn't just another Vegas divorce mill."

As an hour passed in front of the fire, and then another hour, Tina discovered that she liked Elliot Stryker more with each new thing she learned about him.

He walked her to her Honda in the driveway and leaned in the window after she was behind the wheel, delaying her for another fifteen minutes while he planned, to her satisfaction, every dish of this evening's dinner.

He had an awful suspicion that fate was setting him up for another hard fall

On hot summer days, these barren, sandy slopes seemed godforsaken, and they would not be made lush and green for another ten years at least

Approximately two hundred guests danced or milled about behind the house, and another hundred partied within its twenty rooms.

"Before the father can get a restraining order from another judge," Kennebeck said.

Several times, she was on the verge of tears as the sight of one object or another released a flood of memories

She dragged another carton out of the closet

The man in the kitchen was still unconscious and would probably remain that way for another ten or fifteen minutes

She went back to the bed to have another look at the magazine, which she'd left there.

He wheeled around another corner, and then another, trying to disappear from the men in the van long enough to leave them with so many choices of streets to follow that they would have to give up the chase in confusion

As he drove from one residential street to another, steadily heading away from the smoke, working toward a major thoroughfare, Elliot expected to encounter the black van at every intersection.

Besides, we're dealing with a government agency, and government agencies tend to cooperate with one another."

They stopped at another red traffic light.

Why did Christina Evans ask you, rather than another attorney, to handle the exhumation of her son's body?

That's another way Danny's been trying to reach me

Now you're talking about another power besides telekinesis."

It's another hole in your theory."

While he waited for Alexander to finish with the night manager at the Flagstaff airport, Kennebeck moved from one model ship to another

In the middle of the west wall - one of the two shorter walls - opposite the entrance to the room, was a six-foot-long, three-foot-high window that provided a view of another space, which was only half as large as this outer chamber

Zachariah moved to another bank of computer screens, where Danny Evans's heartbeat, blood pressure, body temperature, and brainwave activity were constantly displayed

"If it stays cold in there for long, we'll have to suit up, go in, and move him to another chamber," Zachariah said.

"All the others are full of test animals in the middle of one experiment or another."

They arrived at another intersection, and he whipped the car to the right

As the sound of the Chevy faded, he could discern the roar of another vehicle, approaching fast

When they had gone two blocks, he said, "Turn right at the next corner." After two more turns and another three blocks, he said, "Pull it to the curb

They can watch our progress on that, even if they can't get their hands on us till another chase car catches up

The Department of Defense, which was less flush than Health and Welfare these days, was nevertheless also guilty of waste, and it was good for at least another billion a year

"Danny just sent me another dream."

"I want them found before another day passes," Alexander said

"Give me another map," she said.

Elliot withdrew another one from the leatherette case and handed it to her

A minute passed, then another.

Shortly they would turn off the two-lane blacktop onto another road, which the map specified as "unpaved, nondirt," whatever that was.

But if the Explorer broke down in the mountains, or if another hitch developed, they wanted to be prepared for the unexpected.

Perhaps they would have been smarter to turn around, go back to Reno, find another hotel room, and get a fresh start in the morning

They hadn't passed another car in three miles.

A hundred and fifty yards farther, they reached another sharp turn

As they swung into another curve, Elliot wrestled with the wheel, and Tina was acutely aware that a great dark void lay beyond the shoulder of the road

Elliot and Tina did not put their hands on the plate, but the inner door of the vestibule opened with another puff of compressed air

Opposite the sliding door through which she and Elliot had entered, the security room was another door of more ordinary dimensions and construction

To the right of the window was another airtight door like the one through which they'd just entered

She took a step, then another, and before she knew it, she was at the window, beside Dombey.

Tomorrow they intend to stick another dirty needle in him."

Elliot said, "But if racing to keep up with the Chinese - or the Russians or the Iraqis - can create situations like the one we've got here, where an innocent child gets ground up in the machine, then aren't we just becoming monsters too? Aren't we letting our fears of the enemy turn us into them? And isn't that just another way of losing the war?"

That was just about the time that another researcher walked into his lab, saw the cultures of Wuhan-400 broken open on the floor, and set off the alarm

The scoutmaster had parked the expedition's minibus on a lay-by about a mile and a half into the woods, and he and his assistant and the kids had walked in another half-mile before they encountered Larry Bollinger

Each time that he personally killed someone, he felt as if he were establishing another link to the world beyond this one; and he hoped, once he had made enough of those linkages, that he would be rewarded with a vision from the other side

Over the howling of the wind, another sound arose, and Tina needed a few seconds to identify it.

Consequently, he was paid for another draft

Then yet another one

In each subsequent meeting, one or the other would show up to take story notes on their latest draft, while the missing partner would always have been waylaid by an emergency of one kind or another: a broken washing machine and a flooded laundry room, the sudden-onset illness of a cat with symptoms suggesting (to me) demonic possession, the death of a beloved aunt, the death of a beloved uncle, the death of a beloved neighbor (I began to worry that merely by associating with these women, decades would be shorn from my life span), migraine headaches, and an unfortunate encounter with an angry Big Foot in a long line at the DMV

The second was my script of another book which, in a fit of frustration at this entire process, I wrote in three days after the assigned writer's final - and umpteenth - draft was deemed inadequate

But this seemed to be just another proof of her madness.

I ran upstairs, threw Helene's envelope onto my desk and made another careful search of the room

It would mean the end of all ways of moving things from one place to another - not only things but also people

He put on another pair and walked back to the booth.

I went back to the house and put Henri to bed, then I returned to the laboratory where I found another note pushed under the door

There was another note under the door.

I have another idea

She thinks, "No!" But she says, "Why do you want another hat, Bernardo? You have twenty!"

'But perhaps another person.'

It seems to me that if a young man had decided to take another man's life, he would not appear upset about it afterwards

As Melchett and I left the bedroom, I saw a thin man come out of another room along the passage.

'Well,' I said, 'we'll get another servant.'

'It is,' Miss Marple said, 'another Strange Thing.'

But it is another Strange Thing.'

'Oh, I'm going to live here for another six months! I don't want to

That's another reason why I'm staying

It was written at six thirty- five and another person - the murderer - put the incorrect time 6.20 at the top.'

That night, too, there was another sudden cloud of gas from the distant planet as a second missile started on its way to Earth from Mars, just under twenty-four hours after the first one

Many people in that part of England saw it, and simply thought that another meteorite had fallen

Even then he hardly understood what was happening, until he heard another sound and saw the black mark jump forwards a little

Then something like a little grey snake, about the thickness of a walking-stick, came out of the middle and moved through the air towards me - and then another.

One tentacle held onto the cylinder; another moved in the air.

I heard it give a peculiar cry, and then another of these creatures appeared in the deep shadow of the door.

In another moment we were clear of the smoke and the noise, and moving quickly down the opposite side of Maybury Hill.

As it passed it gave a deafening howl that was louder than the thunder - 'Aloo! Aloo!' - and a minute later it was with another one, half a kilometer away, bending over something in a field

In another moment a great wave of very hot water came sweeping round the bend

In another moment a large wave of almost boiling water rushed towards me

I have read, in another description of these events, that on Sunday morning 'all London was panicked by the news from Woking.' In fact, this is simply not true

There was a man with his wife and two boys and some pieces of furniture in a cart, and close behind him came another one with five or six well-dressed people and some boxes and cases

'Black Smoke!' As he stood at the door, not knowing what to do, he saw another newspaper-seller approaching him

We heard the distant sound of a gun, then another nearer, and then another

As I did, I heard another bang and something flew fast over my head

Then, far across the river, we saw another, similar hill

In another moment they were caught and swept forwards with the stream of vehicles

And over the blue hills to the south of the river, the Martians moved backwards and forwards, calmly spreading their poison clouds over one piece of country and then over another

Then, far away, another appeared, stepping over some small trees, and then another could be seen even further away, crossing the flat mud that lay between the sea and the sky.

One ship was passing behind another; many were turning

In another moment it had hit the sea, and a great amount of water and steam flew high in the air

The guns of the Thunder Child were heard going off one after another, and one shot hit the water close by the steamboat.

The Martian was thrown back by the violence of the explosion, and in another moment the burning wreckage, still moving forwards, had broken the Martian like something made of wood

As soon as the curate caught up with me, we saw either the fighting-machine we had seen before or another one, far away across the fields

For the first time, I realized that perhaps the Martians had another purpose, apart from destroying human beings

The falling bricks had left another hole in the wall of the building

In another moment I had climbed a pile of earth and stood on its top, and the pit was below me

A question of more serious interest is the possibility of another attack from the Martians

However, whether we expect another attack or not, our views of the human future must now be changed by these events

We did not say another word about the case until late that night at Holmes' house in Baker Street, just before Holmes went to bed.

After some time, I began reading about another illness

We started another list.

Then another wants her red shawl

'I need another type of pan and another stove.'

We left the lock-keeper's place and we found some water at another house.

We continued our trip for another nine miles

We looked at one another

Would it really be so dangerous? Doesn't one government car look like another - the hugeness of it, the dark glass, the driver in uniform? She can already see herself stepping out of the car to greet the other girls, who look at her with eyes like knives

'Little sister, you and I can be truthful with one another

'Wasn't there a picture in The Crystal over the weekend of his daughter's wedding? And another one of him with his wife and children and grandchildren?' said James.

'I like a quiet life, and recently I had such an adventure that I don't want another one for years.' As we ate breakfast side by side like two old friends, I told Miss Halcombe about the woman in white

'We'll discuss the details another time, when you're feeling better.'

On the next page, another entry appears, but it is in a man's handwriting.]

Mrs Michelson told me that Laura had gone to London, where she'd become ill and died! This terrible news made me ill again, and I was unable to leave that house for another three weeks

Anyone who betrays the Brotherhood will be killed by another member

Harriet Tubman led the way for another famous fighter for human rights, Rosa Parks

They wanted Pierre Curie and another man to win the Nobel Prize in Physics.

In 1973, Billie had another fight

"He is the terror of southern California,'' says another soldier.

"Our principles are the same," says another.