How to use "notice" in a sentence


I don't even notice landing on the canyon floor

Then I notice that water is coming out of my CamelBak

She did not notice the coin that Mme Thenardier had given her for the bread fall out of her pocket into the water

But, although he was very interested in them, they seemed not to notice him at all

As he walked past, he kept his eyes fixed on the girl, but she did not seem to notice him

Approaching him, she rested a cold red hand on his shoulder and said, 'You never notice me, M

He did not notice a soldier aiming his gun at him

"Normally, yes," says Eleanor, and all three men notice how her smile fades a little, "but she has a plan for that

I suppose you didn't notice, but those two are having some sort of romantic affair."

"Er, well, yes I did notice, Sir."

The man took no notice of the dog.

The dog took no notice.

'Now, listen, Danny,' Favell began to shout, but Mrs Danvers took no notice.

"On such short notice?"

"And I didn't even notice the feathers."

He didn't want to attract the attention of the omnipresent casino security men, and the easiest way to escape their notice was to appear to be the least threatening hick in the huge room

Alexander pretended not to notice Kennebeck's displeasure

At the request of its casino manager, every hotel held a handful of rooms off the market, just in case a few regular customers - high rollers, of course - showed up by surprise, with no advance notice, but with fat bankrolls and no place to stay

Later, when she was reading the amount collected on the church notice board, she saw that no pound note had been received

Mrs Lestrange took no notice

And just now we must all take notice of Strange Things.'

This was so that I would notice that she had no gun with her

The Martians took as much notice of him as we would of a cow.

But the Martian took no notice of us

There was also a notice which said that within twenty-four hours bread would be given to the hungry people

They heard no more about the bread than this notice, and nobody else did either.

They didn't notice that there was no boat at the end of the rope

'Is that so? Mm, I am glad because people always notice things.'

He takes no notice of humans