How to use "noticed" in a sentence


The girls hadn't noticed me

Then, one afternoon when I was playing to some people in the park, I noticed that a little boy was watching me carefully

Suddenly the man noticed that I was looking at him

He noticed me and he asked our host to introduce him to me

A few moments later he noticed something on the pavement in front of Brown's stableyard, and crossed the road

on her way to Spitalfields market, she noticed a man and a woman talking outside number 29

he noticed a man and a woman by the school wall opposite Dutfield's Yard

He noticed a scarf round her neck

He noticed that Mary owed him 29 shillings in rent, so he sent his assistant Thomas Bowyer to her room to ask for the money

As he was following the bishop across the room, however, he noticed Mme Magloire putting the silver knives and forks in a cupboard by the bed.

As she was wandering around the town, desperately trying to decide what to do, she noticed a crowd of people in the market square

'Madame, I've just noticed this on the floor

They were two healthy girls, the old man noticed, dressed in warm clothes and with pink, healthy cheeks

While walking around his part of the city, Marius had noticed in elderly man and a young girl in the Luxembourg Gardens

She was very thin, almost ugly, but Marius noticed that she had lovely blue eyes

Then he noticed a small parcel of papers lying on the ground.

He also noticed that each of them had similar spelling mistakes

Her eyes lit up when she noticed the books on his writing desk.

'If they had had another neighbour,' he thought, 'one who had noticed their suffering, perhaps they could have been rescued by now.'

When he told Javert his address, he noticed the inspector's eyes light up with great interest

On top of the cupboard, by his feet, he noticed the piece of paper that the elder daughter had written on: Be careful! The police are coming!

When everybody had been arrested and taken from the room, Javert noticed the prisoner, who was standing, head bowed, by the window

He told her not to worry, but she noticed an anxious look in his eyes

Then one morning, a few days later, Cosette noticed a large stone lying on the garden bench

He noticed his grandfather's tenderness towards him, but he could not forget the old man's unfairness and cruelty to his father, who had died penniless and unloved

But maybe they've noticed he's different, too," said Gran

Maxim noticed nothing

As I wrote I noticed my own handwriting for the first time

I noticed that Frank always called Rebecca 'she'

Mrs Danvers noticed it was missing late this morning

She was about to head for the den when she noticed something odd about four framed eight-by-ten photographs that were grouped on the wall above the sofa

Angela hadn't noticed this interruption in the printout because she hadn't had time to scan it.

In the rush to get out of her house before the gas explosion leveled it, he hadn't noticed that she'd been carrying anything

'Have you noticed that she never catches flies when the boy is there?' he said.

It was then I noticed that he had forgotten to put his right arm, his fly leg - under the hammer

I noticed that Dr Haydock was looking very cheerful this morning

Then I noticed a flash of bright blue on the floor

This time I noticed some more small branches were broken

As I stood up, I noticed a shiny brown stone lying on the ground

And I wondered why he hardly noticed me

But before that, this lady looked around in a very strange way, to see if anyone had noticed her

He had read about archaeology, but he kept making mistakes and Protheroe must have noticed

Then suddenly, just as I was leaving Mr Clement's study, I noticed the plant in the pot by the window - and - well, there it was! Clear as day!'

Towards midnight on 12 August, one astronomer noticed a great cloud of hot gas on the surface of the planet

Then suddenly, he noticed that some of the burnt skin was falling off the round edge at the end

And then, coming from the direction of Horsell, I noticed a little black group of men, the first of whom was waving a white flag

As I woke up, I noticed a seated figure with his face staring at the sky, watching the sunset.

He noticed an unusual number of police controlling the traffic

Hidden by a wood, it seems they were not noticed by the Martian nearest to them

They also noticed a long line of dust rising among the houses in front of them

However, at first I hardly noticed the pit and the cylinder, because of the strange shining machine that I saw working there, and the odd creatures that were crawling slowly and painfully across the earth near it.

Later, in the bar, I found some sandwiches that no one had noticed

But then I noticed how ill the people looked and how many of them still wore old and dirty clothes

It was when Mercy got up to go to the bedroom that Connie noticed the new shoes.

My sister noticed them

First I noticed that she was dark, then that she was young, and finally (to my great surprise) that she was rather ugly! She had a large, strong masculine jaw

I noticed that she was slow in her studies, so I asked the doctor to examine her

Sir Percival has noticed that Laura seems unhappy in his company

I noticed it in her letters, and now I see it in her face

After some time, she noticed that someone had written the word 'Look' on the ground with a stick

In the street, I noticed two men following me

I noticed that a man close to us was listening with interest to our conversation

I noticed that the man with the scar on his cheek ran through the crowd and followed Fosco out of the theatre.

As I walked up to the Count's door, I noticed the blond man with the scar on his face from the opera

After a short time, the bus was full, and the driver noticed that some white people were standing up