How to use "pair" in a sentence


I haven't a pair of shoes, and she hasn't a shirt, but never mind

You are here because when Miss Lee saw her younger sister, she took a pair of scissors from her kitchen table, said something to her sister and left the house

We must have looked a strange pair as we walked into the hotel restaurant that day

There was a pair of slippers under a chair.

This afternoon, however, she'd been playing a pair of lucky slot machines at the Mirage Hotel, and she hadn't wanted to walk away from them while they were paying off so generously

The maddening electronic squeal issued from a pair of small stereo speakers that hung on the wall behind the bed

She took hold of the two lines - one heavy cable and one ordinary insulated wire - and they seemed to come alive in her hands, like a pair of snakes, resisting her

While she thought about what Elliot had said, she dipped one finger in the water and drew a grim mouth, a nose, and a pair of eyes in the circle; she added two horns, transforming the blot of moisture into a little demonic face

The cashier was a white-haired man, owlish behind a pair of thick spectacles

The Network badly wanted to eliminate everyone who might press for the exhumation of Danny Evans's body, and the agents targeted against Elliot Stryker and Christina Evans had thus far failed to carry out their orders to terminate the pair

Two doors opened, and a pair of tall, darkly dressed men climbed out.

A neatly folded pair of twenty-dollar bills, placed without ostentation into the hand of a front-desk clerk, was almost certain to result in the timely discovery of a forgotten vacancy.

Having carefully closed the door, he took me to the other end of the room and gave me a pair of very dark sun glasses

He put on another pair and walked back to the booth.

Next, there was a very old coat, then an old cap and an old pair of boots

This face had no nose - I do not think they had any sense of smell - but it had a pair of very large, dark eyes, and just beneath these a kind of v-shaped mouth

George tried to open it with a pair of scissors

Life is not much fun if you work as a typist in an office, and you earn so little that you can't even buy yourself a nice pair of shoes

The new pair of black shoes are more sensible than their owner, though

And she is not the type who would borrow money just to buy a pair of shoes; she would just wear her old pairs till things got better

Are those shoes the old pair which were new a couple of months ago? Or are they the newest pair? And here she is herself, the pretty one