How to use "person" in a sentence


The first person to think something might be wrong was Aron's boss, Brion

But there was something the officer didn't tell them: a person has to be missing for at least forty-eight hours before the police will start a search and rescue operation

Maybe he blames someone for that, and I think he wants to hurt that person."

Who could be unhappy? Only one person - Ned Land.

'Call the next person!' said the King.

The next person came in

'Call the next person!'

'You're just the kind of person that they're looking for!' the doctors told me.

"No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall in consequence of any law or regulation therein be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due."

After that only one person saw her alive again - her killer.

Her friend Ellen said she was a clean, quiet person

The old woman, the only other person who lived in the building, always went to bed before nightfall

The person who gives you this note will bring you to me

But this was the worst thing that had ever happened to him - someone was threatening to rob him of the only person he loved!

As 'Monsieur Jean', he gradually became a different person to her, and she began not to depend on him for her happiness.

I don't know whether the person who gave them to me is pleased as he looks down on me from above

If the person who has Catherine hears me, she is in danger

"What sort of person wants to have a holiday in this remote, ugly part of the world?"

"The sort of person like my monster of a wife."

I suppose sometimes a person just..

"A missing person

"Mr Bowen, normally we need to wait forty-eight hours until we can start a missing-person investigation."

He thinks there is someone or something moving, and it is big: bigger than a rabbit or a hare, but he does not think it can be a person

"The only person I've told is Cham."

"A note is much easier than a person

He's not the same person anymore," she finished, bursting into tears

Cham was such a good person - warm and kind and funny

And somehow, she hoped, she would reach Cham, through his avatar, and find the real person inside once more

I would have become a different person.

'There isn't one well-known person here,' she said in her loud voice

I am not an interesting person at all

Of course, she was a clever person.'

I heard myself saying, 'Rebecca must have been a wonderful person...'

'Yes, she was a lovely person

'Everyone thought she was the kindest, the most charming person

'We must find out who this person was,' said Colonel Julyan

Grief could drive a person crazy

During the twelve years of their marriage, Tina had become a different and more complex person than she'd been on their wedding day, but Michael hadn't changed at all - and didn't like the woman that she had become

She wasn't the sort of person who would snap over a thing like this

The only other person who had a right to be in the house was the cleaning woman, Vivienne Neddler

There was no sign that anyone had broken into the house, no obvious evidence of forced entry, and Michael was the only other person with a key

"Tina, my dear, I want you to meet a friend of ours," Helen said, indicating the fourth person in the booth

She believed in death and taxes, in the inevitability of slot-machine jackpots, in all-you-can-eat casino buffets for $5.95 per person, in the Lord God Almighty, in the truth of alien abductions and Big Foot, but she didn't believe in ghosts.

The person who paid a fair price for something was likely to place far more value on it than the one who got the same item for nothing

The mirror revealed a person whom she hardly recognized: a haggard, bloodless, sunken-eyed fright.

"You've never been the kind of person who makes enemies," he said

Michael was the only person who had ever blamed her for Danny's death

More likely than not, she was the only person on the entire third floor.

Just a couple of hours ago she had concluded that the person behind this harassment had to be a stranger

"Well, the person who's harassing you has a melodramatic streak a mile wide."

You're a person who meets problems head-on

Right? Who knows what might make a person like that reveal himself? If he finds out there's going to be an exhumation, maybe he'll react strongly, give himself away

You're the kind of person who meets every problem head-on."

Certainly, the unknown person who was harassing Tina might have violent intentions

It's not that you strike me as a dangerous person or anything

Crazily, Tina felt as if her nightmare had not come from within her, but from without, as if some person or force had projected the dream into her mind in an effort to-

Not necessarily a person

So if they can't open the grave and see for themselves what we've done to Danny Evans, what are they going to do instead? They're going to do the next best thing - talk to the person who was supposedly the last one to see the boy's corpse before it was sealed in the coffin

After all, he had never killed an ordinary citizen or a person of real worth

"You're a levelheaded person, Tina," Billy said

And foolhardy as that might be, it does a lot for a person's self-respect."

He's the only person who's ever survived it

One day maybe he would be standing in a graveyard, before the tombstone of one of his victims, and the person he had killed would reach out to him from beyond and let him see, in some vivid clairvoyant fashion, exactly what death was like

Because I was never in the room with both partners, getting a thoughtful response to a story note I'd given was impossible, because neither could speak for the other and could only promise to consult when next they met at the deathbed of whatever beloved person expired that week.

'But perhaps another person.'

'And the servant was the only person at home.'

And if a third person claims to have done this murder, I shall go mad.'

And, Mrs Clement, you are the only person in the village I can talk to, except a lot of old women.'

'Well, this person began by saying, "You are a very unpleasant old woman who tells lies!" Me, Colonel Melchett! "And now the police are after you."'

And the person laughed! Then they put down the telephone

Yes, that's the way the person came.'

That's two strange telephone calls in one day, and I bet they were made by the same person.'

I said, 'Inspector, Mrs Lestrange is not the kind of person to blackmail someone

The last person to give evidence was Mrs Archer, who cleaned Lawrence Redding's cottage

'He asked me if I wanted to find my husband's murderer, and I said, "Yes." And then he asked me whether I suspected anyone, and I said, "No." And then he said, did I think the person who committed the crime knew the village, and I said they certainly seemed to

The only person I suspected was Archer.'

They all looked as though they had been written by the same person, and they all said, 'Urgent'

In St Mary Mead, a person who knows the truth is always someone else's servant

Well, this person said they saw a certain lady walk up the road that goes to the vicarage

I told her about the picture at Old Hall with the person's face cut

It was written at six thirty- five and another person - the murderer - put the incorrect time 6.20 at the top.'

'I know that in books it is always the most unlikely person

I pressed back against the person behind me, and turned my head towards the Thing again

In fact, apart from ourselves, there did not seem to be a living person on Maybury Hill.

Two days after I was imprisoned it had been destroyed, with every person in it, by a Martian

'If you want to preserve your incognito,' said Holmes smiling, 'then you should not write your name on the inside of your hat, or else you should turn the inside of your hat away from the person whom you are addressing.'

'Ruin, ruin, ruin! Christ! See, Connie, the funny thing is that I am sure you are the only person who thought it was a disaster to have a sister who was the girlfriend of a big man.'

I hope you aren't the kind of person who's unhappy without adventures.'

She was only seventeen years old, and she was the youngest person ever to win it.

They are the same for every person.

This meant that, when a black person caught the bus, they had to get on at the front of the bus to pay

The Nobel Committee said she was a brave person who never worried that she was in danger

In 1935, she was the first person to fly alone the 2,408 miles across the Pacific between Honolulu, Hawaii, and Oakland, California

She was the first person to fly alone from Los Angeles to Mexico City, which she did in 13 hours and 23 minutes

And she was the first person to fly alone without stopping from Mexico City to Newark, USA, which she did in 14 hours and 19 minutes.