How to use "phoned" in a sentence


So she phoned Jenny's Mom and explained

I phoned Mom to tell her.

So I phoned Moses in Boston.

I phoned the number, and she wasn't.

First I phoned Mr Tribble and told him to give some of my money from the shrimp business to my Mom, and some to Bubba's daddy.

At half past eleven, Maxim phoned me from Frank's office

When I phoned the following day, Rebecca was dead

We had dinner in a restaurant and Maxim phoned Frank.

'Favell phoned her, of course

If she phoned for them and then ran out of the house, they might not find an intruder when they came

She phoned Michael, but he wasn't home

In the kitchen again, she phoned Michael

So when my sister-in-law phoned at two in the morning, asking me to come over, but first to warn the police that she had just killed my brother, I spoke in my usual calm manner.

Have you ever tried to explain to a sleepy police officer that your sister-in-law has just phoned to say she has killed your brother with a steam hammer?

He would never forgive me for breaking a promise, but I phoned Professor Augier.

Inspector Slack said he was coming to see me this morning, but has just phoned to say it won't be necessary.'