How to use "pictures" in a sentence


I stop and take a few pictures with my camera.

All I see in my mind are pictures of the food and drink left on the floor of my truck.

Before I leave, I take two pictures of the part of my arm still trapped by the boulder

It had pictures by famous painters on the walls and glass cases with beautiful shells from the sea.

There were no pictures or conversations in it.

'Why is she reading a book without pictures or conversations?' she thought

Sometimes she saw pictures

They just watch those big screens, take pictures, eat and drink

There are pictures of these injuries, but there is no proof that Mr Dawson hit Mrs Dawson

Inside, the school smells of wood and polish, and on the walls there are antique pictures of old teachers and respected students.

"Make interface pictures for us, Cham," his two younger sisters begged

"We could do pictures of ghosts." His youngest sister looked puzzled

We'll all do some pictures together."

Cham sat down and looked at the pictures that his sisters had drawn for him, then answered his parents' questions about the tests

We looked at the pictures in the long gallery and at most of the rooms downstairs

'Perhaps you could copy one of the pictures in the gallery,' Mrs Danvers suggested

This display had always contained six pictures, not just four

Hundred-foot-long signs-five - hundred-foot-long signs - towered five or even ten stories above the street, glittering, winking, thousands of miles of bright glass tubing filled with glowing gas, blinking, swirling, hundreds of thousands of bulbs, spelling out hotel names, forming pictures with light

"They asked for pictures of Danny

After a while he said, "Did you see the pictures they took of the kid's brain this morning?"

The one you sent me pictures of in my dream

While we talked about pictures, books and old churches, I felt that Mrs Lestrange really wanted to talk to me about something else

On the floor, there were suitcases, broken furniture, and some pictures.