How to use "promise" in a sentence


I make a promise that I won't do it again

I promise myself that if I can escape from here back to the people, I will be kinder towards them.

This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "Unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned

Valjean, who did not remember having made such a promise, was silent.

And I promise that, in the eyes of God, you have never been a bad woman.'

He would also have to break his promise to Fantine about bringing Cosette from Montfermeil

But if you give the boy to me, and promise never to see him again, I'll look after him.'

Life was hard for him, but he never forgot the promise he had made his father: that he would find Thenardier, the man who had saved his father's life, and help him in any way he could.

But he would also have broken his promise to his father

'But you must promise me,' he said, 'that you'll never tell your father the address.'

'I promise,' the girl replied, staring at Marius with amusement.

I promise you that if you leave me, I shall die

I'll ask no more questions, but you must promise to be here early the day after tomorrow

'I promise,' Marius said.

'Now you must promise me something for my trouble,' she said

You remember the promise I made you

I promise not to try and escape

'But you must promise not to tell her!' Valjean interrupted

Marius kept his promise about not telling Cosette, and Valjean visited her every evening in a small room on the ground floor

Marius, meanwhile, was grateful for finally having the chance to help Thenardier, and therefore to keep the promise he had made to his father

It's only you Emily, I promise..

"Do you promise? You can stop it?"

"I can't promise, luv, no

Can't you let me go? You won't ever see me again, I promise!" Gerry begs.

"But can you promise not to tell anyone?"

"I promise, my son, I will not tell a soul."

"Okay, Father, but remember, you promise not to tell a soul."

And I promise, Father, after this I will never commit another crime again

And yes, it is stolen, but I promise, Father, no one needs it now

Barry laughs, "Oh no, Father, I promise

Now, it's not a very nice story, and I can't promise you that there will be a very happy ending

"No, Mr Wynn! I didn't, I promise! I didn't, I don't cheat, I never cheat!"

I promise."

"But you have to promise not to tell anyone

"I promise." He took Sala's hand and they walked on a little

"You have to promise to keep it a secret first."

I promise."

"But you have to promise me

We'll have children too, I promise you

I'd never come back, I promise you.'

From bitterness, pain, tragedy, and unrelenting sorrow, she had turned around to face a horizon lit by rising promise

It swept through the graveyard, fluting between the headstones and the larger monuments, whispering a promise of more snow, much more than the meager flurries it now carried.

Because I was never in the room with both partners, getting a thoughtful response to a story note I'd given was impossible, because neither could speak for the other and could only promise to consult when next they met at the deathbed of whatever beloved person expired that week.

will you promise to destroy that fly before doing anything else?'

Knock again three times and I will know I have your promise

'I don't know what has happened, my love, but I promise to be brave.'

He would never forgive me for breaking a promise, but I phoned Professor Augier.

'You promise to tell no one outside this room?'

And I always keep a promise

If I had not made a promise to the pub owner, she would, I think, have asked me to stay in Leatherhead that night

"I promise that I will tell you everything some day, but if you enter now, you will cause great sadness." Then she held me tightly, and I tried to push her off.

"I will trust you," I said, "if you promise never to come here again."

You'll pay your debts, and you'll find Anne Catherick, I promise