How to use "reason" in a sentence


Now I realise that my love for friends and family is the main reason I want to escape

"There's no reason to be angry, Mr Land

"I did, and there is no reason to worry

But Captain Nemo had another reason for our walk

If it were admitted that you who are dissatisfied hold the right side in the dispute, there still is no single good reason for precipitate action

But some students of the murders believe that Hutchinson's description is too precise and that he was lying for some reason.

On Friday November 30th Druitt lost his job at a private school for some unknown reason

For some reason, Cosette was not afraid

Then, for some reason, Marius stopped going to the Luxembourg Gardens

Picking up a pen that lay on the table, she wrote on a piece of paper, Be careful! The police are coming! She showed Marius her work and then, changing the subject quickly, for no reason at all, she gazed into his eyes and said shyly, 'Do you know, M

But the main reason for his unhappiness was that he was forced to live his life with no hope of seeing 'Ursula'.

There was no reason, he thought, why they should not continue to live happily together in England

No reason for you to think that there is more than one burglar

Some people say that the reason his casino is called Shark Pool is because Hank looks a little like a shark

But maybe there is another reason for the name of the casino.

The only reason you got to the final table, to my table, Jimmy is because I let you."

She starts to feel better: more relaxed and less concerned about the reason why the tube is so quiet today.

She does not want to think about their conversation or the horrible reason why the tube is so quiet

"So they're just getting wet for no reason?" said Niki

Did she dare go back to the earth apartment? What if Cham was warning her for a reason?

This was the reason for the strange fear in my heart

'Mrs Danvers,' Colonel Julyan said quietly, 'can you think of any reason why Mrs de Winter killed herself?'

For some reason, my eyes filled with tears

She had no reason to

She had good reason to be suffering from anxiety attacks

And that was another reason she didn't attempt to explain her and Michael's problems to Danny - she thought that their estrangement was only temporary

No reason to be in a hurry to make up for lost pleasures

Vivienne Neddler refused to give anyone reason to think her a fool.

She had been determined that neither of them would have reason to feel that his importance in her life had diminished

"Somehow, for some reason, they drove the bus more than four miles off the main highway, four miles off and a hell of a long way up, right up to the damn clouds

"Well, there's no urgent legal reason to have the body exhumed

With her, sex was a delightful bonus, a lagniappe, but it wasn't the main reason he wanted her beside him

He had no rational reason to entertain such dark thoughts

So he'd contest the exhumation for no other reason but to cause her grief?"

"No other reason

No legitimate reason."

No reason to evacuate people or panic or anything

What reason does she have to doubt the official story of her son's death?

Probably has good reason to be."

But if the other people had a chance to view the bodies, if none of them has had any reason to entertain doubts like yours, then they're all just finally learning to cope with the tragedy

She wanted to be enjoying an ordinary meal, on an ordinary evening, in the middle of a blissfully ordinary life, with every reason to expect a long, comfortable, ordinary future

"The reason I've argued with you is..

And usually there's no good reason why he should be

Although he spent more than half his time working in his Las Vegas office, he often had reason to fly to far points at the spur of the moment: Reno, Elko, even out of the state to Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah

I also feel he's going to help us get into the place, and I don't see any reason why I should strike out on that one."

"I don't see any reason to get too worked up about it

Dombey said, "Although he gets weaker every day, for some reason he wins out over the virus faster each time

That's one reason our pay scale is so high

A year later, Tina has reason to believe the accident did not occur as reported - that her son is alive, is being held against his will, and is in desperate need of her

What could be the reason for such a terrible crime? What had led up to it? Just exactly what had happened?

Either he had gone mad, or else he had a reason for letting his wife kill him in such a strange and terrible way.

Women know things that can't be explained by reason; this kind of knowledge is rarely understood by men

'What reason could Lawrence have for killing Colonel Protheroe?'

'If you have not committed a murder, I cannot see the reason to pretend you have.'

'Oh, of course, there's a reason!' said Miss Marple

'There's always a reason

'But they are the only two people who had a reason for killing Protheroe.'

But murder! For murder - one would need a very strong reason.'

For some reason she can't leave her house

That's another reason why I'm staying

And of course, as you say, then Dr Stone would have no reason to murder Colonel Protheroe.'

'Then there was a reason for the murder,' said Miss Marple softly.

'A reason, yes, but when the shot was fired, Dr Stone was walking to the village with Mrs Protheroe and Lawrence Redding.'

She's an old friend, but that's not my only reason

'Always some good reason nowadays for every dirty action, isn't there?'

At first I could see no reason for his behaviour

I began to think that, although our position was terrible, there was no reason yet to give up hope

It appeared to be standing and calling, for no reason that I could discover.

Certainly I was more curious to know the reason for this howling

He had swept it all away for no reason at all, it seemed.

If the Martians can reach Venus, there is no reason to think that this is impossible for us

There was no reason to wake up so early

But that was not the reason for the uncertainty in her voice.

'Of course,' say James and Connie, and for some reason they are both afraid of what is coming.

'Has this gentleman treated you badly? Is he the reason you're here alone at this hour?'

"'The other reason I like Anne is that she looks very much like Laura

Now she had a new reason to dislike her.

When Laura had gone to bed, I asked Marian, 'What's the real reason?'

'And you'll see the reason.'