How to use "receiving" in a sentence


Since receiving Great-Uncle Eston's letter, Gran had been very quiet

Any solid object placed in his 'transmitter' was instantly disintegrated - and then reintegrated in a special receiving machine.

They would be replaced all over the world by stations for transmitting and receiving objects

A traveller would be placed in a cabin at the station, the machine would be turned on, and the traveller would disappear and reappear almost immediately at the chosen receiving station.

Andre's receiving machine was only a few feet away from his transmitter, in the next room of his laboratory

'Yes, Helene! I sent it through the wall that separates my transmitter from my receiving machine

'He disintegrated perfectly, but he never reappeared in the receiving machine

Without waiting for Andre, I rushed into the next room and looked into the receiving booth.

Walk over to my desk and put down the bowl of milk Then go into the other room where the receiving booth is