How to use "route" in a sentence


He needs to find another route and a motel to stay in for a few days: a cheap motel where they only want a name and some cash.

Standing near the left proscenium pillar, out of the main flow of the party, they nibbled at pieces of cake, talking about Magyck! And then about the law, Charlie and Helen Mainway, Las Vegas real estate - and, by some circuitous route, superhero movies.

The route to the entrance foyer was an obstacle course.

The night clerk at the rental agency, from whom they had signed out the car, had known exactly where Bellicosti's place was, and he had marked the shortest route on the free city map provided with the Chevy.

I'll hold the pen against the map, and maybe Danny can draw the route for us."

She blinked in confusion, then glanced down at the route that she had marked on the map

Tina said, "Elliot, listen, I told you he would show us where he's being kept, and he drew that route for us

She and Elliot had turned off Interstate 80 a quarter of an hour ago, following the route Danny had marked, circling the edge of the wilderness

At first, I thought the writers had put lampposts on this road, which would make no sense, as it is a secret route through restricted government property