How to use "sad" in a sentence


It stopped me feeling sad, angry, or afraid

A sad message

As I reach the end of my story, I feel very sad

He looked very sad and there were tears in his eyes.

He looked very sad

I laugh when I'm sad, and I cry when I'm happy

Coach Bryant was very sad.

'That was indeed a sad loss

'What a sad story it is! A young man like that suddenly gives up his business and retires from the world.'

I did not think he was really sad about Mr Meltham at all

How very sad for him!'

The world is a very sad place!' Now I thought I understood Mr Slinkton

'We are alone, you know - since Margaret died.' Miss Niner looked sad at her uncle's words

He told me that Miss Niner was very ill and he looked sad while he told me

'What a sad place the world is!' Mr Slinkton sighed quietly.

Her history told a sad story

He turned again to Fantine and looked for one last time at her sad, pale face and empty, blue eyes

He felt sad that Fantine had not lived to see her child again, but happy that he had been able to rescue her child from the terrible Thenardiers

I see you on the stairs, and I see you walking around the streets, looking so sad and alone.'

As Marius was thinking about the sad life of the family in the next room, he stared dreamily at the wall that separated them

Marius,' she said at last, a faint light in her sad eyes, 'you seem upset

While he was gazing into the fire, thinking these sad thoughts, his old servant entered the room and asked, 'Will Monsieur receive M

Nothing of him was clearly visible except his face, which was calm and serious, but strangely sad.

Just as Marius thought that her sad soul had finally left her body, she slowly opened her eyes, and said in a voice so sweet that it seemed already to come from another world, 'You know, M

'It's sad,' he murmured to Marius, who was standing next to him

He remembered the little girl he had rescued from the Thenardiers ten years earlier, and felt sad that he was no longer the most important man in her life

Sometimes he looks across at the defendant's sister, a young woman with long, dark hair and sad eyes

In the court room she always looks sad and confused

She stands near to him, and he can see the tears in her eyes and the sad expression on her face, but this time he knows it is not real.

"I think the judge needs to listen to this first," he says, and he looks back at the beautiful Mrs Dawson and sees that she is not sad now, and that she is not victorious, and not angry.

But I'd be sad

But it also makes me so sad

Sala touched Cham's hand with a sad smile, then followed Kaz back to the entrance

"No, Sala." Cham looked sad, even disappointed

His face was pale and his dark eyes had a sad, lost look

She laughed unpleasantly at my sad face

"I cry at sad movies

The clerk requested ID or a major credit card, and Elliot told a sad story of being victimized by a pickpocket at the airport

But after the sad news...' It was Miss Marple

Not a very pleasant man, but it's still sad

Because if they had really said goodbye to each other they would have been sad

It was a sad movement between two notes, 'Ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla,' continuing without stopping

I awoke to find that sad howling still in my ears: 'Ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla,' It was now getting dark, and after I had found some bread and cheese in the bar I walked on through the silent squares to Baker Street and so came at last to Regents Park

I was a sad one too, and they were patient with me

Can you hear spirits singing sad songs - the songs of those who died in these waters?' he will take you by the arm and say, 'I understand, my friend

When we returned to the boat, Harris was sad and confused.

And yet they are sad

The Lord knows, I don't want to do so! I don't want that sad woman to be connected in any way with Miss Fairlie

They all seemed sad

He was obviously concerned about her pale face and sad expression

Now she looked like the Laura I first met at Limmeridge: her expression was lively once more, she smiled frequently, and she had lost that sad nervous look that made her so very like Anne Catherick

When he died in 1898, Emmeline was very sad.