How to use "security" in a sentence


And so, we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.

Apprehension seems to exist among the people of the Southern States that by the accession of a Republican administration, their property and their peace and personal security are to be endangered

I now reiterate these sentiments; and, in doing so, I only press upon the public attention the most conclusive evidence of which the case is susceptible that the property, peace, and security of no section are to be in any wise endangered by the now incoming administration

So far as possible, the people everywhere shall have that sense of perfect security which is most favorable to calm thought and reflection

I stole it more than eight years ago, from a bank security van

Two uniformed security men were performing first aid on the unconscious man, loosening his tie and collar, taking his pulse, while a third guard was keeping curious customers out of the way.

This is national security business, pal, the biggest of the big time

She hesitated, but then opened the door without removing the heavy-duty security chain

She closed the door long enough to slip off the security chain

This state's ideally suited for secret or quasi-secret, high-security weapons research centers

If you put a secret installation in the middle of all that lonely land, you have a pretty easy job maintaining security."

Chilled, Tina said, "But how much could the kids have seen? You're the one who said security was easy to maintain when one of these installations is located in the wilderness

A group of young boys wouldn't be a threat to the security of a secret installation."

But a bunch of hard-nosed security men might not have seen it that way."

Maybe there was so much at stake that the security men at the installation decided Jaborski and Lincoln had to die

Besides, it's a private cemetery, surrounded by a high wall, so there must be a security system to deal with vandals."

He didn't want to attract the attention of the omnipresent casino security men, and the easiest way to escape their notice was to appear to be the least threatening hick in the huge room

Furthermore, keno was a game that didn't have any appeal for either smart gamblers or cheaters, the two types of customers who most interested the security men

A uniformed security guard shouldered through the mob of curious onlookers and stooped next to Bruckster

His ships, sealed in their glass worlds, relaxed him; he liked to spend time with them when he had a problem to work out or when he was on edge, for they made him feel serene, and that security allowed his mind to function at peak performance.

He's more important because he's a human being, not because he's a source of data, Dombey thought angrily, but he didn't voice the thought because it would have identified him as a dissident and as a potential security risk.

After the bellman left, Elliot engaged the deadbolt, hooked the security chain in place, and firmly wedged the heavy straight-backed desk chair under the knob.

They knew that the worlds of domestic military security and international espionage were not children's playgrounds

Alexander dialed the number of the military security office at the Sierra lab

Yet the weak illumination that the lamps provided was apparently sufficient for the security cameras to obtain clear images of the entire plateau, because cameras were attached to every lamppost, and not an inch of the area escaped their unblinking attention.

"The security people must be watching us on video monitors right now," Elliot said glumly.

No one yet had come out of the building to challenge them, which most likely meant that Danny had jinxed the video security system.

"We're sure to encounter at least a couple of security men, no matter how clever Danny is

Opposite the sliding door through which she and Elliot had entered, the security room was another door of more ordinary dimensions and construction

If they were discovered and confronted by a squad of angry security men, Elliot's one pistol might not be enough to discourage an assault

If security discovers we're here, at least they won't be able to get their hands on us for a while."

And a lot of people around him, a lot of people protecting him, people in research and people in charge of project security - they're also megalomaniacs

That was when the security team arrived

Then he tried to tear open one of the security men's decontamination suits

Was it one of the security people, or was it someone on the medical staff? I'd like to think it was a doctor, one of my own, who finally did the right thing."

Danny opened the high-security elevator and made the cab rise once they were in it

In the guardroom, the older of the two security men was still bound and gagged in his chair

I received a death threat by phone the night before the arbitration - I can't say for certain that it was from the writer; the voice was so deep that it might have been his mother - and the next morning the law firm handling the studio's case assured me that they had taken extra security measures for the meeting