How to use "seeing" in a sentence


The thought of seeing them again is keeping me alive

I enjoyed seeing all the strange sea life of these waters

'You are seeing me under my real name now for the first time

Then, seeing the visitors rough appearance, he added, 'If you can pay for it.'

She's looking forward to seeing her child.'

Finally he left the Gardens in the mad hope of seeing her in the street, but instead he met Enjolras, who invited him to a meal.

As well as the joy of seeing her in the Gardens, he now had the pleasure of following her home

'Oh, the poor child,' 'Ursula' said, seeing the girl's bleeding wrist.

But the main reason for his unhappiness was that he was forced to live his life with no hope of seeing 'Ursula'.

'A whole day without seeing you! That's unbearable!'

He looked about him but, seeing no one, he started to walk away, thinking that he was imagining things.

But I think it would be better if you stopped seeing her.'

We look forward to seeing you in a week."

I really miss you, though." Sala wanted to tell him about seeing Wena, but she knew that she needed to be careful over the ultranet

What use was it, seeing an avatar? It wasn't even completely like him

'Well, de Winter,' said Colonel Julyan, 'do you mind us seeing this diary?'

Vivienne reached for the doorknob but stopped before touching it, unable to believe what she was seeing

Eventually he started seeing other women

"Who could you possibly have been seeing? They've all gone home

I'll be seeing him tomorrow afternoon at a New Year's Day party

If seeing the remains would put an end to these bloodcurdling nightmares, she would gain an advantage from the grim experience.

But any organization was composed of ordinary men and women, none of whom had the all-seeing gaze of God.

Killing all those people and trying to fake an accident - that was a whole lot riskier than letting the kids come back with their half-baked stories about seeing something peculiar in the mountains."

You're seeing just the front wall

She was overwhelmed with the joy of seeing him again but also with fear when she realized how hideously wasted he was.

What we're seeing on the X-rays isn't within our experience

The other three quarters of the time was spent - so it seemed to me - in a competition to come up with idiotic plot or character changes with the intention of seeing who could plunge me into the longest spell of speechlessness

He said something nice and normal about seeing Protheroe - and I just started shouting

I got to my feet at last and, keeping low, managed to get into a wood near Maybury without the machines seeing me

My brother learned that the two women were the wife and younger sister of a doctor living in Stanmore, The doctor had heard about the Martians at the railway station, on his way home from seeing a patient, and had sent them off, promising to follow after telling the neighbour

The idea of not seeing Hampton Church, with Mrs Thomas's tomb, makes me angry.'