How to use "seventeen" in a sentence


A total of seventeen poor people lived in number 29, which was a crowded, busy place

For many years, Marius believed this, but when he was seventeen years old, he learnt the truth

It's for people our age: seventeen to twenty-one."

You have to be seventeen and I've still got two months to go."

and Niki, too, as soon as she's seventeen..

"Because your son is still seventeen, we need your official agreement, please."

Chapter seventeen

In less than seventeen hours - at 8:00 P.M., December 30 - the Golden Pyramid Hotel would present a special, invitational, VIP premiere of Magyck! , and the following night, New Year's Eve, the show would open to the general public

Eva was twenty-nine, seventeen years younger than Joel, and at five foot eight, she was also four inches taller than he was

She was only seventeen years old, and she was the youngest person ever to win it.