How to use "since" in a sentence


3.28 pm It's almost forty-five minutes since my accident

2.45 pm It's exactly twenty-four hours since the accident.

3.00 am It's now sixty hours since my accident

Do you know where he went? No one here has seen him since last Wednesday.'

I haven't had any clean water since eight o'clock yesterday morning, only urine

It is seventy-two years since the first inauguration of a President under our national Constitution

'We are alone, you know - since Margaret died.' Miss Niner looked sad at her uncle's words

During the years since the murders the number of suspects has increased.

He then carried Cosette, who was sleeping in his arms, along a dark corridor and up some stairs to the room he had rented since his escape from Montreuil

He was unhappy about many things - about losing his teeth, about the political situation but, most of all, about the fact that he had not seen his grandson for four years, since their big quarrel

I've had it since yesterday

The wolf pulled the bobbin, and the door opened, and then he immediately fell upon the good woman and ate her up in a moment, for it been more than three days since he had eaten

It is 2088, thirty years since the end of the ten-year Oil Wars.

A few days had passed since Sala's decision, and she was feeling happy about it

Dad came home with the news yesterday afternoon, and he and Mom have been really depressed ever since."

but it's so long since you last saw him, Gran," said Sala

He has not been in since.'

He has looked like that ever since she died.'

It seemed so long since I had used it

For fifteen years, ever since she turned eighteen, two years before she married Michael, Tina Evans had lived and worked in Las Vegas

At least a year and a half, maybe two years, had passed since a man had looked at her in quite that fashion

For five years, ever since her sixty-fifth birthday, they had been pressuring her to live with them

Besides, for the past twenty-one years, ever since her Harry died, she had always taken care of herself

No woman had affected him so strongly since Nancy, his wife, who had died three years ago.

These things were as they always had been, since she had first come to work here, before Danny had died.

Knowing this feast had been laid on for the party, few of those present had eaten dinner, and most of the dancers had eaten nothing since a light lunch

And it's been a long time since I've been this awkward about it."

"With me, of course, it's only been little more than a year since I've been alone

She hadn't been to bed with any man but Michael in the past fourteen years, since she was nineteen

Tina passed a leafy green plant, a four-foot-high schefflera that she had owned since it was only one-fourth as tall as it was now, and she had the insane urge to stop and risk getting caught in the coming explosion just long enough to pick up the plant and take it with her

A long time had passed since his years in military intelligence, since the nights of fear in the Persian Gulf and in countless cities scattered around the Mideast and Asia

Elliot glanced in the rearview mirror, as he had been doing every minute or two since they'd turned onto Charleston Boulevard

"In case you didn't know it, since the Cold War ended and California took such a big hit in the defense downsizing, Nevada has more Pentagon-supported industries and installations than any state in the union

And since the banks are closed for the holiday, we couldn't do anything until next week

This was his second pill since he'd gotten out of bed just three and a half hours ago, but he still felt edgy.

"We've gone almost five miles since we left the county road," Elliot said.

When they came out of this curve, the trees fell back from the verge, and open sky lay above for the first time since they had departed the county blacktop.

"Right now he's on the verge of starving to death because it's been so long since he's been able to keep any food in his stomach

"That's the same question I've been wrestling with ever since Danny got caught in the gears

Andre believed that his transmitter was the most important discovery since the invention of the wheel

I told him that people had been saying that since the beginning of time, and a strange little smile touched his lips

'He has been here since a quarter past six.'

'But she has only been in my study once since the murder, and then she was dressed in black and did not wear blue earrings.'

Someone had been here since Lawrence and myself.

I have also decided that since now I'm going to be a real "wife and mother" I must look after the house as well

Despite everything that has happened since, I still remember that night very clearly

He approached it, surprised at the size and even more surprised at the shape, since most meteorites are fairly round

He had eaten no food since midday, and I found some meat and bread and brought it into the room

I spent that night in the pub that stands on the top of Putney Hill, sleeping in a made bed for the first time since I had run away to Leatherhead

These germs of disease have killed people and animals since the beginning of time, but over these many years we have developed the ability to fight against them

I have learned since then that I was not the first discoverer of the Martian defeat -several wanderers like me had already known about it on the previous night

They have told me since that I was singing a crazy song about 'The Last Man Left Alive! The Last Man Left Alive!' Although they were troubled with their own affairs, these people were very helpful to me

No one had closed it since then

I have suffered from this illness ever since I was a boy

'I see,' she said, and for the first time in the one month since she agreed to be this man's lover, the tears which suddenly rose into her eyes came there naturally.

oh,' she said, pleased for the first time since this awful day had begun.

This morning I'll be your only company for breakfast since my sister Laura is in her room with a headache

But it can't be the same man! I must be going mad! Ever since I saw the similarity between Miss Fairlie and the woman in white, I've connected them in my mind

However, since Madame Fosco was forty-three and Laura was twenty-one, that was unlikely

On the train Miss Halcombe told me everything that had happened since she last wrote to me.

A little more than a year had passed since she had said that, and now her wish had come true

'You know that I've loved Laura since the day we met

In her book, Memoirs from a Women's Prison (1983), she wrote, "Danger has been a part of my life ever since I picked up a pen and wrote

17,700,000 women say that they have been sexually harassed or assaulted since 1998.