How to use "sleep" in a sentence


I hope I get some sleep because tomorrow I want to hike the most popular trail in southern Utah - Little White Horse.

I still can't sleep but at least I'm warmer.

That's two whole days with no sleep and very little water

That's sixty hours of pain, no sleep, and very little water.

120 hours without sleep

It's my last thought before falling into a long, deep sleep.

I couldn't sleep and my thoughts were unclear

I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep and I was still in pain

When I woke up, I thought that they put something in our food to make us sleep.

We walked into the town and finally found a place to sleep in an empty building.

'I must get some money or I can't sleep in my lodgings,' Annie said.

That night it rained hard and Mrs Cox could not sleep well

She later changed this to a quiet cry of 'Oh! Murder!' Mrs Prater said she went back to sleep; she often heard cries of murder in the court.

He answered angrily, 'Can't you see? I'm trying to sleep.'

Valjean was so tired that he fell asleep, fully-dressed, on top of the sheets, but he didn't sleep for long

Unable to return to sleep, he gazed into the darkness, thinking about the past twenty years

Fantine could not sleep that night

'Where are you going tomorrow evening? I won't be able to sleep if you don't tell me.'

That night, however, he was unable to sleep

And your eyes close, and you feel sleep begin to take you.

But he mustn't sleep, he tells himself

I can let you sleep here for a few days, and I can bring you some food."

Soon he can stop, find a quiet area off the road and push back the chair and sleep

Work, eat, sleep.

But don't sleep.

I'll move my bag so you can sleep."

I don't want to sleep."

Nearly time to get some sleep."

I gave you a little medicine to help you sleep."

They went to bed at last, but Sala couldn't sleep

"You couldn't sleep either?" Gran asked.

He looked like a man walking in his sleep.

If I could not sleep, I went to the window and looked out on to the rose-garden

'How did he sleep? How was he at breakfast?'

I felt as though I had just woken up from a long sleep

He would comfort and reassure her, and in time, she would sleep again.

In the meantime, she absolutely had to get some sleep

Or she was walking in her sleep

She was wide-awake, but she had to get some sleep

Exhausted, slightly tipsy, she went directly to bed and fell into a sound sleep.

Gasping, shuddering, she wrenched herself out of sleep.

She wasn't sure she would be able to get any more sleep, but she had to try

She yawned and turned over and drifted off to sleep

"Could have done it in my sleep."

"So you think you're - what, sleepwalking? In your sleep, you're writing a rejection of Danny's death on his chalkboard?"

Afterward, they slipped into sleep again.

If this was what Danny had read before going to bed at night, how had he been able to sleep so well? He'd always been a deep, unmoving sleeper, never troubled by bad dreams.

"You think you can actually sleep?"

Kurt Hensen snorted in his sleep but didn't wake.

"Okay," Elliot said, wiping at the corners of his sleep-matted eyes

Still furious with his subordinates for letting Stryker and the woman escape again, he had difficulty getting to sleep

"You're in a deep sleep, Tina."

"Your eyes are open, but you are in a deep, deep sleep."

"You will stay in that deep sleep until I tell you to wake up

I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking about Colonel Protheroe, so I got up and looked out of my window

'Perhaps she was going to sleep in the barrow?' I suggested.

However, for most of the time the daily routine of work, food, drink and sleep went on as it had done for countless years.

They did not sleep, and because they had very simple bodies they never seemed to get tired

We'll be so tired at the end of the day, that we'll sleep well.'

There are only twenty-four hours in the day, and you sleep most of that time

If you sleep any more, you're dead! However, I like your idea of a holiday on the River Thames.'

(George goes to sleep at a bank from ten o'clock to four o'clock, Monday to Friday, except on Saturdays

The next problem was where to sleep at night

George and I didn't want to sleep at inns

We decided to camp out in good weather and sleep at an inn or a hotel in bad weather

We didn't take wine or beer, because they both make you sleep.

I didn't sleep well

George said, 'You do nothing but eat and sleep, Harris

We didn't sleep well at all

She just wishes she could sleep deep and only wake up on the day of her first car ride to work.

'I don't want to sleep in London,' she said.

Ruvimbo's husband hit her, and sometimes she had to sleep outside