How to use "dirty" in a sentence


Today, it's a dirty white colour

Most of the doors and windows were broken, and the floor was dirty

Students began to come in, most of them wearing dirty jeans

The room was dirty and there were empty bottles everywhere

From the dirty streets, dark passages and slum houses of Whitechapel hundreds of people went to watch the fire

Her clothes were all old and dirty: a long black jacket down to her knees, petticoats, stockings, a black skirt, and boots

Her clothes were old and dirty

There was not much furniture: an old table and two old chairs stood on the bare, dirty floor

A boy of about ten years old was coming along a footpath with a small box on his back and dirty knees showing through holes in his trousers

Her clothes were old and dirty, and she wore a tight, plain cap over her beautiful blonde hair.

They made her get up before dawn every day and do all the dirty jobs around the house, while Eponine and Azelma wore pretty clothes and played with dolls

'Be quiet, you dirty prostitute,' Javert interrupted her angrily

'She's touched it with her dirty hands!' Then, hearing Cosette crying, she turned to the little girl and shouted, 'Stop that noise!'

The Jondrettes' room was dirty and evil-smelling, unlike Marius's bare but clean room

Its only furniture was a chair, an old table, some cracked dishes and two dirty beds, one on each side of a fireplace

You're a dirty criminal.'

But why are you wearing that dirty old hat? 'When Marius gave no answer, she went on, 'And you've got a hole in your shirt

The jeans are new, but now they are dirty: muddy stains cover the legs from the wet grass

An ordinary face with small dark eyes and dirty brown hair

Is it the man with the dark eyes and dirty brown hair? Does he know I am here? Good! If he looks for me, he is not with Catherine, I think

I expect him to have dark eyes and dirty hair, but he does not

"He matches the girl's description perfectly: dirty brown hair, small dark eyes

And they are both dirty: their skin, boots and clothes all covered in red sand.

Jake begins to feel sick again and looks down at his dirty old sneakers.

But they are better than the dirty old jeans and green jacket that are now in a bin behind the shop where they sit.

'It's very dirty

When she had suspected Michael of doing the dirty work, she had been disturbed and distressed, but she hadn't been frightened

But this isn't Michael's dirty work."

On windy days, the dust was as thick as fog, and it pushed its dirty little cat feet under doors, around windows, and through attic vents.

Something secret and dirty."

"If you want to launder dirty money, this is by far the easiest place to do it

Regulations on banks and real estate agents and on everyone else - except casino owners - are less troublesome here than in other states, which takes a burden off everybody, but which is especially attractive to people trying to spend and invest dirty cash

"Have you always had such a dirty mind?"

She left the check and took away some of the dirty dishes.

Yet numerous members of the family had secretly rendered service - some of it dirty - to the FBI, the CIA, and various other intelligence and police agencies, often the very same organizations that they publicly criticized and reviled

It was a dirty piece of business right from the start."

"You can't blame me because the work is dirty

In room 918, the Network operatives discovered a cheap suitcase, dirty clothes, toothbrushes, various toiletry items - and eleven maps in a leatherette case, which Elliot and Tina, in their haste and weariness, evidently had overlooked.

I knew this whole business was too dirty to end any way but disaster." He sighed, as if a great weight had been lifted from him

Tomorrow they intend to stick another dirty needle in him."

'Always some good reason nowadays for every dirty action, isn't there?'

My wife was shocked when she saw me, because I looked so tired and dirty

Under the railway bridge I found a group of soldiers - engineers, I think, men wearing small round caps, dirty red jackets and dark trousers

He was dirty and white-faced.

As they got closer they saw- more and more people, all tired and dirty

I managed to get a couple of glasses of dirty water

As I came nearer, I saw that he was dressed in clothes as dusty and dirty as my own

His black hair fell over his eyes, and his face was dark and dirty and thin, so at first I did not recognize him.

The hand that hung over her knee was cut, and blood had fallen onto her dirty brown dress

But then I noticed how ill the people looked and how many of them still wore old and dirty clothes

The city we went through was dirty with the powder of the Black Smoke, despite two days of thunderstorms and rain.

The wall was dirty

It isn't dirty or anything

The river here is very dirty, so we moved on to Streatley

The river was so dirty that our clothes collected all the dirt from the water

The laundry woman was very surprised to see such dirty clothes

So for the meantime it is going to be the local bus with its dirty seats, unpleasant passengers, and rude conductors..

It was hard, dirty work, and there was not much free time