How to use "sleeping" in a sentence


I was sleeping on the floor of their house

In December 1887 she was sleeping in Trafalgar Square

He even tried sleeping in a garden, but was chased away by a dog

Valjean gazed down at the bishop's gentle, sleeping face, and felt a kind of terror

The woman looked round and saw a young woman with a child sleeping peacefully in her arms

He then carried Cosette, who was sleeping in his arms, along a dark corridor and up some stairs to the room he had rented since his escape from Montreuil

He bent and kissed the sleeping child's forehead just as, nine months earlier, he had kissed her mother's.

She drugs him with sleeping pills during dinner.

Peter nods his head, "Interesting, but a coroner will find traces of sleeping pills in the blood

You know that Sophie is sleeping in her usual position at the top of the stairs and that she never makes a noise in the night, and you wish, for the first time, that you also had a dog

Forget sleeping, forget Flagstaff

We lived our lives together sleeping, eating, walking

A little more than a year before he had died, Danny had begun sleeping at the opposite end of the small house from the master bedroom, in what had once been the den

He would be sleeping, but she wouldn't feel guilty if she woke him, not after all the sleepless nights that he had given her

"They had the best wilderness clothing and the best down-lined sleeping bags, the best winter tents, plenty of charcoal and other heat sources, plenty of food, and two wilderness experts to guide them

I started sleeping well then

Take one of my sleeping pills and go to bed

Because of the sleeping pill I slept heavily, without dreaming

You know, of course, that he has had sleeping sickness?'

'I am sleeping very badly just now, and at about three o'clock this morning I thought I heard someone moving about the house

'So it's the one man we never even thought about!' He went over to the sleeping man and shook him, at first gently, then harder

I explained that Hawes had been ill with sleeping sickness.

I spent that night in the pub that stands on the top of Putney Hill, sleeping in a made bed for the first time since I had run away to Leatherhead

In the middle of the night, while her husband is sleeping, she decides to go to the cottage

Harris said, 'You don't have any trouble sleeping, George

'How beautiful,' we said, 'sleeping in the country, under the stars, by the river!'

That night Harris had trouble sleeping

'How do you know if I work, Harris? You're always sleeping, except at meal times