How to use "south" in a sentence


What about the Robbers Roost canyons in the south? The only roads down there were made of rocks and sand

To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge - to convert our good words into good deeds - in a new alliance for progress - to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty

When Mrs Mary Burridge of south London read about the murder, she collapsed and died of fright

Its air is much thinner than ours, its oceans have become smaller until they cover only a third of its surface, and from its far north and south the ice is steadily moving forwards

The strength of the Martians worried me so much that I had decided to take my wife to the south coast, and leave the country with her immediately

At about eight o'clock the sound of tiring could be heard clearly ail over the south of London

The sound of guns continued from time to time and after midnight there seemed to be lightning in the south.

The fallen Martian used its voice, and immediately a second one answered it, appearing over the trees to the south

And over the blue hills to the south of the river, the Martians moved backwards and forwards, calmly spreading their poison clouds over one piece of country and then over another

He would probably have stayed longer it the sound or guns had not begun at about that time in the south

At the same time, far away in the south-east, the shapes of three warships appeared, beneath clouds of smoke.

The little steamboat was already moving out to sea, when a Martian appeared, small and far away, moving along the muddy coast from the south

At this time, there were slaves in the south of the USA, but not in the north

She went back to the south and helped to free other slaves