How to use "stands" in a sentence


The man laughs, stands up and says nothing.

"Of course," Sylvia says, and she stands up, which makes the boat rock

He stands there like a scarecrow in the dark

She seems to nod, and he stands up and goes to the door

She stands near to him, and he can see the tears in her eyes and the sad expression on her face, but this time he knows it is not real.

He stands and is about to press the button on the recording device when he sees the red light flashing.

Barry Brennan stands in the doorway of an empty shop and waits

So instead he stands on the edge

"Yes." Bowen stands by the large windows and does not look at them

So she stands, and she looks around at her fellow commuters and other passengers

She stands up and looks in the corner of the carriage one more time, but it looks like the man is asleep.

She enters the ladies' and stands in front of the mirror

It stands on the desk.'

I spent that night in the pub that stands on the top of Putney Hill, sleeping in a made bed for the first time since I had run away to Leatherhead

I saw the houses stretching away and disappearing into the smoke and mist, people walking up and down between the flower-beds, and the sightseers around the Martian machine that still stands there