How to use "start" in a sentence


As I start cycling, I wonder how quickly I can get to the start of the trail.

I lock my bike to a tree and start walking.

I place my camcorder on the boulder, turn it on and start speaking.

I start chipping at the boulder just to keep warm.

Soon, I will have to start drinking urine.

But there was something the officer didn't tell them: a person has to be missing for at least forty-eight hours before the police will start a search and rescue operation

If I'm lucky, they'll start some time on Wednesday

I feel happy and start thinking of all the wonderful times I've spent with friends and family

I start to have visions

That won't be long if you don't start walking

Things start to go wrong

On the practice field, things didn't start very well

'Just get in the line and start catching the ball,' he told me.

He tried to clean it off and not look angry, but I didn't want to wait for them to start throwing things at me! No sir! I started running.

'I'm going home, and I'm going to start a shrimp business.'

Take Sue back to Alabama with you, and start your shrimp business.' He shook my hand and gave me his address

Two days later, Sue and I got the bus to Bayou La Batre, where Bubba's parents lived, and I explained to Bubba's daddy about the shrimp business that Bubba and I planned to start after we came out of the army

And the next day he took Sue and me out in his little boat, to look for a good place to start the shrimp business.

It took almost a month to start things up - to get nets, and a boat, and everything

But before she could start her knitting, she heard Mme Thenardier's angry voice demanding, 'Where's the bread I told you to get?'

'When the old man and the girl arrive, let them start their business

I know that your wife is dead, but take the money and start a new life in America with your daughter

And now we start to smile, because we know we are nearly out.

For a moment there is nothing; then the fans start.

A nice tea to calm you down; then we can start again and see if there are any other details."

The building is old but in okay shape, and he turns the generator on, and the electric lights start

"Mr Bowen, normally we need to wait forty-eight hours until we can start a missing-person investigation."

Then maybe in a few years they can start to go for a pint like Owen and his father did.

Sala didn't know where to start

"Wow, Sala, I don't know where to start!" He sounded happy and enthusiastic

Let's start again

'Maxim,' I asked him, 'can't we start again?'

We've got to start our lives all over again

What time do we start?'

This was the start of a new day at Manderley

She opened her eyes with a start because her mental image of him was too vivid, less like a memory than like a vision

She would start by spending Thursday afternoon here, boxing the clothes and toys and posters.

She had at least enough time to make a start, box up the boy's clothes, if nothing else.

Once she had gotten through the premiere of Magyck! She had better start cutting back on the booze

"If Joel's right - and I'm sure he is - then it's best to get in the habit of staying away right from the start."

She said, "You want to start over?"

The insufferable bastard! She was furious, but she said nothing; she didn't trust herself to speak, afraid that she would start screaming at him the instant she opened her mouth.

We have time to start another family

I guess I ought to start with Danny

Owen West and I opened for business in a cheap storefront office twelve years ago, right at the start of the biggest boom this town has ever seen

We represented some people no one else would touch, entrepreneurs who had a lot of good ideas but not much money for start-up legal fees

At the start of the evening, the undercurrent of sexual tension made her nervous

"Hell, you won't be able to tell them who we were or where they can start looking for us

Then they would carry him out to the garage, prop him up in his little Mercedes, put the seat belt snugly around him, and start the engine without opening the garage door

"You don't think they'll actually start shooting at us?" Tina asked.

"If fear and stress could increase the power of his psychic gifts, why didn't he start trying to get in touch with you months ago?"

"Let's not start crowing too soon," Kennebeck said

It was a dirty piece of business right from the start."

If I see many more inanimate objects dancing around, I'm going to start believing in everything, no matter how freaky."

Perhaps they would have been smarter to turn around, go back to Reno, find another hotel room, and get a fresh start in the morning

"The brain doesn't all of a sudden start growing new little nodes that nobody's ever seen before."

"Where do we start?"

"You're trained what to do from the day you start to work here

I only know that he was about to start experiments he had been preparing for some months

I had thought about going to see the commissaire, but knowing that he would then start questioning Henri made me hesitate

'Now, I must start my sermon.'

If he stayed, people would start to talk about his relationship with Anne

I wanted to start at once, but the soldier had been in wars before and knew better than that

It was the start of the death of the human race.

That second start was the most foolish thing I ever did

Neither of us wanted to start digging again, and when he suggested a meal I was quite happy to agree.

People who were still alive would start to return, and life would come back to the empty streets

We decided to start from Kingston the following Saturday.

When they are finally ready to pull, they start running

They laugh, jump up and start pulling it again

'Now you can start,' we said.

And they start singing again along the path as she opens the front gate and walks to the door.

Connie hadn't meant to start an argument

I had hoped she would move back here and start all over again.'

Women's rights start with the education of girls and women

In 1903, she helped to start the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU), which became famous

They start fighting

My father wants me to get married and start a family