How to use "steel" in a sentence


Her future was inextricably linked to that gaudy but undeniably impressive pile of concrete and steel

Stainless-steel frame

Although he was struggling to cast off the seizure of claustrophobia that had gripped him, was trying to pretend that the organic-looking ceiling wasn't pressing low over his head and that only open sky hung above him instead of thousands of tons of concrete and steel rock, his own panic attack concerned him less than what was happening beyond the viewport.

Twenty yards beyond the bend, the way was barred by a steel gate

The only feature in the hundred-foot-long, one-story, windowless concrete facade was a wide steel door

As Elliot and Tina gazed up into the camera lens, the heavy steel barrier rolled aside.

A steel-walled chamber lay beyond the door

The gun struck him alongside the head, and he stumbled backward against the steel door.

The corridor terminated in an airtight steel door similar to those found on submarines; the burnished metal glowed softly, and light gleamed off the big round-headed rivets.

She swung the steel door shut

As the three of them moved to the airtight steel door that led into the room beyond the window, Elliot said, "Why is he in an isolation chamber? Is he ill?"

He turned away from them, spun the wheel on the steel door, and swung that barrier inward.

When they took Danny out of the small room, they couldn't hear Zachariah's shouted invectives through the airtight steel door.

Watching my brother's back, I pushed the switch and the steel hammer shook slightly, then rose quickly

He saw this one go after a man, catch him in one of its steel arms and knock his head against a tree