How to use "strange" in a sentence


As most of my weight pushes on one side of the boulder, it makes a strange sound

It's strange but I feel the need to urinate again

It's strange, but the feeling of hopelessness doesn't last

When I look at my arm, I see that it's in a strange position.

Bur there is one strange experience that stays in my mind like a nightmare.

He always helps me to organise the names and places of the wonderful strange sea creatures that we find in the oceans of the world

We could see it because there was a strange light under the water

We tried to move onto this strange metal object to get close to him.

A short man in strange black clothes opened a secret door on the top of the ship

I can only say that I was very interested in this strange man

Captain Nemo spoke to the short man in their strange language, then the short man left us

I enjoyed seeing all the strange sea life of these waters

They carried spears and shouted in a strange language

Suddenly I heard a voice shaking in that strange language

Suddenly, I thought I understood what the men below said in their strange language

It was a strange and wonderful adventure; one I will never forget.

'That's strange! A rabbit with a watch!' said Alice.

'This is a very strange place - so perhaps I can.'

'This feels strange,' said Alice

'Everything is strange here

'This is very strange,' she thought

She felt quite strange

It was a strange little thing and not very pretty

The baby made a strange little sound and she looked at it again.

It was very strange, but the baby was now a pig.

He makes hats and he's very strange

'But I don't want to meet a strange man,' said Alice.

He's strange too.'

'But I told you, I don't want to meet strange animals.'

'We're all strange here

I'm strange

You're strange.'

'How do you know I'm strange?' asked Alice.

'Everybody's strange here

I'm very strange

That's strange

Are you going to see the Queen today? She's quite strange too?'

'That's strange, but not very strange,' thought Alice

'There are a lot of cats without a smile, but a smile without a cat! Now that's very strange!' Alice said.

'I hope the March Hare isn't too strange,' she thought.

'It's a strange watch!' she said

'A door in a tree? That's strange!' she thought

'That's strange!' thought Alice

Then they put me into another kind of school, and there were some strange boys there

He had a strange look on his face, and he came and told me to put on my football suit

We were standing in it, when suddenly there was a strange noise.

But the people that I was with were strange

I soon understood why! NASA sent me on a journey into space with a woman and an ape! Me, a spaceman! It was very strange.

People were watching us with strange looks on their faces, but it didn't matter

It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not that we be not judged

His strange character has attracted suspicion

He was filled with a strange kind of anger, but he did not know why

At these words, Fantine did a very strange thing

'We always knew there was something strange about him,' they said

He looked very strange with his tall black hat and long yellow coat.

There was something about his eyes, tilled with a strange sadness, that she liked and trusted

She had the strange but comforting feeling that she was somehow travelling closer to God.

A second later she looked away and Marius walked on but, in a strange way, he knew his life had changed

What would he be thinking when he saw a strange young man walking backwards and forwards in front of his bench? Without another thought, Marius left the Gardens and went home.

However, there was something strange about them: although they all seemed to be written by different people, they were written on the same rough paper in the same handwriting

She sat on the bench where she had found the notebook and, moments later, had the strange feeling that she was being watched

Putting them in his jacket pocket, he went out and continued to wander aimlessly around the streets, noticing only occasionally the strange atmosphere of excitement that was growing in the town

'Go in,' said Javert, with a strange, distant look in his eyes

He did strange, unexpected things, like running up and down stairs without knowing why

Despite enjoying an occasional conversation with him, he found something strange about the old man

Then he gave a strange smile.

"Catherine," I say quietly into the fog, and the sound of my voice seems strange and cold.

"Oh yes, that would be very nice!" She smiles, but in the half-light Oliver thinks he sees something strange in her expression.

"Yes, closer! Help me!" he shouts, and it is then that he sees the strange expression on her face again

He thinks again that he is a strange tourist

She does not need to hear any of your horrible stories or strange ideas."

And in the low, romantic light of the ballroom they both think they see something strange on her back and neck

And you can see your room now, though everything seems strange and different, and everything makes you feel more afraid.

Your heart is beating so fast that you do not feel anything but the strange mixture of fear and anger.

There is, however, a strange noise

The guy's eyes are covered by silver sunglasses, and there is something strange about his uniform, Dan thinks

Dan nods and gets out, and he thinks again that there is something strange about the cop's uniform

"Is that strange?"

And a strange-looking man in a coat in the corner.

A strange man.

Is he strange? Or are you just being silly?

He uses something strange: not a knife but something long and thin, and he stabs them again and again, and they just bleed and bleed."

And she dreams about dark tunnels and strange men watching her.

The strange man, the man who looks like the evil character from her thriller; his eyes are open now.

I will, she thinks, but only if the strange man stays on the train

...He uses something strange: not a knife but something long and thin, and he stabs them again and again, and they just bleed and bleed.

"Oooh, strange!" said Niki

I love it." But his voice sounded strange..

Gran looked down at the strange gift, and to Sala's surprise, her face went deathly pale

Climbing is thirsty work." But there was something odd in his voice again, and a strange expression on his face

The following afternoon, as Sala walked up and down in her little room, waiting to go with Cham for their pod experience, she had a strange feeling in her stomach

She led them toward a row of strange-looking pods that stood vertically

While Sala and Cham were watching the fish, the dolphins carried on making a huge variety of sounds - whistles and clicks and strange, wild calls

"It's normal to feel a little strange when you first come out."

"I don't feel strange," said Cham


The voices of the people in the hologram were strange and slow, like voices in a dream

Cham and the other three talked excitedly about Pod Life, but Sala felt strange.

It must be strange for him, not knowing where she was or what she was doing

Closer, closer to the strange district..

"It is strange," agreed Gran

Sala imagined Cham and Ding in their strange virtual life

We have to report anything we think is strange

"What's strange about a letter? I'm talking about the one Mom found under her bed."

It was strange, going to Cham's apartment and knowing Cham wouldn't be there

"Look, I know this will sound strange, but to me, he doesn't seem the same," she insisted

Some of them looked a little stiff and strange, maybe; but most of them seemed perfectly normal

We must have looked a strange pair as we walked into the hotel restaurant that day

'What a strange man Max de Winter is,' said Mrs Van Hopper when we were standing in the lift

There was a strange, faraway look on his face

'What a strange child you are,' Mrs Van Hopper said

But for me, everything was new and strange

She may be rather strange at first, but don't worry about that

Mrs Danvers spoke in a strange way, as though this was somehow important to her.

How did you get on with Mrs Danvers? She's a strange woman in many ways

There was something strange about him

But everything is so strange to me at Manderley

A strange name for a boat - "I'll come back"

But I had a strange feeling that someone was watching me

My heart was beating in a strange, excited way.

It was a look of strange, terrible excitement.

It will look so strange.'

As I went up the path, a strange fear began to fill my heart.

I still had a strange feeling of fear in my heart

This was the reason for the strange fear in my heart

She looked ill and strange.

In a strange way, we were completely happy.

'Doesn't this seem very strange to you, Mr de Winter?'

'Frank told me something rather strange on the phone

'That's strange,' I said

As they stared at each other through two windows and through the strange sulphurous light, she had the feeling that they were making contact across an immense gulf of space and time and destiny

The dresser mirror was frosted too, and her reflection was dim and distorted and strange.

They would nod and smile woodenly and agree that it was a strange and frightening experience, but all the while, they would be thinking that poor old Vivienne was finally getting senile

At last, she said, "Some strange things have been happening at the house."

Maybe there isn't any threat in these strange things happening to me

Turning, he saw a strange man enter the kitchen from the dining room

something strange about the way all those scouts died

strange parallels existed between this gruesome tale and the recent ugliness in her own life.

Something damn strange

I'm pretty sure we can find a reporter who'll go with that much and write a story about how a bunch of nameless, faceless people want to keep us from reopening Danny's grave, how maybe something truly strange lies at the bottom of the Sierra tragedy

weird, strange

We're living in strange times, Tina."

It was something very different, something exceedingly strange."

His eyes are strange

"It's sure strange, though."

He took his foot off the brake and drove forward, through sheeting snow stained red by the strange light.

Danny's eyes were strange

In the script, Tina saw the narrow road initially as a strange light beyond a screen of trees

He was a strange, unhappy man.

I thought it was murder, and I could not forget the five orange pips and the strange letters to my uncle and my father.

This was very strange because Helene insisted that she had only used it once

'I have a strange feeling that this business with the flies holds the answer to the whole mystery, Monsieur Delambre,' he said.

Yes, that is strange..

Its head is white instead of black, and it has a strange sort of leg.'

Was she really insane? I had a strange, horrible feeling that somehow Charas was right - Helene was getting away with it!

Either he had gone mad, or else he had a reason for letting his wife kill him in such a strange and terrible way.

I heard Andre moving in the next room, and then a strange sucking noise, as though he had trouble drinking his milk.

Andre let out a strange sigh and let his right arm drop

'I would like to show you a very strange document after dinner, Charas,' I said.

'A strange thing happened to me this morning, Charas

I told him that people had been saying that since the beginning of time, and a strange little smile touched his lips

'There's one rather strange thing,' I said

But Anne was really very quiet - very strange.'

The letter also seems very strange

It's awfully old-fashioned.' A strange smile came to her lips

'But it's strange,' said Melchett

Her face was pale, but had a strange determined expression.

'It's strange,' I said, 'that everyone says the shot came from the woods.'

'It's not strange at all,' said Griselda

What I find strange is what it said.'

'Very strange.'

A very strange voice.'

But it's a strange illness - the whole character may change after it.'

Hawes was nervous and his behaviour strange

I am in a very strange position, Mr Clement, and I want to ask your advice about what I should do next

'It's rather strange

That's two strange telephone calls in one day, and I bet they were made by the same person.'

'She sent over a very strange note

It was about a strange thing that happened last night

Could you and the vicar come for lunch today? Something strange has happened, and I would like Mr Clement's advice.

But before that, this lady looked around in a very strange way, to see if anyone had noticed her

'But,' I said, 'why is that strange?'

'It's strange

He remained standing on one side of the pit that the Thing had made for itself, staring at its strange appearance and thinking that there might be some intelligent design in its shape

They were all very frightened, but still interested in the strange happenings in the pit

I did not know it, but that was the last proper dinner I would eat for many strange and terrible days.

Then there was a great flash like daylight and this strange object could be seen clearly.

But that night it was all very strange and I was physically exhausted, wet to the skin, deafened and blinded by the storm

At the sight of these strange, quick and terrible creatures, the crowd near the water's edge seemed for a moment to be totally shocked

From beyond the low hills across the water came the dull sound of the distant guns and a far-away strange crying

No doubt, said the report, the situation was strange and serious, but the public was asked to avoid and discourage panic

Most were excited by their strange experience

The man was running away with the others and selling his papers for many times their normal price as he ran - a strange mixture of profit and panic.

So, doing it methodically, as a man might kill insects, the Martians spread this strange killing smoke over the country towards London

Our situation was so strange and unbelievable that for three or four hours, until the dawn came, we hardly moved

However, at first I hardly noticed the pit and the cylinder, because of the strange shining machine that I saw working there, and the odd creatures that were crawling slowly and painfully across the earth near it.

Also, strange as it may seem, the Martians were absolutely without sex

The tentacle was now two metres or more into the room, moving backwards and forwards with strange, sudden movements

It was a large space, with enormous machines here and there within it, great piles of material and strange buildings

But perhaps it is not totally strange

My hosts tried to change my mind but at last, promising faithfully to return to them, I went out again into the streets that had lately been so dark and strange and empty.

And then a strange thing happened.

I go out into the Byfleet Road, and vehicles pass me, a boy on a bicycle, children going to school - and suddenly they become strange and unreal, and I hurry on again with the soldier through the hot, dangerous silence

And it is strange, too, to stand on Primrose Hill, as I did only a day before writing this last chapter

'Anyway, my friend and I have heard many strange secrets in this room, and we have had the fortune to help many people

There was something strange about the face, Mr Holmes, that frightened me

'That night I did not tell my wife about the strange face and the rude woman, but I did tell her that people were now living in the cottage.

'That same night something strange happened! In the middle of the night, when I was not completely asleep, I became aware that my wife was dressed and was leaving the room

I stopped for a minute in front of it to look for that strange face

After hearing this strange story, Holmes sat silent for a few minutes, thinking

'I don't know, but she has a strange tomb.'

We felt that we were sailing into a strange land.

We did not sail into a strange land

Our clothes probably looked a bit old and strange.

'What a strange question

'Some,' I replied, surprised by her strange question

I walked on, thinking about this strange adventure

'And it's strange to hear you talk of right and wrong; a woman who had a passion for her drawing teacher!'

'When I woke up from my illness,' she said, 'I found myself in a strange room

"How strange!" she thinks