How to use "suppose" in a sentence


"Woe unto the world because of offences; for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that mam by whom the offence cometh!" If we shall suppose that American Slavery is one of those offences which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time

'Who said you had to go away? You left me - your grandfather! - to join in those street protests against the government, I suppose

I suppose you've got some sort of career, now? Perhaps you've made a fortune

When Javert stared at him, speechless with surprise, Valjean went on, I don't suppose I'll leave here alive

Oh well, I suppose we can relax.'

But I suppose that's just who I am: a romantic.

I suppose every ship needs some pirates, and these are they

"Oh, well, I suppose we can change the subject, but we are having a really interesting conversation."

"I don't suppose you dance, Edward?"

I suppose sometimes a person just..

Well, apart from God, I suppose.

"I suppose it's this road: the desert makes it easy to forget to watch your speed," he says, and he thinks he sees the cop look at his hand.

Well, I suppose we could have a look around the school..."

I suppose you didn't notice, but those two are having some sort of romantic affair."

"The same? Well, I suppose, but look at it, Son

"I suppose so

well, I suppose I'm silly to ask

"Well, I suppose I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, there is still life in the outside world - and maybe someone from that world has found a way across the city boundary."

"I suppose it seems to me like losing control," she said.

"I suppose so," agreed Cham.

But I don't suppose you remember an old woman like me?' And Mrs Van Hopper gave de Winter one of her biggest smiles.

'You got my note, I suppose

But instead he said, 'Well, I suppose you have a holiday this afternoon

I suppose she was welcoming me to Manderley

'I suppose you have been at Manderley for many years,' I said.

I suppose she wants to have a look at you.'

'I suppose he's used to it,' Maxim said quickly

'I suppose Rebecca did most of it.'

'Yes, I suppose she was the most beautiful woman I ever saw in my life.'

'I suppose that's why you married me

'Oh well,' she said, 'I suppose he knows Mrs Danvers quite well.'

'No, I don't suppose that you did,' Beatrice answered.

What's everyone going to wear? I suppose you refuse to wear fancy dress, Maxim?'

'Yes, I suppose so.'

'I suppose Mrs de Winter had to go down into the cabin for something

'I suppose so.'

'I don't suppose your new bride wants to be known as the wife of a murderer.'

'I suppose you're not going to ask me to dinner, so I'll say goodbye

'I suppose she could not face the pain

"I suppose you could be right."

"In your favor, I suppose."

I suppose it's natural for him to reach out to me rather than to his father."

"I suppose any sporting-goods store in Reno ought to have maps of at least the nearest parts of the Sierras."

"The ghost, I suppose."

I suppose we have to learn to live with the lesser of the evils."

If anyone could see me turn on the light to answer it, I suppose I would look like any other sleepy man annoyed at being disturbed

And I suppose you ought to tell them that Andre..

I suppose the Air Ministry could tell you

I suppose you recognized part of Dandelo's head

'I suppose she killed herself.'

'A fly, I suppose,' he said.

'Mrs Lestrange, I suppose

'I suppose to you that is very wrong?'

'I don't suppose there's anything worth stealing,' said Lawrence

Because when that clock said twenty past six it was really only five minutes past, and at five minutes past I don't suppose Colonel Protheroe had even arrived at the house.'

'I suppose so

Well, I suppose we all think we know

'I suppose, that is because of the arrest,' I said.

'It does show he is truly sorry, I suppose,' I said.

But I suppose Colonel Protheroe wasn't there yet, because she came back almost immediately, and walked down to the studio.'

'Well,' she got up, 'I suppose I must go.' And with many thanks and goodbyes, she left.

There is Lettice Protheroe, I suppose, because she probably gets money after her father's death

'I suppose you think I was foolish?'

'I suppose so.'

'I suppose,' I said, 'that someone else has asked her to work for them.'

I suppose that would be the best thing

I suppose it is Mary who looks after it?'

'I suppose he took too many of those?'

'I suppose it's my business to see it too

'Yes, I suppose it can.'

I suppose my face gave away my secret

'Well, I suppose you can