How to use "told" in a sentence


I told her I was going to Utah and promised to be back for her party

'He didn't come to the party last night,' Leona told him

Officer Crider called back and told Mrs Ralston there was no record of that license plate

'The police at the carpark told us about you,' he says.

That's what I told myself

I told them our story, but they did not seem to understand

I told Captain Nemo that he would not live

When we returned to the Nautilus, I told Captain Nemo that his man was safe where he was.

When Conseil and Ned woke up, I told them that we were in the Mediterranean Sea.

"I already told you."

'But I told you, I don't want to meet strange animals.'

'But the March Hare told me-'

She sat up and told her sister about the White Rabbit and the rabbit-hole

The driver asked me my name, and I told him

I told him about the idiot school.

'No,' I told him

Then they told me to say goodbye to the teacher.

He had a strange look on his face, and he came and told me to put on my football suit

'I want to take Jenny Curran to the cinema,' I told Mom one day.

'Mobile,' I told him.

'Just get in the line and start catching the ball,' he told me.

And then I told him something that he didn't want to hear.

When it got late, he told me to take the harmonica with me, and I played it for a long time in my room.

'I'm taking lessons in music, and I want to be a singer,' she told me

'I didn't learn anywhere,' I told her.

Then, and in the months to come, I just had to do the things that I was told to do

Well, in between the shooting, Bubba told me about himself

'People are different here,' he told me

And the next morning she told me to find another place to live.

I told her how I felt - I was sorry about the girl, and I didn't want to play in the group without her

'You're just the kind of person that they're looking for!' the doctors told me.

'The Broken Eggs group has broken up,' he told me

And I told her all about that, and about Sue, the ape.

'You can make a lot more money,' he told me.

Jenny wasn't happy about the wrestling but I won a lot of money - sometimes by winning fights, sometimes by losing them because Mike told me to lose them

I bet on myself winning a fight, after Mike told me to lose it.

He looked up and saw me, and told me to sit down.

'In the jungle,' I told him.

'No,' I told him

'I'm just going to work hard,' I told myself

'Mom wrote and told me about your shrimp business, and how rich you were.'

First I phoned Mr Tribble and told him to give some of my money from the shrimp business to my Mom, and some to Bubba's daddy.

I have been told that noncooperation is unconstitutional

'That was Mr Julius Slinkton, sir,' the clerk told me

'No,' Mr Slinkton told him

'I knew his reputation,' Mr Slinkton told me

'That's not the truth,' I told him

He told me that he had not known him for very long

He told me that Mr Slinkton had taken his two nieces to Italy for their health

'Beckwith,' he told me

'My niece is very curious,' Mr Slinkton told me when I rejoined them

'His name's Major Banks,' I told him

She told me that she knew she was going to die soon

He told me that Miss Niner was very ill and he looked sad while he told me

'No,' I told him, 'he's not dead yet

'It's not in your desk,' Beckwith told him.

'Then you're a thief,' Slinkton told him calmly

I went to Mr Sampson and told him everything

'You never knew my real name,' Meltham told him

They saw a policeman, Constable Jonas Mizen, not far away in Baker's Row, told him about the woman, and then walked on to work

when some workmen rushed towards him and told him about the dead woman

Her history told a sad story

The next day she told Amelia she did not feel well

'Don't spend it on rum,' she told Annie

She told the deputy that she did not have any money, but asked him to keep her bed because she wanted to return with the money

He found her safe with some club members and told them about the woman

Mr Lawende told the police later, 'I don't think I can recognise him again.'

on Saturday 29th, Kelly told her to be careful about the Whitechapel killer.

But another witness told a different story.

'I hope it will be a fine day tomorrow,' Mary had told Mrs Prater the morning before, 'as I want to go to the Lord Mayor's Show.' At 10.45 on Friday morning Mary's landlord, John McCarthy, was checking his accounts in his shop at 27 Dorset Street

He told Bowyer to go to Commercial Street Police Station

At 1.30 when the news came that the dogs were not coming, he told McCarthy to break open the door

'And he told you,' the bishop finished the sentence for him, 'that an old priest had given it to him? Yes, he was telling the truth.'

'The child is lucky to have a home at all,' they told everybody.

The Thenardiers wrote her a frightening letter in which they told her that Cosette had no clothes, and that they needed ten francs immediately to buy her a new dress

'I'm happy,' she told herself

Madeleine sent the Thenardiers 300 francs and told them to send Cosette to Montreuil immediately

I was angry with you six weeks ago when you told me to release that woman

I wrote to the police headquarters in Paris and told them about you.'

'The police headquarters in Paris told me that Jean Valjean was arrested last autumn for stealing apples,' Javert explained

He sat by her bed for an hour and then, having told the nurses to look after her, he returned to his home

She let him carry the bucket up the hill and, as they walked back towards the village, she told him everything about her life with the Thenardiers

But before she could start her knitting, she heard Mme Thenardier's angry voice demanding, 'Where's the bread I told you to get?'

Paying her six months in advance, he told her that he was a ruined Spanish gentleman, and that the little girl was his granddaughter.

Gillenormand always told him that his father had been no good - that he was a poor soldier and a drunk who had abandoned him after his mother's death

'I can feel her whole soul in it!' he told himself

'If only I hadn't followed them home,' he told himself

Then, turning to his wife, he said, 'Quickly! Put out the fire!' While she poured water on the flames, the man broke the chair with his foot and told his younger daughter to break a window

Leblanc told Jondrette.

Leblanc and told him about his debts.

He told the two girls to leave the room and then, when alone with his wife, he said, 'And I recognized the girl too

Marius told Javert about the morning's events

When he told Javert his address, he noticed the inspector's eyes light up with great interest

Finally, he asked Marius for his door key and told him to go home and hide quietly in his room so that his neighbours would think he was out.

Jondrette quietly told his wife to dismiss the carriage, and when she had left the room, turned back to his visitor.

When Jean Valjean returned from his business the following day, Cosette told him about the noises in the garden

He told her not to worry, but she noticed an anxious look in his eyes

'Father told me this morning that I have to pack everything and be ready to leave for England within a week.'

I haven't told you, Cosette, but I'm a poor man

Marius told his grandfather all about Cosette and how much he loved her

Now she was gone, he told himself, he had no future

As he was eating, Toussaint told him about the fighting in the city, but he did not pay much attention

'It's your duty not to die,' he told them

Valjean told him his name and stood, without moving, as Javert approached and stared into his eyes.

'Number 7, rue de l'Homme-Arme,' he told the driver.

'There's something I have to say to you,' Marius told his grandfather one day.

Having been a mayor, he knew how to solve an awkward problem: the question of Cosette's real family He told everybody that he was not her father, but her guardian

He told her that the money came from a man who preferred to remain unknown

He knew that if he told Cosette and Marius the truth, he would spoil everybody's happiness and he would lose their love and respect

Marius listened quietly as Valjean told him everything about his life

Finally, in a state of shock and confusion, the young man said, 'Why have you told me all this? No one forced you to.'

'You mustn't call me "father" any more,' he told her

One evening in April, he called at the usual time but was told that Cosette had gone out with her husband

The manager of the bank told me this himself

'I told you that I do not like to see a man accused unjustly, but I do like to see a man punished for crimes he has committed.'

Thenardier sat down and told Marius about the time he had helped Valjean to escape from the Paris sewer.

When Thenardier had left, unable to believe his good fortune, Marius ran to find Cosette and told her everything immediately.

"I told you: I don't drive it

I told them I had a pain in my side, and the doctors thought it was my appendix

"Now, son, I told you that any man can listen, didn't I?" it says

"And I also told you that God is in the detail

Then Greg was on the floor; Brandon wanted to stop and help him, but Greg told him to run

"You said it was easy!" he shouts again and recalls the first time his brother had told him about the plan.

That is what Greg told the hotel, even if that part was not true.

I saw the tracks from your truck, and I told the police, but I made sure I found the cabin first

The chief inspector told us to come, but he didn't say why."

I told him to apologise, and then we argued

There is a snap from behind the trees, and Owen thinks that maybe he should put his gun down, in a bush, nice and carefully like he told Junior to do

I never told Mr Wynn."

"Wild roses used to grow near our house, when I was young," she told Sala

Don't mention that on the ultranet, she told herself

We argued, and I told Apat we had to leave early," she finished miserably

When I told Mom about it, she looked so hopeful I thought she'd cry

"Tomorrow afternoon," Sala told her.

"In fact, I've been looking into that Pod Life thing that Ding told us about

But whenever she thought about lying in a pod for months, her stomach seemed to turn over and over - in spite of what she'd told Cham.

"These are your body suits," Zee told them

And take your time," she told them

"That's what I told Niki." Sala hesitated

"I'm counting the weeks until I can sign up," Niki told her

She pulled Cham away from the entrance and quickly told him the news about Gran's letter.

"Why not? I told you - I have to."

The government has lied to us - it's not contaminated like we've been told

This is it, she told herself.

"Your grandmother told you how she and her brother used the fruit to play tricks on people

"The only person I've told is Cham."

But Wena knew that Sala had told Cham about the rose fruit, didn't she? Anyway, Sala needed to tell Cham to try and persuade him not to go into a pod.

"It's that woman," Sala told him

She took me to an earth apartment and told me what they're doing."

"Who told you this?"

"He's just joking," she told the girls

"I told you before

Next time, it will be fine, she told herself.

Don't be silly, she told herself

"So why hasn't Wena told me anything?" Sala rubbed her eyes

Cham told them all about skiing, snowboarding, riding a horse.

"I'm so sorry I told him," she said guiltily.

Look normal, she told herself

We'll heat them, she told herself

'I'll take my coffee in the lounge,' Mrs Van Hopper told the waiter, 'straight away.'

Go and ask the waiter for another cup,' Mrs Van Hopper told me.

'Madame is in the bedroom,' I told him

'You have flu, Madame,' the doctor told her

I told him about Mrs Van Hopper's illness.

I told him about my father, who had been a painter

'You forget,' I told him, 'that you have a home and I have none.'

I told him that I was going to do some sketching

He told me about the gardens and the flowers in the woods

He told me about the sea

He told me about a little, secret valley close to the sea

I remembered what Mrs Van Hopper had told me about de Winter's wife.

I have told you everything

Forget everything I told you

Someone has told her, I thought

'Mr de Winter is out this evening,' he told me

'I haven't time,' I told him

'My sister, Beatrice, is coming over to lunch with her husband,' Maxim told me

Maxim had told me how hard Frank Crawley worked for Manderley

Maxim had told me nothing

Frank Crawley told me a lot about Manderley

I told her about Mrs Van Hopper and how surprised she had been.

'My dear child,' Beatrice answered slowly, 'I thought Maxim had told you

'This path brings us to the valley I told you about,' Maxim told me

He told me what a good agent he was and how he loved Manderley.

Frank had told me to forget the past

'It's all a mistake, Mrs Danvers,' Maxim told her

'Mr de Winter will be back at about six this evening,' Frith told me.

'You looked quite different when I saw you before,' Beatrice told me

'He was here yesterday,' I told her

Never mind who told me

'If you look pretty, I don't mind what you put on,' he told me.

I shall wear a beautiful dress at the Ball, I told myself

Maxim and Frank asked me about my costume but I told them nothing

'You won't know it's me,' I told them

'He's taken one of the sailors to hospital,' Frank told me

'Captain Searle, the harbour-master, is on the phone, Madam,' he told me

'Mr de Winter is not back yet, Robert,' I told him

'What are you trying to tell me? Captain Searle told me about the boat

When I married her, people told me I was the luckiest man in the world.'

Do you remember? She sat there in the car and told me terrible, evil things about herself

I would never tell people all the terrible things she had told me.'

I told her that Manderley was mine

'Then Frank came to me and told me he wanted to leave

I told Rebecca that I would shoot Favell if he came to Manderley again.

"This is the end," I told her

'But Rebecca is dead,' I told him

'Tell Mrs Danvers to order something different,' I told him

He told me he was bringing Colonel Julyan and Frank back for lunch.

'The inquest will be on Tuesday afternoon,' Colonel Julyan told us

'It's you I'm sorry for,' Maxim told me sadly

'It won't last much longer,' he told me

'You have told us that the door and windows of the cabin were shut?'

'Maxim has told me to take you back to Manderley.' Frank helped me to get up.

'Maxim may be some time,' Frank told me

He could not know how much Maxim had told me

'You heard the verdict,' Maxim told him

Mr Favell has told us that Mrs de Winter was in love with him

If it was something important, she would have told me.'

"If I'm really ill, I want to know." So I told her.'

I told her that

'Favell can't do anything,' Colonel Julyan told us

'Frank told me something rather strange on the phone

'You've slept for two hours,' Maxim told me

Carol Hirson, a cocktail waitress who was a friend of Tina's, had told her about the unlucky Texans a few minutes ago

Stop, Vivienne told herself

And if he were lying, he wouldn't have told her the story about Charlie and coffee, for that could be substantiated or disproved with only a minimum of effort; he would have come up with a better alibi if he really needed one

"Helen Mainway told me he died a little over a year ago."

She told him about the bizarre things that had been happening to her lately: the messages on Danny's chalkboard; the wreckage she'd found in the boy's room; the hateful, taunting words that appeared in the computer lists and on the monitor.

She told herself that sex was just like riding a bicycle, impossible to un learn, but the frivolousness of that analogy didn't increase her self-confidence.

She had told him about the dreams, but he hadn't realized, until now, how terrible they were

Elliot did as he was told

"The only way you could have found out about the exhumation so quickly is if Kennebeck told you."

The truth of it isn't anything like the version everyone's been told

We haven't been told the details, not even half of them

"I told you

That's what both the authorities and the mortician had told her

While Elliot drove, he told Tina what had happened at his house: the two thugs, their interest in the possibility of Danny's grave being reopened, their admission that they worked for some government agency, the hypodermic syringes...

As they continued west on Charleston Boulevard, Tina said, "Earlier you told me we couldn't go to the police with this."

"But you told me you respected Kennebeck

"Remember the nightmares I told you about?"

"I haven't told you the worst part."

Tina told Elliot about The Boy Who Was Not Dead.

He had told Tina that Kennebeck's bosses were not omniscient

Neddler told me all about them."

Most of the questions were concerned with how much Tina knew about the true nature of the Sierra accident, how much she had told Elliot, how much she had told Michael, and with how many people she had discussed it

He's probably been told only what he needs to know."

As the white-haired cashier grasped the plug in his arthritis-gnarled hands and wiggled it back and forth in the wall socket, trying to free it, Tina almost told him to stop

"Listen," she said excitedly, "we thought someone was sending me messages about Danny being alive just to rub my face in the fact that he was actually dead - or to let me know, in a roundabout fashion, that the way he died wasn't anything like what I'd been told

Maybe there was an accident, but it wasn't like anything we were told

they think someone involved with Project Pandora has turned on them and told me what really happened to Danny

I told him not to worry

Obviously, like I told you, Danny isn't telepathic exactly

Surely, if someone from Project Pandora had told her what had happened to that busload of scouts, she wouldn't have reacted to the news with equanimity

"I told you he wouldn't go back there."

"You don't have anything to say about it," Dombey told him bluntly

Tina didn't have to be told to remain silent

The clerk requested ID or a major credit card, and Elliot told a sad story of being victimized by a pickpocket at the airport

After the old man hung up, Alexander called his own office, in no mood to be told that Elliot Stryker and Christina Evans were still at large

They hadn't told him anything about Danny

Tina said, "Elliot, listen, I told you he would show us where he's being kept, and he drew that route for us

"You're probably right," Elliot told Tina

"A Jeep or an Explorer - anything with four-wheel drive," Tina told Elliot

"According to the map, we're looking for an 'unpaved, nondirt' road," Tina told him.

"It could be a new lump of brain tissue," Dombey told him.

They passed a few signs that told them the lane they were using was kept open for the exclusive benefit of federal and state wildlife officers and researchers

Minutes ago, when Tina had first peered through the observation window, when she had seen the frighteningly thin child, she had told herself that she would not cry

Weeping, she cradled him, rocked him, crooned to him, and told him that she loved him.

He told the guards he was going snowshoeing for a couple of hours

"Who told you your son was here? Who let you into the labs?"

To Hensen, who had the submachine gun, Alexander said, "Like I told you, waste Stryker right away, but not the woman."

The studio executive who brought the project to the network is, I am told, no longer in the business

He at least seemed to understand what I said, and told me he would pick me up and take me to my brother's house.

Something to do with the disintegration of solid objects, he told me.'

They took away some of his instruments, but told the commissaire that the most interesting documents and instruments had been destroyed.

I told the servants that I would have only a light supper and that I was not to be disturbed afterwards

For a year before his death, my husband had told me about some of his experiments

It was the first time he told me about his experiments and he came running into the house and threw the ashtray into my hands.

'Do you remember I once told you about some mysterious flying stones in India? They come flying into houses as it thrown from outside, even though the doors and windows are closed.'

I told them a fly had escaped from the Professor's laboratory and that it must be caught alive

I told him that it had not.

When Griselda told me, I was shocked.

'I've thought about what you said at lunch,' she told me, 'and I've found some good things to eat.'

I told him that people had been saying that since the beginning of time, and a strange little smile touched his lips

I told him that was a cruel thing to say.

When I returned at about a quarter to four, Mary told me that Mr Redding was waiting for me in the study.

I was told that Mr Abbott of Low Farm was dying and asked to come at once.

So I told Mary that I would try to be back by six-thirty, and left.

I told him you would be back soon and that Colonel Protheroe was waiting in the study

Then Mary came to tell me that Griselda was back, so I went to the sitting room and told her everything

We thought that Inspector Slack would come and ask me what it was I had wanted to tell him, so we were surprised when Mary told us that he had gone

She had seen Anne Protheroe just after the Inspector had told her the news.

As we walked over to Old Hall, I told Melchett and Haydock how I had seen Redding and Mrs Protheroe kissing in the studio

Immediately after they had left, Mr Clement rang up and I told him that they had gone out.'

She paused, 'I told him..

'I've told you everything

And I told him about the clock.

And I've told Dr Stone that I must have regular times off

So I told Griselda everything that had happened that morning, then rang the bell for Mary

Mary told him that Colonel Protheroe was there, so he went in - and shot him - just as he said he did!'

'Mary had told him that you wouldn't be in till half-past six, and he was willing to wait until then

So I met Mrs Protheroe that evening at a quarter past six and told her my decision

'At the front door, I was told that he was out, but that Colonel Protheroe was in the study waiting for him

'Is it true, what Dr Haydock told me?'

Then he told me to go and sit at the desk

Inspector Slack told me to return to the other side of the room

It was then that I told him Miss Marple's theory.

'But this man hadn't even heard of it till I told him!' she cried

As we sat down, I told him that we now knew the time of the shot.

I told him he should be in bed but he said that he was perfectly well

'Have you told the police about that man Archer threatening Protheroe?'

if Colonel Protheroe had told you something...'

Lawrence Redding told how he had found the body, and admitted that the pistol belonged to him.

I told of my appointment with Protheroe and the phone call asking me to go to the Abbotts' house

The inspector had told me she wasn't sure of the time when he questioned her, but she was sure now.

Then I saw Lawrence Redding on the other side of the road, and told Mr Cherabim that I had to speak to him.

'I didn't hear much,' she told him.

'She's staying,' I said, and told them what had upset Mary.

She told me so.'

'And I think the Inspector should be told about it.'

I hoped it would get her into trouble.' I told her that I would return the earring to Anne and say nothing about how I had found it.

So he told the girl to put on these old clothes and go and hide the suitcase in the woods

'When Lawrence came here, I told you that I had only known him slightly before

I told him about Stone.

'The police aren't sure.' I then told him that I was worried about my curate, Hawes, and that I was anxious that he should get away for a rest.

So I told him about my talks with Miss Hartnell and Miss Wetherby

Then I told her about the three notes I had received that afternoon

I told her about the picture at Old Hall with the person's face cut

I told her how Miss Cram had behaved at the police station

And I also told her about the shiny brown stone I had found

And Lettice told her that she didn't clean properly

They told me the line was busy

I have always liked Mrs Protheroe but I soon realized that she would do anything Lawrence Redding told her

'That's what she told you,' said Miss Marple

'You may think differently,' said Melchett, 'when you have heard what we now know.' And he quickly told him about Miss Marple's explanation of the crime

And then he told him of her idea.

She wandered into my study and told me that she had always been sure her stepmother was involved

Anyway, she went to see father and told him she was dying and wanted to see me so much

And then she told me that I should have trusted her.

She had at last told the police that she had taken the suitcase to the woods, but had thought she was protecting Dr Stone's archaeological discoveries from his enemies.

I told Ogilvy, and he took my place and watched the cloud of gas growing as it rose from the surface of the planet

He met some local people who were up early, but the story he told and his appearance were so wild that they would not listen to him

When Ogilvy told him all he had seen, Henderson dropped his spade, put on his jacket and came out into the road

I failed to find Lord Hilton at his house, but was told he was expected from London by the six o'clock train

I went into the dining-room, sat down, and told her the things that I had seen.

When I saw how white her face was, I began to comfort her and myself by repeating all that Ogilvy had told me about the impossibility of Martians capturing the Earth.

He told me that during the night the Martians had been surrounded by soldiers and that field-guns were expected.

They told me that no one was allowed over the bridge

I talked with them for a time and told them of my sight of the Martians on the previous evening

An engineer told me that this was done by a man crawling forwards with a flag on a long pole

'They come from Weybridge and Walton, and they said guns have been heard at Chertsey, heavy firing, and that soldiers told them to move out at once because the Martians are corning

A man later told me that he had watched from a church roof as the smoke filled his village

It told the people of London that they had to run away.

He was told that the Midland Railway Company had started running trains again, and was taking people north from St Albans

I lay there unconscious for a long time, the curate told me, and when I woke up he was wiping my face with a wet handkerchief.

I told the curate that I was going to look for food, and moved back into the kitchen again

In the end I moved between him and the food and told him that I was going to take control.

They have told me since that I was singing a crazy song about 'The Last Man Left Alive! The Last Man Left Alive!' Although they were troubled with their own affairs, these people were very helpful to me

Very gently, when my mind was working again, they told me all they knew about what had happened in Leatherhead

'Anyway, I told you that there is a cottage near our house

I told her that I was her neighbour, and asked her if she needed any help.

She told me that she had wanted some fresh air, but I did not believe her

'When I saw my wife again I told her that there could be no peace between us until she told me the truth

I sent the servant a hundred pounds, and told her to come to this cottage

'You told me about her arrival in the cottage, and that night I had to see her, and that was the beginning of my troubles

I told him about what I had read at the library.

William Harris told us how he felt when he went to bed

Then George stood up, and told us how he felt at night.

I told Harris, 'You get the paper and pencil

He told us about the people killed on the river, and about the bad weather report.

George and Harris had told Montmorency and me to stand at the back of the boat

You told me to sit there

We had tried to wash them in the river, as George told us

George told us about a man he knew

'We'll return at half past ten for the dog and for a good supper,' I told the restaurant owner.

'I have told my sister about you,' said Mercy.

'I like a quiet life, and recently I had such an adventure that I don't want another one for years.' As we ate breakfast side by side like two old friends, I told Miss Halcombe about the woman in white

She listened with interest and looked surprised when I told her the part about Mrs Fairlie.

'After the story you told me this morning, I've been reading my mother's old letters,' said Miss Halcombe

I told her that blonde girls look nice in white

I know you haven't told Laura that you love her

After lunch, Miss Halcombe told me about Mr Hartright's adventure on Hampstead Heath and her mother's letter describing Anne Catherick

He told us that Mrs Catherick, Anne's mother, had been a servant in his family for many years before leaving to get married

Mrs Catherick told him that she wanted to put Anne in a private asylum, but she did not have enough money

I told him not to sign the settlement unless the part about the twenty thousand pounds remained as I had first written it

The man was too lazy to look after the interests of his own niece! I went to Limmeridge the next day and told him that no one should sign a marriage settlement like this - it gave the husband a large financial interest in the death of his wife! But Mr Fairlie did not want to listen

This morning he spoke to me, and this afternoon I told Laura what he had said: 'He was very generous

She told him he was free to break the engagement.

I went to Laura's room and told her what I had heard

Later, when we were alone, he told me he had only married me for my money

I told Laura the good news, then she went for a walk alone by the lake, and I went to my room

How she hates him! She said that her mother had told her a secret - Percival's secret - and when he discovered that Anne knew it, he put her in the asylum.-'

I know you spoke to her yesterday.' Laura told him everything, but he did not believe her

Laura told me what had happened through the door

'He saw that I was upset, and I told him why.'

I'm sure she told them

When I returned, Sir Percival told me that Count Fosco and the Countess had left for London

When she met me she told me - very gently - that my love was dead.

On the train Miss Halcombe told me everything that had happened since she last wrote to me.

Mrs Michelson told me that Laura had gone to London, where she'd become ill and died! This terrible news made me ill again, and I was unable to leave that house for another three weeks

I told him I was suspicious about the circumstances of Laura's death

Mr Kyrle investigated and told me that he saw nothing suspicious

He told me that Count Fosco had accompanied the body from London and had gone to the funeral (which my uncle himself had been too ill to go to)

He told everyone in the village that Sir P had been my lover and that Anne was Sir P's child

He then told me what he had done to the register and he explained what the law does to people who commit that crime

Sir F told Sir P the truth when he was dying

Anne was in the room, and he told her to leave rather rudely

Marian had told Laura that we had moved to a new house because it was in a nicer part of London

When I saw him, I told Laura that I was going for a walk, and went out to him

He told me that Percival was dead, and that you were investigating Percival's secret when he died

The next day we told Laura that her husband was dead and that her marriage, the greatest error of her life, was over.

Mr Kyrle told us that if she could not remember what had happened to her, we had no hope of proving her identity.

One evening he got into a cab and told the driver to go to the opera house

You told me long ago that you couldn't explain them to me, but this is an emergency

I was still thinking about what Pesca had told me when I walked back from his apartment that night

I told her that Lady Glyde had sent me

I told her to meet me in the village the next day

Why should he listen to a mad woman? I told him that Anne was even more confused than before; she now believed she was Lady Glyde

In her, book Letters on Education (1790), Catharine Macaulay - the first English female historian - told mothers and fathers to educate their girls

Newspapers and magazines told women to keep a nice, clean home while their husbands were at work

Her father did not want her to be a scientist because it was difficult for women, and he told her to study something different

Her teacher told her to become a runner

Still, she told her mother that she was going to be number one in the world

Alyssa told women to write about sexism and harassment on social media to show how big the problem was