How to use "try" in a sentence


I try to push against the boulder with both hands

I scream and pull hard to try and free myself

I try again

The second plan is to try and lift the boulder using some of my equipment

I try plan one

I decide to try and build some kind of seat

I will use my ropes, webbing and carabiners to try and lift the boulder and free my hand

I try and lift the boulder again by pushing down on the rope with my feet.

I didn't try hard enough the last time

I need to be brave and try again.

When everything is ready, I try to cut through the skin of my arm with the longer knife

I try not to listen.

When it's open, I try and lift it towards my mouth

I'll try to stay alive as long as I can, but I can't imagine living longer than one more day

I try lifting the boulder once more

I try and forget about the bird and pick up the camcorder

I try to drop the rock, but the fingers of my hand won't open.

When we re near land, we have to try to escape."

When we get close to a country we know, we'll try to escape."

"We can take the ship up, then try to free the monster."

We have to try!"

'I'll try and tell you,' said Alice

We didn't talk, but after about an hour, I asked, 'Can I try it?' and he said 'OK', and gave me the harmonica

But I just try to do the right thing.'

Several people wanted to try arm-wrestling with me again, and I said OK

None of them won because I was too strong, but plenty of people wanted to try their luck.

I am crying while I write this, but please don't try to find me.

But most of the time I just try to do the right thing.

'You will try to argue that I was responsible for Beckwith's condition - and for his eventual death

But Polly went away along Whitechapel Road to try and get some money

'I honestly didn't know that you had lost your job, but I'll try to help you now

You know where to find me, and I shall not try to escape.'

'I'm going to try something.'

For the sake of Cosette's happiness, he would have to try and save the life of the man she loved - the man he hated more than any other in the world.

I promise not to try and escape

I try to be good to him, and this is how he rewards me!'

I try to remember my face, I try to remember the colour of my hair or what my eyes look like

I try to remember anything, but I cannot! I have no idea who I am.

I try to stand, but then I realise that my head hurts and that there is a sharp pain behind my right ear

I try to remember the image, and I see that there is a piece of cloth in her mouth so that she cannot speak and that she is tied to a large grey stone by thick white ropes.

I try not to think of anything but the direction I am moving in, but I am starting to remember things now

Do I hear voices in the fog behind me? I try to turn to look, but the fog behind me is too thick, and I only see the occasional light in the distance.

"I just want Catherine," I say, but I can see the hate in the man's eyes, and I know that the only thing I can do now is run to the stone where I know she is tied and try to escape into the fog with her.

And when I try to speak to him, he..."

But I can try."

Well, they can try!

They try to stop her, but she runs into the burning building

And you try to remember what it was, but you cannot.

So you listen, and you look, and you try to remember what it was that woke you

But this is just your imagination, your fear, and you know that and try to stay calm and focussed.

You try to see the clock in the dark, but it is impossible, and you think that it must be somewhere between four and six o'clock: the darkest hours of the night when even the lively and vibrant city of Manchester sleeps.

He pauses for a moment to try and remember what he has to do next, but then the door to the church opens again, and three women enter

You can hit me, or you can try to scare me, but I never cheat!"

Sala couldn't believe how much her life was suddenly changing, but she didn't try to discuss it with Cham

But Wena knew that Sala had told Cham about the rose fruit, didn't she? Anyway, Sala needed to tell Cham to try and persuade him not to go into a pod.

Could she try to persuade him? Would he listen?

Maybe you could try again."

Then when you get faster, you can try more difficult ones."

I can't injure myself, so I get up and try again

"I can try to contact them again, if you like."

We've been having a lot of fun! This week, they gave us the chance to try snowboarding as well as skiing."

But let's try to stay calm." She looked at Sala's mom

"You can try to talk to him then."

She had to try

If you come out of the pod, we can try and find it together

'She may try to make things unpleasant for you,' Beatrice went on

'I do try

Why don't you try it? Why don't you go?'

I must try and get out of the door, I thought

'Now you do! And Bud, you try to stop Nathan, but he gets away.'

Shortly before noon, two high rollers from Dallas sat down at a blackjack table and, in three hours, lost a quarter of a million bucks; they were laughing and joking when they left the table to try another game

But there's a lot of sense in what Joel says, so I'm going to try to play it cool."

"I'll try not to slurp my soup."

She wasn't sure she would be able to get any more sleep, but she had to try

She decided to try his number again in half an hour.

As they walked, Michael continued to try to amuse her by telling her about other unusual maladies to which gamblers were prone.

We can have it again if we really want to try for it."

"My God, Elliot, did someone really try to kill you?"

"Are you going to try to lose them?"

"I'm not just going to try."

"You said we could go to a reporter, try to get media interest brewing

And I want to be damn sure before we try to go public with it

So he has to try to reach me as best he can."

"Maybe he doesn't feel close enough to Michael to try reaching him

"We'll try it," Alexander said

"We'll try the purloined letter trick," Elliot said

He didn't try to pretend otherwise with himself, no matter what face he had to present to the world

"He's going to try, I think

"Well, bunkum or not, I'm going to try something like that

Let me try again."

Lunatics and just plain irrational people didn't intentionally try to amuse.

"But I guess we can try."

They're going to try to get into the laboratory," Alexander said

I'm going to cut up this next valley and then swing back around toward the installation and try to avoid some of these crosscurrents

Nice try

I decided I would try to question Helene myself.

Instead, I decided to try a sudden attack.

Of course I never thought that he would try an experiment with a human being, not then anyway

Look carefully and try to find a fly which ought to be there, but which I am unable to find

'Please try, Andrei' I said.

I have tried seven times already, but to please you I will try again

'My dear,' I said, 'if you would only try...'

So I told Mary that I would try to be back by six-thirty, and left.

'I'll go and try this evening,' said Lawrence

Because someone who had just committed a murder would, of course, try to behave normally

'We have to try not to kill them,' he said, 'if it can possibly be avoided.'

When we got to Sheen, the curate said that he felt unwell and we decided to try one of the houses.

Then he slept for some time and began again with even more strength, so loudly that I had to try to stop him.

Every time the planet Mars comes near to us, I worry that they might try again

Now two of you try to put it up.

Harris said, 'Let's ask George to try the maze, on our return trip.'

Nobody wanted to try the water

Once people try my scrambled eggs, they always want them.'

We decided not to try scrambled eggs again, until Harris had the right pan and stove.

George said, 'Well, I don't want to try anything new

Harris said, 'If you never try anything new, you'll never discover things

I also heard that you were foolish enough to try to save him

Women must try to do things as men have tried."

"You must try

The soldiers try to enter