How to use "turned" in a sentence


The Captain turned away from me.

Captain Nemo turned on the outside lights.

He turned to help his own man, but it was too late

Who was this woman? Was it his wife? My leg hit a table and Captain Nemo turned around.

When the Mouse heard this, it turned round

He turned to Alice

'I want to tell you something important.' Alice turned and came back again.

Alice heard the sound of many feet and turned round.

She turned to Alice and said, 'What's your name, child?'

The Queen turned away from him angrily

The Queen turned to the little tree and looked at it carefully

Alice turned round and there was the White Rabbit next to her.

Suddenly, I heard a voice shout, 'Forrest!' I turned round - and saw Jenny!

So I pulled down my trousers, turned round and showed him.

I started to walk towards her, but she turned and walked away

Slinkton turned quickly away from us for a second and put his hand to his mouth

When he drove his cart into the entrance to Dutfield's Yard, the pony turned to the left and refused to go on

When McCarthy looked through the window, his face turned pale

The anger of the crowd also turned against Jews, who were threatened and abused

'Of course.' The innkeeper turned to look at him

'Brother.' Mile Baptistine turned to the bishop, who was sitting by the fire

The bishop turned to the man

He turned back to the room, picked up his bag and took out a short iron bar, sharpened at one end

He suddenly turned away and moved quickly to the cupboard

The boy, suddenly afraid of the mad, fierce look in Valjean's eyes, turned and ran.

The mayor turned to Inspector Javert and said, in a soft, firm voice, 'This woman must be released.'

Madeleine, who was holding her hand, turned and saw Inspector Javert

She stared wildly at the two men, then turned to the nurse

He turned again to Fantine and looked for one last time at her sad, pale face and empty, blue eyes

Then he rose and turned back to Javert.

As they were approaching the inn, Cosette turned to him and said, 'May I have the bucket now? If Mme Thenardier sees that someone has been helping me, she'll beat me.'

She turned her back on the room and began to play with it, hoping that no one could see what she was doing

'She's touched it with her dirty hands!' Then, hearing Cosette crying, she turned to the little girl and shouted, 'Stop that noise!'

A few minutes later, having heard only silence, he turned round

The robber took the ring but, as he turned to leave, the hand grabbed his jacket

Without intending to, he stopped, turned round and walked past the bench again

Miserably, he turned back to the house

'We'll know what to do about it.' And then, as he was going to leave the room, he turned to his wife and said, 'You know, it's lucky he didn't recognize me

'Good.' Then he turned to his daughters

Jondrette quietly told his wife to dismiss the carriage, and when she had left the room, turned back to his visitor.

'Excellent.' He turned to M

Then he turned to the prisoner and said in a slow, threatening voice, 'What did you hope to gain by giving me a false name and address?'

He turned to speak to another policeman but, when he looked back, he saw that the prisoner had gone

Marius turned his back to her and said, 'Then I shall have to go away.'

Marius turned and was surprised to see her smiling.

I wear a cheap hat, my jacket has lost half its buttons and there are holes in my boots.' He turned away from her and stood with his face pressed to the trunk of a tree, almost ready to faint

Gillenormand turned away with disgust.

He then turned slowly to the old man, bowed deeply and said, 'Four years ago you insulted my father

All heads turned to stare in the direction of the voice

A white face was turned towards him and the voice asked, 'Do you recognize me? It's Eponine.'

Enjolras, inside the wine shop, turned to Javert, who was still tied to the post.

He had only gone a few steps, however, when he turned and looked at Valjean

At one point he had to walk waist-deep through water, and almost sank as the ground turned to sand beneath his feet

Valjean turned his back to the gate and sank to the ground, his head bowed between his knees

But at the door he half-turned and said, 'Monsieur, if you will permit me, I would like to come and see her

He lay back with his head turned to the sky, the light from the two silver candlesticks falling on his smiling, peaceful face.

She'd turned around quickly and seen a boy: about her age but a little taller, with black hair and dark, smiling eyes..

Your whole body lay inside the pod and it was like your normal life was turned off

Sala turned quickly: a young woman stood there

"Give this to your grandmother," she said, and then turned away.

Cham kissed her, and before Sala could say anything else, he turned and ran out into the rain.

She turned and ran down the street to her apartment block, and soon she was in the dry and rushing upward in the elevator

Instead, she turned the package over, looking for a way to open it

Then she turned to Sala

Sala turned her head, and gasped

The dolphin whistled again, then turned away, its back making an arch in the water

They were almost home when Cham turned to her.

"Like I said, I don't know what else to do." Then he turned to her

Sala did as the woman had said: she turned and walked down the street

Then he turned to Sala

He finished, and turned to Cham's parents, handing them a screen

It turned to orange, and then green.

"We turned it off," said the woman

"Do you mind?" Then he turned to the girls

She turned away, and before Sala could stop her, she picked up her yellow bag and disappeared through the center's doors.

The lights had been turned off; soon she was in complete darkness, so she turned on the lights on her virtual interface to guide her

you're not planning anything with that woman, are you? They teach us to report things like that." Report it? Sala's stomach turned to ice

She turned to me, her eyes shining: 'Go upstairs and find that letter from my nephew, Billy

If you will excuse me...' He turned and walked out of the lounge.

De Winter turned the car carefully, and we drove down the twisting road again

Then he turned to me and spoke.

The paper twisted, blackened and turned to ashes

She turned round and looked at me carefully.

The road turned again

The drive turned and twisted like a snake

We turned the last corner and there was Manderley

I could see their faces, all turned towards us

Then she turned and went quietly out of the room.

As I turned to go back to the stairs, I heard a door open behind me

We turned and walked back into the house.

We turned on to the left-hand path, not saying anything

Maxim turned to me, laughing and wiping the hair out of his eyes

He turned away and walked back towards the sea.

I turned away as he helped me off with the raincoat

'It turned over and sank

Frank turned away from me so that I could not see his face.

I turned the handle of the nearest door and went inside

I turned quickly

Then I turned and walked into the corridor

When he heard the door open, he turned round quickly.

Maxim turned away.

Beatrice turned to me.

I turned and ran up the stairs

The fireworks rose into the sky and turned into stars and flowers

The lights had been turned off

I turned the handle of the door and went inside.

She turned to me and I saw that her eyes were red with crying

She turned her head away from me.

She turned her back on me and went along the corridor

I turned away.

The sea-cocks had been turned full on.'

He opened the book and turned the pages

The boy became conscious of her gaze and turned toward her

For fifteen years, ever since she turned eighteen, two years before she married Michael, Tina Evans had lived and worked in Las Vegas

As she started toward the door, she caught sight of the easel, stopped, and turned

She turned and looked back at the Golden Pyramid Hotel-Casino

Vivienne gasped, turned

The knob turned, but the door wouldn't open

As soon as she took her finger off the push switch, the radio turned itself on again.

After a brief silence, the radio turned on spontaneously.

From bitterness, pain, tragedy, and unrelenting sorrow, she had turned around to face a horizon lit by rising promise

She yawned and turned over and drifted off to sleep

She stopped at the easel, set it up as it belonged, hesitated, then turned the chalkboard toward her.

When the excitement wears off a little, they go to check out of the hotel, and they discover their three-day weekend somehow turned into five days

She turned away from him and started toward the rear entrance of the hotel, out of which they'd come a few minutes ago.

And as it turned out, Danny didn't have much time left."

Angela had turned the light off

Tina turned it on.

It turned itself on.

Tina turned to Elliot again

They turned out the lights and left the room, closing the door after them.

He switched on a small lamp that stood upon the dresser, and he turned down the sheets.

When at last she drove away, he watched her car until it turned the corner and disappeared, and when she was gone, he knew why he had not wanted to let her go

Kennebeck stood with his eyes closed and his face turned up to the warm winter sun.

Bob retreated to the table, and Elliot turned his attention to the larger intruder.

Frustrated and angry at herself for her inability to solve the puzzle, she turned from the window

Elliot put a hand on her shoulder, stopped her, and turned her around just as they entered the bedroom

Now she turned all the way around and stared through the rear window of the sports car

Their heads turned as the Mercedes rocketed past.

Tina turned to Elliot

"Where to?" Tina asked as Elliot turned west on Charleston Boulevard.

Elliot glanced in the rearview mirror, as he had been doing every minute or two since they'd turned onto Charleston Boulevard

The traffic light turned green.

Elliot turned on the headlights.

"And I sure wouldn't choose to have my nice, peaceful, quiet life turned upside down

When he turned from the motor home, his gaze fell on a dense pool of shadows around the trash bin at the back of the restaurant, and again he had the feeling that someone was watching him from concealment.

She turned to see who had entered the restaurant.

Elliot turned away from the cashier and put a hand on Tina's shoulder

The other customers stopped talking and turned to stare at the stuttering machine.

As Elliot turned away from the machine, the eerily meaningful repetition began again:

Elliot turned away from the jukebox and looked at Tina with concern

they think someone involved with Project Pandora has turned on them and told me what really happened to Danny

The other dealers streamed by, and when Evans finally turned away from the waitress, he was the last in the procession as it moved toward the blackjack pits.

Evans turned, and Bruckster said, "I think maybe you dropped this back there."

Evans's surprised expression turned to shock

Heads turned toward him.

As Kennebeck turned away from the French frigate, beginning to wonder if he ought to get out from under the Network before it collapsed on him, George Alexander entered the study through the door that opened off the downstairs hallway

When he smiled, his mouth turned up slightly at the left corner, giving him a vaguely haughty expression, although at the moment he wasn't smiling.

"We've got men going over the passenger lists of every outbound flight." He picked up an ivory-handled letter opener, turned it over and over in his hands

Angry, frustrated, Kennebeck turned again to the bottle that contained the French frigate

With a distant click, the light that he had just turned off now turned itself on.

"Like hell there isn't!" Zachariah turned away from the video displays, went to the window, and found his own spot of clear glass

The two scientists turned to the glass again and peered into the isolation chamber.

He turned his head toward them and stared at them through the railed sides of the hospital bed in which he lay.

Elliot almost turned in at the entrance, but at the last moment, he decided to drive by the place.

Beyond the cemetery, he turned left, into a residential street

When she turned to Elliot again, she was clearly ready to get the hell out of there, without questions, without argument, without the slightest delay.

He turned his back on the man whom he had killed.

A white Ford sedan had just turned the corner, moving slowly

She turned, and she was looking into the grinning face of Death, as if he were peering out at her from the bowels of Hell

She turned the map over and tried the other side of it.

He turned it around, so the face of it was on the wrong side - the palm side - of his finger

The hypnotist lowered his hand and turned his ring around as it belonged

Elliot turned the map to be able to study it more closely.

They turned to him, startled.

She and Elliot had turned off Interstate 80 a quarter of an hour ago, following the route Danny had marked, circling the edge of the wilderness

Aaron Zachariah turned from the bank of video displays

Zachariah turned to him

The guard stopped halfway to the Explorer and turned toward the gate when he saw it moving, unable to believe his eyes.

Hensen picked up one of the maps and turned it over in his hands

The youngest of the guards heard the door opening, and he turned, shocked.

The man at the computer suddenly turned to the keyboard and started typing.

Most of him was covered, but his head, raised on a pillow, was turned toward the window

He turned away from them, spun the wheel on the steel door, and swung that barrier inward.

The Explorer's engine suddenly turned over.

As it turned out, "network-approved writers" meant pals of the network executive

The commissaire turned to me

I turned and was violently sick in front of a young policeman, whose face was as green as mine must have been.

She turned her head round with such force that I heard the bones crack in her neck

I then disconnected the telephone - I always did this now at night - and turned out all the lights except the lamp on my desk.

I turned the page and began to read.

A traveller would be placed in a cabin at the station, the machine would be turned on, and the traveller would disappear and reappear almost immediately at the chosen receiving station.

You remember the ashtray? Perhaps if you had put it through again, it might have come out with the letters turned back the right way.'

I turned round as the booth door opened.

Then he turned to the doctor

The Inspector turned

'Yes, you can go.' She left the room, and I turned to Griselda

She turned to Colonel Melchett

He turned on me angrily

It is too late for advice now.' Then she turned away

We turned and walked this way, but after a short distance, there were no more broken bushes

She turned to me

He turned immediately to Griselda and as they talked, I heard her say, 'Do you have any ideas about the murder, Mr West?'

She turned it round

I thanked her, replaced the receiver, and turned to Miss Marple

Miss Hartnell's face turned red

'So that was it! Perfectly possible all the time.' She turned to me

I put the phone down, and turned to Melchett

There was the sound of feet, then a key turned in the lock, and a woman opened the door.

Come to see Hawes at once, will you? At once, I say!' He put the phone down and turned to me

So we quickly started to talk about the Protheroe case, and of 'Dr Stone', who had turned out to be a well-known thief

I turned, and as I did the screw came out and the lid of the cylinder fell onto the sand with a ringing sound

I pressed back against the person behind me, and turned my head towards the Thing again

I half-turned, still keeping my eyes on the cylinder, from which other tentacles were now coming out, and began pushing my way back from the side of the pit

I turned and ran madly towards the first group of trees, perhaps a hundred metres away

I fell a number of times because I was running with my head turned round

With an effort I turned and began an unsteady run through the grass.

After I had turned, I did not dare look back.

He turned, stared, shouted something about 'crawling out in a thing like a dish cover', and moved on to the gate of the next house

The cart turned over on the horse and I was thrown sideways

The horse did not move (his neck was broken, poor animal!) and by the lightning flashes I saw the turned-over cart and one wheel still spinning slowly

I turned my desk chair to the window and stared out at the country and, in particular, at the three enormous black Things that were moving around the common

Then the tripod turned and walked away towards where the second cylinder lay.

I turned, but I was not too frightened for thought.

I turned around again and ran towards the approaching Martian, ran right down the stony beach and dived into the water

I turned towards the shore.

My brother turned towards Victoria station, and met a number of people like these

Unable to learn what was happening from his window, my brother went down and out into the street, just as the sky turned pink with the dawn

He looked back and turned to join me.

And where it met with water, or even mist or wet grass, a chemical action took place and it turned into a powder that sank slowly and made room for more.

And as time passed and the engine drivers and firemen refused to return to London, the people turned in growing crowds away from the stations and onto the roads running north

One of the men turned towards him

The man who had run away had now stopped and turned and was following my brother at a greater distance.

He turned to Miss Elphinstone

'We must go that way,' he said, and turned the horse round again.

They turned to the east and climbed a hill

A number of people now, like my brother, were moving to the east, and some were even so desperate that they turned back towards London to get food

And then a quick movement of the steamboat (which had turned to avoid being hit) threw him off the seat on which he had been standing

Here and there along the road, and in Sunbury itself, were dead bodies of horses as well as men, turned-over carts and luggage, all covered thickly with black dust

Through the hole I could see the top of a tree, turned to gold by the evening sun

I turned and saw an unhappy face and silent, moving lips

I turned, tripped over the curate and stopped at the hall door

I turned to the north, towards the iron gates of Hyde Park

I turned and went into Park Road, intending to go round the edge of the park, with houses between us to keep me safe, and get a view of this unmoving, howling Martian from the direction of St John's Wood.

It seemed that it had been driven blindly straight at the house, and had been turned over when the house fell on it.

I turned down St John's Wood Road and ran away from this terrible stillness.

But before dawn my courage returned, and while the stars were still in the sky I turned again towards Regent's Park

I turned and looked down the slope of the hill at those two other Martians that I had seen the previous night

From there the happy news had flashed all over the world; a thousand cities, living in great fear, suddenly- turned on all their lights.

Had I spoken my thought aloud? I turned, and the door to the garden was open behind me

Her face was turned away from us when we entered the room, but we could see she was wearing a red dress and long white gloves

She turned around to us, and I gave a cry of surprise and horror

George turned around and looked

He took George's arm and turned him around.

George and I both turned around to get a spoon

When we turned back, Harris and the meat pie were gone! Disappeared!

He looked at it and turned his head

I turned around quickly in fear and surprise

She got into the carriage, then turned to me and kissed my hand

She turned and walked gracefully towards me

Sir Percival then turned to Miss Halcombe and said, 'My lawyer sent me the copy of that letter

Laura looked at him coldly then turned her back on him

Then he turned from me and nodded to his wife

Anne turned to him and said, 'You're a miserable impostor.' She had no idea what it meant - she was just repeating my words - but Sir P was terrified